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Sunday, December 11, 2016

Prologue from Author Michael Christopher Blocker

Prologue by Michael Christopher Blocker


These are the words I yell as I stare up into one of the largest holes in a gun barrel I've ever seen.  I think to myself that this is a black hole, and I'm about to be thrown into it. I have been caught by a guy that wasn't suppose to be home. According to my contact, everyone was suppose to be out of town. This house was ripe for the picking or at least, that's what I've been told.  Now, it seems as though I've been set up or all the details were wrong.  All I know is that I don't want to die.  I want to see tomorrow and the next day for that matter.  I have to think of something or someway to get out of this.  Looking into that black hole is the worst feeling in the world or that's what I thought until

I heard the hammer being pulled back . . . .

Literary Agents, Investors, Supporters:  Michael Christopher Blocker's first fictional book is being written now. Please stay tuned.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016: McDonald's Sundae and Bojangle's Turkey

The vanilla ice cream turned pastel blue at a Huntersville, NC McDonald's for those enchanted by the "Frozen" movie.  I could not help myself except to add extra hot fudge, whipped cream, and a cherry!  I had a guilty pleasure for the Holiday 2016!

Anna, Elsa and Olaf even scheduled a visit!

Bojangles Deep Fried Turkey came frozen.  I defrosted for a day and a half in the refrigerator.  The turkey was over ten pounds.  It took about 1.5 hours to cook, but it was tender, seasoned, and Delicious!!!  2016 Cost: $42.95 USD plus tax.  It was worth it!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Chief Judge Lisa Godbey Wood: A look at her history!

Photo credit: (The Florida Times-Union)

Judge J. Randal Hall falls under Chief Judge Lisa Godbey Wood jurisdiction.  In June 2016, Judge Lisa Godbey Wood's office was courteous enough to inform me to speak with the clerk of court about my complaint against Judge J. Randal Hall and his denial of Michael Christopher Blocker to a hearing.

Then in October 2016, Judge J. Randal Hall's response to Mr. Blocker's motion for reconsideration was the "wrong answer" as far as I am concerned.  Apparently, my dissatisfaction was unclear or maybe it was clear.  Regardless,  I decided to look into Chief Judge Lisa Godbey Wood's history.

Here's what I discovered associated with Former Senator Charles Walker's "strange" prosecution case:

According to Scott Horton's article ( October 22, 2007 Harper's Magazine)

"However, as promised, Thompson’s successor, Lisa Godbey Wood continued the investigation against Senator Walker. This investigation resulted in the indictment filed against Walker on 142 counts of mail fraud, tax fraud and conspiracy, including numerous counts related directly to his service as a member of the General Assembly. He was accused of “theft of honest services,” which is a standard prosecutorial approach to bringing federal charges against state officials accused of corruption. Following the usual pattern, the indictment was handed down at the beginning of the 2004 election season and was loudly trumpeted to the Georgia press."

Also, regarding Charles Walker, according to Stacey Eidson's article (March 11, 2015 MetroSpirit)

I don’t think you should use the criminal justice system as a weapon against your enemies,” Walker said. “I just don’t think you should use the criminal justice system as a tool in your own war chest in the game of politics. It’s not right.”
Especially when it comes to hurting other members of a person’s extended family, Walker said.

According to the Teresa Stepzinski (May 5, 2010 The Florida Times-Union):

The chief judge serves a seven-year term.  So by my calculations, 2017 marks the end of Chief Judge Lisa Godbey Wood's term.

I remind everyone that a 2007 simple burglary is at the root of all of this discourse.  This matter could have been quietly resolved one year ago (2015) by vacating a life sentence because the 2007 expedited rape kit and DNA report NEVER supported a rape ever occurred.

In the words of U.S. District Judge Dudley Bowen as stated during Charles Walker's sentencing, "he wanted to send a message to other "would-be corrupt politicians." (MetroSpirit, 3/11/15)

Mr. Charles Walker is a prominent Black man who exhausted every angle to get justice and a fair hearing. 

