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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Tree Branch Over the Highway

While in Aiken, SC off the Aiken/Augusta Highway, I saw this tree branch.  Someone clearly keeps it trimmed underneath to avoid tractor-trailer trucks from hitting it.

I have no idea what type of tree it is, but I wonder if it is record breaking.  I had never seen such a thing; yet, the local people probably pass by it everyday and never think anything of it.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Disintegration of my Nike Max Air Sneakers

 I decided to put my thirteen (13) years old Nike Max Air sneakers back in rotation to wear.  

Based on the "Made in China" label, I think the sneakers were manufactured 02/17/2000. 

 So the sneakers may be 14 years old. Traction still looked good at the bottom of the sneakers.

 The leather uppers still look good from all angles.

 It was not until about the 6th hour of wearing the sneakers that I started to notice "pieces" on the floor.

Then I realized that my sneakers were starting to feel funny.  I looked down and the sole of my sneakers literally was loosen, breaking, and falling apart.

I will have to find out if the the sole can be replaced.  The leather upper is still in good condiiton.

Thank God that I was close to home to switch out shoes before these sneakers literally disintegrated from age and material.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Latest Trend: Rubber band Loom Kits

Photo credit:

Do you remember the "Silly Bandz" trend a few years ago?  Well, the "rubber band" artwork continues with the rubber band loom kits.  You can now find these kits everywhere from the grocery store to the convenience store.  They are a colorful supply of rubber bands and usually a hook tool.  I believe that there are a few other components included in the kits to assist with various bracelet and necklace designs.

The Silly Bandz trend lasted a couple of years . . . I am going to give this new rubber band trend another year.

Carolinas Healthcare System states "No Legal Right"

In my seven years of satisfactory and exemplary service at Carolinas Healthcare System,  I remember:

  • Working full eight hour days on Thanksgiving Thursdays to provide residents/patients with recreational therapy (i.e. hair services.)
  • Making residents look nice because their great-grandson was bringing an important young lady to meet her, and she wanted to look nice for the new potential bride.
  • Having residents/patients touch my arm at completion of hair services just to say "thank you" because they had not been able to get their hair shampooed for weeks or even a month because of prior long hospital stays and surgeries that restricted their range of motion.
  • Having to use my Carolinas Healthcare System's dementia training to coach Alzheimer's patients into allowing me to perform their hair services because their loved ones wanted their hair maintained.
  • Listening for changes in the residents' breathing patterns or their overall mental and emotional health.
  • Teaming with the nursing staff, the physical therapy staff, the occupational staff to coordinate hair appointments around therapies, doctor's appointments, eating times, and field trips.
  • Teaming with the cleaning staff when patients got sick and the floor needed special clean-up procedures and disinfecting.
  • Effectively communicating with social workers to ensure that they were providing family members with accurate hair service updates.
  • Attending facility forums and staff meetings.
This nine bullet point list is just a small portion of my contributions to Carolinas Healthcare System in my seven years of service.

In my latter years of CHS service, I was discriminated against, retaliated against, refused job interviews by direct upline management, refused grievance resolution by human resources, and then offered a "Separation Agreement and Release" by a CHS Senior management official who had never even met me.

Carolinas Healthcare System is very impersonal.  They have become performance driven for their top level management only.  In my latter years with them, they consistently hired people into management positions without "healthcare industry experience."  I saw it with my own eyes.  These "new hires" were not even smart enough to limit their conversation surrounding their new positions in which they were not the best qualified candidate. But no one can complain without being subjected to a hostile work environment.

Is Carolinas Healthcare System a "great place to work?"  It depends on if you are a senior executive or if you were hired with preferential treatment.

For example, according to an interview between the Charlotte Observer newspaper and CHS, CHS states that only senior executives may use the CHS aircrafts for personal use.

This practice is discriminatory in my opinion, because when people are being admitted to CHS facilities for "care without compromise" - the senior executives are NOT typically the ones concerned with patient's immediate health.  In addition, I have not seen a CHS Senior executive do half the manual labor that I did while being employed at CHS.

