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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Moscato Recommendations

After researching Moscatos, I have found that the best tasting brands only have 5 to 5.5% alcohol. (low alcohol) That means that you can sip on it all day. They are sweet. Great dessert wines.

Some recommendations include
1)Brand: ZaZo Mascato
2)Brand: Villa Lanata Moscato d'Asti
3)Brand: Risata Moscato d'Asti

Average price in US dollars: $15 to $17 for 750ml bottle.

Those brands with 8 to 10% alcohol content are too strong and not as sweet. Definitely look for < 5.5% alcohol content to savor the taste. On a separate note, I broke TWO corkscrew bottle openers trying to open the Villa Lanata brand Moscato. It was quite a bit of work getting their cork out! It still tastes good!

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