To Southern District of Georgia: Looks like its time to send out a message to the "White" would-be corrupt politicians!!!!!   There's plenty of names to choose from!  
#exonerateMichael from FALSE IMPRISONMENT.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Weight loss with HerbaLife -Losing Inches!

November 2016 Slimming down using Herbalife, tea, aloe concentrate, shakes, bars, and soups.

Meal replacement takes the guess work out of eating and drinking on the go!  In five months, the inches are coming off.  I don't need a body shaper anymore.  The muffin top is melting away. Legs and arms shrunk initially, but now, my mid-drift is finally shrinking too!

I had a body shaper on with the denim jeggings on the left picture.  I am not wearing a bodyshaper on the right picture.  The scale does not show significant weight loss, but my strength exercises build muscle and increase my range of body movement.  

Benefits include:
1) Better bladder control- less weight on the bladder.
2) More sit-down baths - getting up from the floor, bathtub, or any other low seating scenario becomes easier.
3) Bending down is no longer scary.  Tying shoestrings, painting toenails, picking up things off the floor - NO PROBLEM!
4) No seat belt extension needed for airplane flights
5) And getting on your Knees to pray - No more excuses!

HerbaLife products and fitness has improved my quality of life.  I can help you improve yours! Take the journey with me!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Unsecured Credit in North Carolina is an UNTRUTH!

As many are aware by my articles on this blog that I am advocating for a Georgia inmate that is falsely imprisoned.  Since no one has returned my calls and emails requesting the name of the Judge that signed off the bank levy that wiped out my account, it is safe assume that one of the judges in Georgia was up to his usual low-down, ruthless, extortion of life, liberty, and happiness of others.

That is why judges like that run uncontested because people are afraid that their bank accounts will look like mine - negative $42,000.00

Who has time for this crap? Furthermore, in North Carolina, nine year old unsecured credit card debt should not be able to clean out your entire checking account, but North Carolina law says they can wipe you out legally.  

When  ALL my money grew feet and walked the hell out of my account, I was in disbelief at first.  Surely, my money was going to find its way back to my account the same way it left out, but nope, Coastal Federal Credit Union STOLE all my money out of my account.  They did not care that they took my mortgage, business operations money, and overhead expense money.

Damn - Coastal Federal Credit Union just "fucked me without any Vaseline!"  Rape, extortion, and robbery and Coastal Federal Credit Union calls this collection legal.  I hope that they are satisfied.

Anyone considering an unsecured loan  (credit card, etc.) from Coastal Federal Credit Union - DON'T DO IT!!!  (God forbid you become unable to repay the loan.)

Coastal Federal credit union is ruthless.  They smile in your face and act politically correct, but at the end of the day, they want their money even if you have to go homeless.  It's a trap!

All unsecured loans in North Carolina can turn into a judgment if you default and the NC collection process will attempt to take personal property, automobiles, and all your money out of your bank accounts that is not on the exemptions page.

Unbelievable.  My cousin is sentenced to life without parole for burglary in Georgia, and Coastal Federal Credit Union can hit my account when it is at an high and take all of my money before my overhead checks can clear and call it "legal."  I call this "Bull$hit!"  AS a victim, it all feels the same.  I was robbed by Coastal Federal Credit Union.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Does Judge J. Randal Hall Have a Pattern in Florida and Georgia?

In the case of cv 116-034, Michael Christopher Blocker versus the State (Sam Olens),  Judge J. Randal Hall states "A motion for reconsideration should not be used to present arguments already heard and dismissed, or to offer new legal theories or evidence that a party could have presented before the original decision.

My interpretation of J. Randal Hall's statement is: "you can't win!"

D.C. Docket No. 5:13-cv-00113-ACC-PRL

In case 14-14673 (October 21, 2015), an Appeal from the United States District Court for the Middle District of FLORIDA, Judge J. Randal Hall affirms final judgment in favor of the defendants: Gary S. Borders SHERIFF of Lake County, FL and DEPUTY Richard Sylvester.   "Death and false imprisonment" were claims brought by the Plaintiffs in this case, but the sheriff gets cleared.

Another "you can't win?"