I also remind you that Charlotte Mecklenburg Hospital Authority d/b/a Carolinas Healthcare System is a public, multi-billion dollar "non-profit" organization, and as a former CHS employee who was laid off, I have repeatedly asked CHS to be

  • courteous
  • compassionate about my emotional distress and mental anguish that I suffered from their recent management changes
  • caring about my seven years of committment to their organization
  • customer service driven as I was an internal CHS customer who has complained going on four years about CHS injustices.
Yet, CHS states that I have "NO LEGAL RIGHT TO any form of severance payment."

So to anyone considering working for Carolinas Healthcare System, there is no guarantee that you are going to get fair treatment, but you may at least get some employee perks like this "CHS retractable lawn chair."

 To the "front line" CHS employees that are hands-on with the patients, I salute you.  God will definitely reward you even if CHS does not.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Compromise: The Nutty Fruitcake

 The perfect fruitcake for those who can't stand all that candied fruit!  The candied fruit is only on top of the fruitcake for decoration.  The rest of the loaf is a moist, rich "nutty" cake.  So for the candied fruit lovers, there is just enough fruit on top to satisfy your taste buds and make everyone happy.

 I discovered this "Southern Supreme Old Fashioned Nutty Fruitcake" at the Southern Christmas Show in November 2013.  I definitely look forward to purchasing more nutty fruitcake from them in the years to come.

The fruitcake was professionally sealed.  The packaging from box to bag was just top notch.  The company is based out of Bear Creek, NC.

Southern Supreme Gourmet Specialities also offer other Traditional Confections like jellies, relishes, peanut brittle and much more.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Dallas Buyers Club: The Bible Belt Response

The "Dallas Buyers Club" movie is only playing at three theatres in Charlotte, NC.  The "Twelve Years a Slave" movie started out in the same three theatres, but quickly expanded to all the movie theatres throughout Charlotte, NC.

Dallas Buyers Club received outstanding reviews starring Matthew McConaughey and Jennifer Garner, but it is almost a month later, and no extra theatres are adding it to their line-up.

I decided to see it because of the rave reviews, and I appreciate movies based on a true story.

What I didn't expect was the feeling of being ostracized just by going to see the movie.  When I handed my ticket to the "ticket tearer," the guy saw the name of the movie and his facial countenance changed, and he barely wanted to return my half of the ticket stub in my hand.  I swear even the way he said "Theatre 15" sounded scornful. I did not make a big deal because I was running a little behind schedule to watch the movie, and there's a saying that it's a waste of time arguing with an ignorant individual.

There were only a handful of people in the audience for this showing.  Some of these people could have been HIV positive or even knew of someone with AIDS.  Judging by one audience member's emotional response to the movie, I assume that he some firsthand experience with a loved one dealing AIDS.

It was really weird because there seemed to be tension in the air.  No one really wanted to even speak after the movie.  Everyone just quietly went on their way.

The main character in the movie engaged in a LOT of recreational unprotected  heterosexual sex, drugs and alcohol.   So of course, I am thinking that contracting HIV was not a surprise.  I was never emotionally connected to the movie because I never knowingly had any friends nor family that had to survive this particular sickness.

Having worked in the healthcare industry for several years, I had to take universal precautions when dealing with patients and/or residents.  I believe that HIV status is on a "need to know" basis.  So I was not told in advance if someone was HIV positive.  Honestly, there are probably a lot of people who are clueless to carrying any type of virus.

I was told that many people refuse to be "HIV tested" because if the test comes back positive, then their life will forever change and they are not ready for that kind of change so they would rather not know.  This is the reckless and selfish choice, but from what I've heard, it is the modern day stance on the topic of testing.

I personally feel that everyone should have a full range of tests completed with every serious dating relationship just to keep a reality check on one's health.  However, if people are dating new people every month or two, the testing probably would not accurately show any viruses soon enough to narrow down which partner was the source.

My main purpose for writing this article is to document how I, being an overall healthy person, felt going to watch an "alternative" type of movie in the "bible belt." The "Bible belt" is not a friendly place for those with illnesses or disabilities.  So it does not surprise me that people are choosing "not to know" the status of their health because ultimately, they just want to fit in and be respected.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Southern Christmas Show 2013 Charlotte, NC

The Southern Christmas Show 2013 in Charlotte, NC  was held at the Park Expo Center. 
There were plenty of Christmas trees.

