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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Backstabbing Behavior is Typical of Board members in Rosedale

 In March 2014, Annie's Salon which offered body massages was in the location of where Applause! Hair Design is now.  As you can see by our Association's Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions Article X Section 2(b), massage parlors are forbidden within our Association.

As a Board member, I had been pushing to get this business relocated within a ten month timeframe to keep our Association in compliance with our rules.  Board member Jane Ryan who admitted to patronizing the legitimate massage business challenged my motion repeatedly. So in March 2014, a massage table box apparently blew into the area behind my salon with the address for Annie's Salon listed on it.

I addressed the lady at Annie's Salon about the box, and she told me that someone (being a Board member) had already mentioned this to her.  So in summary,  I addressed the Board about the massage table box and then someone from the Board goes behind my back and mentions the box before I could talk to her about the debris.  Furthermore, after finally getting a motion approved to set a date of around March 2015 to get the massage business relocated, the massage business moves out within weeks of that Board decision.  How coincidental is that?  Someone on the Board had to have told her and the homeowner about the Board decision.  The next thing I hear is that a Black Beauty Salon is going into that space.  Of course, how coincidental is it that a potential "direct" competitor of my beauty salon business is now going into that space? It felt to me like a "revenge" move by the other homeowner for me trying to bring his unit in compliance with our Association's Covenant, Conditions, and Restrictions.

Anyway,  Applause! Hair Design  takes over the  spot.  You can see in the picture below that it is the same address.

Unfortunately, as I stated in a separate blog article, the new husband/wife team are not hairdressers, and they initiated an aggressive solicitation campaign on our block.  As I was getting more and more annoyed with the solicitation, I addressed my fellow Board members in this letter below asking for feedback.

This would have been the perfect time for Jamie Darche Warren (board President) to discuss with me about her "free enterprise" belief, but she did not.  Instead she went behind my back and addressed the Applause! Hair Design salon owners who are NOT members of the Association and told them about "free enterprise" and they could solicit fliers on the block if they wanted to.

As you can see by the letter below from the female salon owner, Jamie Darche Warren went into their salon representing our Board unilaterally.  Our Board had NOT agreed for Jamie Darche Warren to visit Applause! Hair Design salon. Nor did any Board member give her permission to undermined my request for solicitation to stop.

My request for solicitation to stop as an Association member speaking to non-members was to protect my business of ten years from this new business that was not even 60 days old.  Furthermore, the female salon owner makes false accusations with no supporting documentation in her email.

In addition, if I harassed anyone's children, then I need to see a police report.  I might add that the husband/wife team sometimes go out of town and leave their hairstylists running their salon.

So in a nutshell, Board member(s) Jamie Darche Warren and Jane Ryan have consistently gone behind my back as a fellow Board member to undermine and disrespect me.  Both of these backstabbing acts were centered around a unit that Jamie Darche Warren used to own as detailed in a previous blog article.

I feel that both Jamie Darche Warren and Jane Ryan should be removed from our Meeting Street Homes Board of Directors.  I ask that Association members please join me in my cause.  I want fair treatment for all of our members. Not all of our current Board members embrace equality.  I have not had any Board member nor management company representative to attempt to resolve my grievance at this time.

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