D.C. Docket No. 8:13-cv-01215-VMC-TGW

In case 14-15816 (October 6, 2015), an Appeal from the United States District Court for the Middle District of FLORIDA, Judge J. Randal Hall affirms final judgment in favor of the defendants: SECRETARY, Department of Veteran Affairs.   "Employment discrimination and hostile work environment" were claims brought by the Plaintiffs in this case, but the SECRETARY, Department of Veteran Affairs gets cleared.

Another "you can't win?"

D.C. Docket No. 4:13-cv-00131-WS-CAS

In case 14-15412 (October 20, 2015), an Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern District of FLORIDA, Judge J. Randal Hall affirms final judgment in favor of the defendant: Barbara Palmer, Director of the Florida Agency for Persons with Disabilities.

Another "you can't win?"

J. Randal Hall, United States District Judge for the Southern District of Georgia, sitting by designation. (in these Florida cases)

I see a pattern in judgment by Judge J. Randal Hall.  Do you?

If you are against the "system" then "You can't win?"

#exonerateMichael in Georgia!
Florida based Photo credits:

Monday, October 31, 2016

Judge J. Randal Hall displays RACIAL BIAS in DENIAL of Hearing

According  to CV 110-102 Mark Herbert Schmitt v. Susan M. Reimer, et al. Footnote 1 reads:  "While Plaintiff does not identify his motion as an emergency motion for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction, based upon the substance of the motion and Plaintiff's pro se status, the Court shall construe it as such."

Mark Schmitt is a White male with 28 years air traffic control experience and a work safety record in the top one percent of any controller.

Judge J. Randal Hall showed leniency based on Schmitt's "pro se" status to hear the motions as presented.

While, Michael Christopher Blocker, a non-violent Black male pro se petitioner with a  G.E.D. who is simply asking for a hearing is DENIED by Judge J. Randal Hall stating in CV 116-034:  Petitioner's motion offers no facts or law at all, much less any "of a strongly convincing nature."  The best that this Court can discern, Petitioner wants this Court to simply change its mind for no reason at all.


Michael Christopher Blocker whose private attorney and public defender both failed to notice that the expedited DNA Report showed no DNA Match for Rape and with Mr. Blocker's limited education, he has toiled to the best of his ability to vacate a life sentence without parole for a crime that he did not commit for the last nine years.


If Michael Christopher Blocker did not have concrete evidence of gross prosecutorial misconduct surrounding (former A.D.A) Ashley Wright, (former D.A.) Daniel J. Craig, Judge James G. Blanchard, Jr., etc, then a hearing would have already been ordered for "pure entertainment" alone.

However, the Honorable Judge J. Randal Hall continues his pattern to protect the judicial immunity of Judge Daniel J. Craig and associates in his one paragraph order denying Mr. Blocker a hearing that he so deserves based on the very same sentencing transcript that is claimed to be so damaging to his defense.  In reality, the sentencing transcript damages the State more than the defendant.

On a separate note,  Why did it take three months for Judge J. Randal Hall to respond with a one paragraph denial to CV 116-034?  Mr. Blocker's motion for reconsideration asking for another venue as well as a direct response from the Sam Olens, Attorney General, himself was received around 6/28/2016.   Yet, the motion remained pending for three months just for a simple one paragraph denial on 10/5/2016?

If the heist of my bank account was supposed to intimidate me from using my freedom of speech, then you are sadly mistaken.

You all have destroyed the lives of so many families regardless of race, but your biased response to Mr. Blocker's request for a hearing shows an inconsistency in how you construe "Black pro se petitioners" compared to "White pro se plaintiffs."

Maybe the ACLU would be interested in this discriminatory behavior?


Monday, October 24, 2016

Branch Banking and Trust Company (BB&T) Continues to Offend!

So my BB&T balance is STILL negative!  (-$12.00)

They charged me my monthly service fee for the month of October 2016.  For all of the disservice that I have been given this month, I think the $12.00 service fee is a disgrace.