 Plenty of Vendors:  From Fudge to Fruitcakes and Clothing from Head to Toe.

The Decorations were fantastic and festive throughout the show.  There was even wine tasting!

I loved these "water" fountains. 
Plan for six hours of walking and shopping!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Breakfast for less than Four dollars!

You can get grits, Eggs, Sausage Links, Toast and a few slices of fresh fruit for $3.95 plus tax.  Where?

Showmars restaurant in Huntersville, NC.  This breakfast deal is only Monday through Friday before 11am.

Don't like grits or sausage links?  Showmars does offer some other meat options as well as another substitute for the grits.  However, your drink or beverage is NOT included, but a glass of water is no extra charge.

The ambience reminds you of a family diner.  The restaurant is not new and fancy, but it's clean and comfortable.  For the price, food quality, friendly service, it is well worth the four bucks!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Parenting Rules surrounding Mobile Phone Usage

Parenting Rules to consider:

1. Only children with driver's license need a mobile phone in case of emergency.
2.  Eighth grade seems to be the youngest age that parents will give children their own mobile phone.
3. Set up a phone curfew which can coincide with the home landline curfew.
4. Set up a charging station in the kitchen.
5. Check the phones to see if call logs are being erased during a certain timeframe past curfew.
6. Restrict the children from having smartphones.  Basic mobile phones will serve fine in cases of emergency.
7. Certain cell phone providers (like Verizon) can allow parents to disable phone service during certain specified hours (like 10pm to 7am).
8. Restrict the phone for weekend usage only.
9.  The iPod can be used as a preliminary tryout before assigning the child an actual mobile phone.

Happy Parenting!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Uncle Louie G Italian Ice in Huntersville, NC

When I first heard the owner mention this italian ice, I imagined a popsicle.  To my surprise, Uncle Louie G's Italian Ice is a homemade and gourmet italian ice imported from Brooklyn, NY!  I got the Coney Island Cotton Candy flavor.  Oh yeah!  It tasted just like "cotton candy!" It was also light and creamy.  It is half the calories of ice cream.  I'm in love.  Frozen yogurt doesn't even compare!

The Huntersville, NC location of Uncle Louie G is near where the Publix will be opening soon off Exit 23 and Interstate 77.  Their Business hours are 12:30pm to 9pm Monday through Saturday, and 12:30pm to 6pm on Sunday.  They have sample scoops to try out their many flavors.  The Italian ice is dairy-free.  They also have ice cream options if all else fails.

By the way, the owner is supercool!  Try it out!!!!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Abita Root Beer in a Bottle

I do not like the taste of beer, but I feel like I fit in with the crowd with this bottled root beer.  The brand is Abita.  So far, Killington's restaurant in Huntersville, NC offers it.  They even give you a frosted glass to pour it in if you want to feel like you are really doing something!  LOL!  The root beer bottle looks like a regular beer bottle.  The cost is around $2.25.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Lunch/Dinner for less than Seven Dollars

1) Bojangles/Huntersville, NC:  2 piece dark, 2 fixin's, biscuit, and drink for $5.69 plus tax.  Just ask to Bo size the $5.00 two piece dark special!

I will be adding on to this list as I discover other affordable dining out options.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Signs of the Times 2013

Cigarettes and Condoms . . . I saw this condom box and cigarette butt in a parking lot.  
Apparently, the owner of these items had other priorities besides worrying about littering?

Yet, another condom package was found near another public transit bus stop.  How about discretion?

Most of these pay phone booths have no phones in them.  However, there are still some operational pay phones around Charlotte, NC.  They are $.25 for local calls.

Well, this message was in the women's bathroom at a movie theater.  "No Adult diapers; feminine products only"  Wow!  Does this include the Poise pads?

