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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Increasing Movie Theater Attendance: The Driving Force

If anyone saw Pacific Rim in IMAX 3D, then they would probably laugh at the success of Gravity in IMAX 3D.  There was dead silence in parts of the "Gravity"movie where as "Pacific Rim" was a lot of "BOOM BOOM BOOM."

Both are great movies, but they do draw totally different audiences.

Apparently, most people who are used to watching movies on Netflix, Redbox, or On-Demand, etc - made an exception to go see Gravity in IMAX 3D because it was the best way to see such a movie that involved space and partial silence.  So Gravity seems to be a huge success!

I also was told that with digital technology, the films no longer lose quality each time they are played.  So if you see the movie during week one then the quality of the film is as good as week 52.

Even many of the bootleg films have extremely good quality.

So either pay $15 to see a movie during opening weekend or see the same movie for free on HBO the next year?

So Hollywood has to begin producing more films that people do not want to see at home because only the theaters can give them the full effect of the film.  Well, the public has spoken and raised the bar in film making.

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