Furthermore, I was told that the fees that were returned to me on 10/21/2016 were a "courtesy" since I called in and appeared in person on 10/17/2016 and asked for credits. My call on 10/17/2016 was to complain about not receiving adequate notice of the levy that was placed on my account.  The representative stated that the State was also to notify me.  I asked why would the State notify me, then she noticed that the levy was not for taxation from the State nor the Feds.  It was "just a levy from the Sheriff's Office."  I asked the branch banker in person for credits, and I was denied.  Then they deposited "$125.00" to cover the non-refundable levy fee and gave me credits for the returned check fees on 10/21/2016.  They also charged their monthly service fee of $12.00. 

 I had my account for 15 years with BB&T, and I sincerely can not tell that the 15 years mean anything to them.

  • I explained how this levy took my mortgage money, and the branch banker explains to me how I should have been paying my debts.
  • I explained how this levy felt like I was a victim of loan sharking, and the branch banker explains to me that no one has threatened to do any physical injury.
  • I explained that I would like the police called so that someone could talk to the Sheriff office about the status of my money, and the branch banker explains to me that I was being selfish and inconsiderate of others because calling the police would result in shutting the bank down and they would lose business.  Why inconvenience others because my account is messed up?

Furthermore, "please feel free to sit in the lobby if you don't have any more questions."

So BB&T takes little to no responsible in destroying my business account and could care less about my 15 years as a member.

Without the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau breathing down their throats, I would have never gotten the credits that  they did give me. So as of 2016, NO, I CAN NOT TELL that BB&T wants my business!!!!  The a$$Hole banker: 
Photo uploaded 5/2018 in order to keep accurate accountability.

Year end 2016: Futuristic Poetic Expression

A Racketeering Example?
A North Carolina case of Extortion?
A Georgia to North Carolina Extradition?
A Georgia Release of an Ex-offender.
A Georgia Judgeship Expires.
Movie Reel, TV Deal, A Smiling facial Expression.
A North Carolina Advocate Exhales.

Poem by Benita Blocker.
Prayers to the Universe.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Georgia Racketeering Reaches North Carolina

Photo credit:

To the Georgia clowns that orchestrated the heist on my business banking account, I was anticipating some backlash, but you all became overachievers!  Too bad you failed to use your law degrees to actually practice "good" and "ethical" law.

Actually, your racketeering skills are getting so good that Coastal Federal Credit Union and BB&T Bank are probably just figuring out that they got played.

  • Why would BB&T jeopardize a 15 year old business account relationship to collect $2000.00 for a "credit card debt" from another "bank?"
  • What ethical judge would even sign off on the "writ of execution" on a business account? 
  • Why would Coastal Federal Credit Union open up a window of scrutiny surrounding legalized loan sharking while barely collecting 5% of the total levy?

It would have been smarter for Coastal Federal Credit Union to hit four $500.00 personal accounts than to hit one $2000.00 business account.

In addition, why would anyone attempt to to halt business operations when they still need the business owner to pay them back?

The bank levy/writ of execution was always personal; never business.

The flags were waving to both Coastal Federal Credit Union and to Branch Banking and Trust Company before the levy money was seized.

Clearly, most bank levies are not solely from the sheriff's office like the one that was used to heist my account.  The FBI should start with the judge that signed off on the writ.  I am quite sure that all trails lead to Georgia.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Coastal Federal Credit Union took my mortgage money from BB&T Bank!

  • Are Financial institutions now Legalized "Loan sharks?"
  • Are credit cards a trap?
  • Are unsecured credit cards really unsecured? 
  • Is your money really under your control in a bank or a credit union?
  • Is there a code of ethics associated with the banks and credit unions' debt collection process?
  • Isn't it easier for banks and credit unions to maintain "fake accounts" versus retain "real accounts?"

Legalized "Loan Shark" Coastal Federal Credit Union instructed the sheriff to:

" . . .  do hereby levy upon Any and all accounts and or assets found at your institution up to, but not to exceed $44,171.01."
Principal: $20,921.23
Interest:  $18,252.06
Court Cost: $ 3,908.18
Other Cost: $ 1029.54
Total DUE:  $44,171.01

Nine years of compounding interest and fees can really add up 
on an unsecured CREDIT CARD in default!