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Increasing Movie Theater Attendance: The Driving Force

If anyone saw Pacific Rim in IMAX 3D, then they would probably laugh at the success of Gravity in IMAX 3D.  There was dead silence in parts of the "Gravity"movie where as "Pacific Rim" was a lot of "BOOM BOOM BOOM."

Both are great movies, but they do draw totally different audiences.

Apparently, most people who are used to watching movies on Netflix, Redbox, or On-Demand, etc - made an exception to go see Gravity in IMAX 3D because it was the best way to see such a movie that involved space and partial silence.  So Gravity seems to be a huge success!

I also was told that with digital technology, the films no longer lose quality each time they are played.  So if you see the movie during week one then the quality of the film is as good as week 52.

Even many of the bootleg films have extremely good quality.

So either pay $15 to see a movie during opening weekend or see the same movie for free on HBO the next year?

So Hollywood has to begin producing more films that people do not want to see at home because only the theaters can give them the full effect of the film.  Well, the public has spoken and raised the bar in film making.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Winning Powerball Numbers show Patterns

As you can see from the Powerball winning numbers from August 28, 2013 to September 11, 2013,
1) the number 2 came up for three drawings in a row in a  7 day period.
2) the number 19 came up for two drawings in a row in a  4 day period.
3) the number 7 came up for two drawings in a row in a  3 day period.
4) the number 45 came up for two drawings in a row in a  3 day period.
5) the number 26 came up  for two drawings in a row in  a 3 day period.
6) the numbers 2, 26, and 45 came up for back to back on both September 4, 2013 and September 7, 2013.

There are other patterns thsat I have not mentioned. Is there a story here besides the balls are not getting mixed up?

When it comes to the Pick3 drawings, I can see how only 10 balls per slot can duplicate more often.
January 31, 2014 evening numbers were the same as the February 1, 2014 day numbers except in a different order.  Regular Pick3 players probably count on numbers to duplicate day to day.

Also, between February 27, 2014 and February 28, 2014, The Pick3 winning numbers were 283, 289, 281.
Lottery patterns are never consistent.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

MakeUp Artistry by Cherry

I just returned from the Bronner Bronners Hair Show, and I had the pleasure to take a makeup artistry class from Cherry.  She gave out some great makeup artistry tips.  One of them is to buy jewelry compartment holders similar to the one pictured below to hold foundation colors instead of trying to keep up with 15 different foundation tubes.

She recommended the rounds ones.  Another classmate mentioned that lipsticks/lip color can also be stored this way as well to save on handling of lipstick tubes.

I definitely found Cherry to be knowledgeable about the MakeUp Artistry field.  She offers classes.  The picture at the beginning of this article provides information on her next upcoming class.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Sidewalks make Pedestrian Traffic More safe!

Pictured above is Gilead Road overpass bridge over Interstate 77 in September 2013 in Huntersville, NC.  I have been told that NC State DOT owns this road. Did you notice that the excessive amount of foot traffic has created a path in the grass leading into vehicular traffic?

Update:  As of October 2013, the lines have been added  to this overpass bridge to redefine the shoulder area making it a safer bridge to walk across.  Yes!  A great improvement!

Another Charlotte, NC example:
Guess where this temporary pedestrian path dumps you out?  The streets along the parking lot at Northlake Mall.  September 2013 is when this picture was taken.  The sidewalk from the primary public bus stop is closed off to build what looks like a new parking lot for the H&M store, but in the meantime, transit riders have to dodge traffic to actually get into the mall.

November 2013 update:  parking lot and walkway finished at Northlake Mall.  

For those who recognize more and more people walking on the streets or in the grass where there is no pavement,  would you please assist me in identiftying the streets like the ones pictured above that need more sidewalks in order to keep pedestrians safe and drivers from having an accident?

Larger cities know that citizens use public transit.  Installing sidewalks as a standard along most roads makes life easier for those without personal vehicles.

However,  in Charlotte, our bus routes are limited, and there are still many people who are walking through the grass and in the street trying to get to food and groceries.

Let's not forget that walking is good exercise! Most pedestrians are at least wearing light colored clothing so that the headlights at night will reflect on them alerting drivers that there is someone walking.