So Coastal Federal Credit Union attorneys "coincidently" levies on my business banking account at the beginining of the month just before my mortgage check is scheduled to clear. BB&T Bank repeatedly returns the mortgage check even though my posted balance is high enough to clear the mortgage.

Notice that the Administrative Hold is for $44,296.01?  Well, BB&T Bank charges $125.00 to extort me out of all of my money. So $44,171.01 + $125.00 = $44,296.01

I have been an accountholder with Branch Banking and Trust Company (BB&T) Bank for over a decade. I would have appreciated a phone call or at least, received a notice in my online banking inbox about the levy against my account.
However, as you can see, BB&T did NOT attempt to personally notify me through my online banking inbox of the Coastal Federal Credit Union's levy against my business banking account. My last inbox message from BB and T Bank was from March 2016.

Actually, BB&T Bank just casually dropped me a letter in the US Postal Mail.  It was NOT certified, and it was delayed in arriving to me.

The Branch Banking and Trust Company letter essentially says that
  • We are taking all your money out of your account.
  • We are taking all additional deposits that you make to your account.
  • We are charging you a non-refundable fee of $125.00 onto your account
  • and call us if we can be of further assistance!
With this kind of customer service surrounding "real accounts," I hope that BB&T doesn't have any "fake accounts."

So what type of customer was I?  My business account was very dynamic.  It had its "highs and lows."

For instance, I was two cents ($.02) SHORT, and BB&T charged me a $36.00 overdraft fee.  I did not even complain.  I did not even ask for a credit nor refund.
Notice my posted balance is negative $36.02?  I was two cents short plus short their $36.00 overdraft fee for a total of -$36.02.  This is how BB&T bank does business.

Also, notice my posted balance on 10/7/2016 was $1,989.35 while my posted balance on 10/5/2016 was $1,474.35. So again, my business account was revolving with deposits and withdraws.

So now, my account has been levied for $2,114.35 which is MORE than my posted balance.

And my new BB&T account balance is still in the negative.  -$197.00 
Well, that's better than the -$42K!!!

Is this all legal?  I am asking the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the National Credit Union Administration  (NCUA) each this very question.

These "loan sharks" ( I mean) bank and credit union seem to be more ruthless the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).  At least, the IRS never takes one's last dime.  They leave a little money for people to live with. Why don't banks and credit unions follow the same courtesy or rules?

Monday, October 10, 2016

J. Randal Hall Denies Motion for Temporary Restraining Order

Schmitt versus Reimer et al (cv 110-102)

Judge J. Randal Hall denied Mark Schmitt's emergency motion for temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction on September 14, 2010. Footnote 3 states " For instance, the Court notes that Judge Craig has asserted the defense of judicial immunity, which may serve as a complete bar to all claims against him. "

My layman's understanding is that Judge Craig contended that he was virtually and literally "untouchable" in 2010. 

He is due for re-election for another 8 year term this year (2016.)  He is running uncontested.  Surely, God will not let this happen.

I have been told by a few people that the FBI and US Marshalls have overlooked accusations surrounding Judge Craig countless times. Some are in disbelief that he is still in power.

The #exonerateMichael campaign has focused on Judge Daniel Craig because he was the District Attorney responsible for the false imprisonment of Michael C. Blocker.  

I suspect that Judge Daniel Craig influenced another North Carolina judge to make me a "pet project."  I have not secured the name of the local NC judge that signed off on the writ of execution and the latest series of extortion attempts against my assets.  However, I will count on the FBI to finish connecting the dots.

Regardless, if my suspicions are correct or not,  I am making room for a new best friend. (A safe.)

Photo credit:

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Coastal Federal Credit Union: Membership does not guarantee Friendship!

BB and T Available Balance: Negative $42,785.66

Most of my associates first responses to my new negative account balance was:
  • Damn!!!
  • Holy Shit!
  • ooooJesus!
  • Wow!
  • "Where did you find that picture?"  (Answer: It is a screenshot of my actual BB and T Banking Account.)
So How did my account become -$42K?