I for one am still concerned that someone driving and talking on a cell phone at the same time is going to accidently hit someone during the night or daytime hours.

I am going to start the list of streets that need more sidewalks in the metro Charlotte, NC area.  Please feel free to add additional streets in the comment section or contact me directly to add your input.

Streets to add more sidewalks to:
1) West Harris Boulevard between Mallard Creek Road and Davis Lake shopping center
2) Harris Road/Eastfield between Popular Tent Road and Prosperity Church Road.
3) Statesville Road between Rich Hatchett Road and Gilead Road
4) Gilead Road and the Interstate 77 overpass/bridge
5) Independence Boulevard between Eastway/Wendover overpass and the Walmart store (needs a crossing over Independence Blvd)

Thanks in advance to city officials who will work to make Charlotte's quality of life safer and healthier by looking out for pedestrians.

Update: 6/11/2014
Pictured is the front page of Charlotte Observer newspaper on Sunday, June 8, 2014.  The concern for pedestrians in South End Charlotte warranted the front page cover while I have seen people run across Independence Boulevard, jumping over cement barricades within seconds of fast approaching cars.  I am certain the death toil of pedestrians on Independence Boulevard is far higher than congested SouthEnd.

Fore! Restaurant: The Golfer's Pub

Don't let the name fool you!  Fore! Golfer's Pub offers more than just drinks! The owner is an avid golfer, but you do not have to be in order to enjoy your dining experience!

Fore! is a full service resturant including grits, eggs, pancakes, French toast and more for breakfast which starts daily at 6am.  They also have everything from Shrimp and Grits to Salmon to Pork Chops as entrees.  They have salads too!

Their food is modestly seasoned where you have the option to add more according to your personal taste, and my breakfast selection was perfectly seasoned for my taste. Their croissants caught my attention because they are actually "croissant buns" which are distinguished for their thickness similar to toast.  They even offer cranberry juice.

I am an avid fan of creme brulee, and yes, they offer creme brulee too!  Their version pictured above was delicious!  Service was exceptional and timely!

They have a private meeting area which holds about 8 people that is perfect for small board meetings held by local homeowners associations.  Also, the restaurant as a whole can accommodate about 45 people for private gatherings as well.

I foresee that Fore! is going to start requiring reservations soon. So you may want to try them out to get ahead of the crowd!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Kim Kardashian Kan Do It!

Pictured are photos from July 8, 2013 Intouch Magazine.  Kim Kardashian still had swollen ankles even after giving birth to baby girl North West.  According to online news, Kim developed preeclampsia which is a temporary high blood pressure as she neared her due date.  The swollen ankles were probably related to this condition. Many women develop this conditiion.  She is only about 5'2" if my memory serves me correctly.  She did not have much bandwidth to hide any extra pounds, but she still looks great!

I know that she wants to get down to her pre-pregnancy body (picture from 2011 according to Intouch magazine).  I believe that "Kim Kan" Do It!

Monday, August 19, 2013

HVAC units clogging up

With all of the rainfall that we have been receiving, you may have found some extra water finding its way inside.  However, it may not be a rain leak, but it may be a HVAC pipe back up.

Essentially, the drain off water that usually runs outside gets trapped or clogged and begins leaking inside.  So if your furnace is in the ceiling then this leak may cause drywall damage into the next floor.

The good thing is that the HVAC service repair is only about $130 to replace the pipes and get you going again.  This clog seems to be a common service problem lately.  You may want to have your HVAC unit checked annually to make sure that the drainage water is flowing properly outside.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

White Rose Petroleum Jelly

 After further research, I discovered that this White Rose Petroleum Jelly used to come in a tin.  It had an "old school" look to it.  This is now the new modern packaging.

Well, I bought this from Walmart for $2.00 USD and fell in love with it.  It is obviously white in color, but it is not as sticky nor as greasy as Vaseline.  My skin immediately absorbs it without even rubbing it in.  I can touch my skin with it on my finger and magically my skin is re-hydrated.  This White Rose Petroleum jelly worked a miracle on my feet, and it even says it can be used for pressing hair.  Wow!  I vote White Rose as the best petroleum jelly on the market.