In July 2007, Coastal Federal Credit Union had a judgement filed against me because I became unable to pay a credit card debt.  I regret that my software engineering salary was a thing of the past and now, as a hairdresser in a declining hairdressing market, I was unable to maintain all my financial obligations. I respect Coastal Federal Credit Union's position to protect its members' assets, but they must remember that I am also a member according to their roster. My account is dormant, but I am still a member.

So Coastal Federal Credit Union assigns their attorneys to collect on my $20K+ credit card balance.

This judgement was set to expire at a ten year point around July 2017, but the attorneys turned the judgement into a writ of execution which may extend the collection window to 20 years. I have no problem with this, but here is where the problem comes in:

The original levy (administrative HOLD) on my BB and T bank account on October 3, 2016 was for my EXACT posted balance plus an extra $125. ($1,005.72 +$125 = $1,030.72)

So apparently, someone at BB and T bank was providing my private and personal banking information to conspire and to extort me out of all of my monies in my account. Otherwise, in my opinion, the first documented levy amount should have been independent of my balance.

Further proof that the original levy was not $44,296.01 was because on October 4, 2016, a routine draft from American Express cleared my bank account for around $18.62 and a BB and T $36 Overdraft fee was applied.

However, at some time on October 4, 2016, the bank levy changed from $1,130.72 to $44,296.01.

BB and T Bank owes me some answers.  They have been very courteous this week in refunding some of the return and overdraft fees, and I anticipate that they will investigate this complaint as soon as possible.

In addition, the IRS never "takes people's last penny" out of their account so how can a credit card collection effort empty out a bank account?  North Carolina laws require a nine day hold. 10/3/2016 plus 9 days equals 10/12/2016.  However, the $44k levy did not update until 10/4/2016.  So why didn't the pending date adjust with the levy amount to reflect 10/13/16?

I have been overseeing the #exonerateMichael campaign to free my first cousin from false imprisonment in Georgia.  The circle of judges and attorneys in Augusta, GA that I have identified as showing prosecutorial misconduct have been accused of getting people fired, blackballed, and evicted for crossing paths with them.  

Do I believe that my prison reform effort in Augusta, Georgia has anything to do with this vicious attack on my business banking account?  

Well, you tell me.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Judge Daniel J. Craig: Forever Entitled to Absolute Judicial Immunity?

"Judge Craig contends that he is entitled to absolute Judicial immunity as to those claims that arise entirely from his conduct as a judicial officer . . . ."

Presiding Judge: J. Randal Hall  
for case CV 110-102

"But nothing can compare with the loss of the relationship I had with my only-child-Adrianna. Adrianna was only 6 when I was forced to litigate 2 Federal Lawsuits from South Carolina in 2010."

"My ex-wife's attorney charged me nearly $43,000 for a so called no fault Georgia divorce and for an attorney that I didn't hire.  I paid nearly  $90,000 for several different attorneys, private detectives, and appeal attempts in just the divorce case. And when the dust settled, my only child (now 12) was kidnapped (judicially and maternally) and thus prevented from any contact, a 28 year ATC career destroyed, and assets and income of over 1 million dollars were either stolen and/or destroyed."

Mark Schmitt, Pro Se Plaintiff  (Notified over 500 attorneys for help and got no takers.)


 I say Augusta, GA can not afford eight more years of this circle of power and oppression. Over a decade in power has been long enough.  Change has to come.

Please help all the families who are suffering under the corruption in Augusta, GA.

You can start by signing this online petition to #exonerateMichael.  Thank you.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Non-violent offender gets Lockdown in Augusta, GA Jail

"If you recall, she stated that Michael was placed on lockdown and would not be able to have visitors until Tuesday when he was released from lockdown. Michael wanted to make sure that his dad did not show up for visitation unnecessarily."

Based on this April 27, 2007 letter from the PRIVATE Attorney that the Blocker Family hired, Michael C. Blocker was on lockdown at the Augusta, GA jail despite the DNA Report only confirming his presence as a burglar.  Michael was never a "monster."  Both private attorney and public defender never described Michael as violent.  There was never any proof of violence in this case except how the Richmond County jail, Richmond County Court System, and the Georgia Prison System has subjected Michael C. Blocker to unfair and unconstitutional treatment due to gross prosecutorial misconduct and racketeering.

The personal lockdown in 2007 and the 2016 prison facility lockdown wreaked havoc on Michael Blocker mentally, but he relies on his Christian faith as a Jehovah Witness to weather this storm.

Michael C. Blocker filed a complaint in 2007 with the Georgia Bar surrounding the inadequate law services provided by this private attorney.  The Georgia State Bar was unable to satisfactorily settle Michael C. Blocker's grievance.

"I further informed you that my fee to try this case would be in the $30,000.00 to $50,0000.00 range and that was an amount that you could not afford."

Since when goes a burglary case cost $30k to $50k?  If he had that kind of disposable money, then he would not be a burglar is just my guess.

So everybody is always quick to say - get a private attorney . . .   well, here is proof of what hiring a private attorney gets you in some cases  . . . NOWHERE!!!


A non-violent offender should NOT be sentenced to life without parole.  This false imprisonment at the Georgia State level is unconstitutional.

Please sign his online petition:

Sunday, July 31, 2016

April 2016 Letter to Augusta, Georgia Mayor

Although, I can not confirm receipt of this letter to Mr. Hardie Davis Jr. , nonetheless, this letter was mailed in April 2016.

Both candidates still ran uncontested in May 2016.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Hillary's America Movie: Things to Further Research

Hillary's America movie by Dinesh D'Souza did not hold my attention anywhere near his 2012 Obama America movie.  However, Mr. D'Souza really got my mind churning with the points that he did make in his movie.

Right to Bear Arms
The movie mentions that Blacks were not allowed to own guns in the past which prevented Black families from defending themselves from the Ku Klux Klan and other hate groups.

Fast forward to 2016, a Black male seen with a toy gun can be immediately assassinated by local police. Blacks with gun permits are afraid to even carry their guns.

Is history repeating itself?  Are Blacks subliminally being taught to remain unarmed in 2016 so that they can be slaughtered later?

Giving Blacks Hope
The movie mentions that as soon as Blacks were rising up and at a verge of political influence, those in power had to pass legislation that gave Blacks some sense of accomplishment on paper even if it was not upheld.

Fast forward to 2016, America has given us eight (8) beautiful years with a Black President, but our race relations have backtracked 100 years.  Has Obama's presidency been a bunch of "smoke and mirrors" to strategically put Blacks back into slavery?

The Democratic-Republican Party
The movie mentions that the Democratic-Republican party was one party around the early 1800's.  It eventually split into two parties: Democratic and Republican.

Fast forward to 2016, Hillary Clinton versus Donald Trump for U.S. Presidency is viewed by many people as two evils.  So when the Electoral College votes in November 2016, it would appear that if they vote for Clinton or for Trump, it all seems like the same party combined into one again.  

Unless US voters write in Bernie Sanders or vote Jill Stein in November 2016, the Democratic-Republican party has returned to a one party status in my opinion.

White Supremacy
The movie mentions how the Native American Indians were forced from their lands onto reservations.

The movie also mentions how 40 acres and a leftover military mule was set aside for Blacks, but a political successor overturned the measure and  the land returned to the original plantation owner. 

Whether or not, you are a Black celebrity, Black athlete, or a Black leader - in 2016-  Blacks see the White supremacy uprising bold and clear.  That is why Blacks will have to unite.  Gangs will have to make a truce. A new day is on the horizon.  What will 2017 bring?

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Injustice continues in Augusta, Georgia

 The #exonerateMichael campaign continues.

As I continue to connect the dots in Richmond County, Augusta, Georgia, I realized that the current 2016 mayor Dr. Hardie Davis Jr., who has served as a pastor, took over Edward Tarver's Senate seat in 2010. Dr. Davis was elected mayor in 2015, but he is definitely not new to the Augusta, Georgia political scene.

From: Ballotpedia

2010 special election

On February 2, 2010, Davis was elected to the Georgia Senate from Georgia's 22nd Senate district in a special election to replace Ed Tarver, who resigned to be a U.S. Attorney. Davis defeated Harold V. Jones in the runoff election.[5] Davis received 5,802 votes in the election, while Jones received 4,656 votes.[6] 

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Non-violent felons: Understanding the Repeat Offender

photo credit:

The only difference between non-violent prison inmates and all the law-abiding citizens is that "the non-violent prison inmate got caught and was held accountable for his/her bad decision(s)."

People at all income levels, all educational backgrounds, all races, and at all ages, can make a bad decision.

What is a non-violent prisoner?

Non-violent prisoners are typically people who may have/had a drug addiction or a lifestyle that they could not maintain.  So they turn to stealing, burglary, theft, or selling drugs to maintain their lifestyle or to achieve a better lifestyle.  Upon getting caught and convicted, the downward spiral is almost inevitable.

Who is the non-violent repeat offender?

Most convicted felons can not find a decent job after serving their time.  This rejection by society can cause depression and desperation which starts the cycle of one bad decision after the next.  It becomes a vicious cycle that the family can not seem to stop because the judicial system and society is not providing a solution.  Many convicted felons are capable of merging back into society, but they may need drug addiction intervention and job opportunities to sustain a modest household.

The families who love them can only do so much.  The judicial system is failing the families, the inmates, and society as a whole.  The convictions are extracting money from the family members with no benefits in return.  The convictions are destroying lives.  Wealth and material things can be replaced.  No one wants anything stolen from them, but Wall Street, predatory lenders, and other white collar business entities are stealing legally from the American public all the time.  People have lost their homes because of creative financing where bankers pocket the money.  Even O.J. Simpson is serving time for stealing items that originally belonged to him???? Wars are about "stealing" land, precious natural resources, etc.

President Bush stole the presidential election from Al Gore in 2000.  Stealing is just as American as Christopher Columbus taking America from the Native Americans.  Some people steal legally while others suffer for the rest of their life over one bad decision.

Repeat convictions by the same individual does not make them less human.  It just means society is failing to make better opportunities for everyone to have a piece of the American pie.


I need many more supporters for my online petition.  Please help. Thank you.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Augusta, Georgia: Small Town Connections Lead to President Obama

In 2009, President Barack Obama nominated and appointed Mr. Edward Tarver to United States Attorney, Southern District of Georgia.  President Obama inspires transparency, but I have not found anything transparent about Mr. Edward Tarver since I begun seeking his assistance in December 2015 with my #exonerateMichael campaign.

The sealing of Edward Tarver's contested divorce grabbed global attention in 2012. Article link:

I also found Edward Tarver and Judge J. Randal Hall have been working together at least since 2012. An article link:

In a previous article, Judge J. Randal Hall denied Michael C. Blocker a hearing due to successive attempts to be exonerated from a crime in which he was framed for.

A potential February 2016 Facebook link between Tanya Jeffords and Edward Tarver.

Attorney Tanya Jeffords, Attorney Alexia Davis, and District Attorney Ashley Wright have history together as shown in a previous article on this blog.  

Augusta, Georgia is a small town in the grand scheme of things.  It is not uncommon for the judges, attorneys, and prosecutors work tightly together.  Or is it?

The bottom line: 
  • Rape and kidnapping charges for case 2007rccr00181 should have never gotten past the grand jury.
  • A public defender should never allow a defendant to plead guilty while having knowledge that the defendant is under the influence of medication.
  • A judge should never coach a defendant having knowledge that the defendant is under the influence of medication.
  • A State prosecutor should not send her girlfriends over to an overmedicated defendant to manipulate the defendant to make her job easier.
If you have been following the #exonerateMichael campaign, then you know the four names attached to my bottom line summary.  

Hopefully, the Atlanta FBI can make indictments sooner than later. Michael C. Blocker has already given me a statement.  The family hopes that he will be released from false imprisonment soon.