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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Chapter Excerpt from Author Michael Christopher Blocker

Chapter Excerpt from book "Wrong Answer" 
Written by Michael Christopher Blocker.  
Edited by Benita Carol Blocker.

I stroll into FootLocker.  I’ve had my eyes on a pair of of AirMax, and I’m buying them.  I’ve already got two outfits to match them. As I’m standing at the checkout counter,  I feel someone touch me on my right shoulder.  Thinking it’s Nasty, I turn around with a “gas faced, cross-eyed” look.  Even though my vision is a little distorted now, I can still tell that this person behind me isn’t  Nasty and they’re female.

As soon as I uncross my eyes, I’m staring into a pair of the prettiest grey eyes I’ve ever seen in my life.  The face is a definite match, but right now, it’s showing shock and amusement.  She’s trying to suppress her laughter.  She is a very sexy ass White girl, and I’m wondering if she’s confused, so I say “What’s up? My bad about that, I thought you were someone else.”   She giggles a little bit and says “I didn’t mean to catch you off guard.  Really, but isn’t your name Chris or Christopher?”  The only time I went by my middle name was when I was in prison and that was almost three years ago.  She immediately sees that I’m a little uncomfortable.  I ask her with all seriousness how she knows that name.  She turns serious and tells me “Look, I thought you were someone I met a few years back, but I’m obviously mistaken, there’s  no way in hell YOU’RE HIM!”  Just like that she turns and starts walking off.  Three thoughts run across my mind as I watch her walk away. 

1.       Did she just YELL at me?
2.       She has a very fat ass, for a snowbunny, and
3.       I think I’m in love!

I look around and note that everyone in FootLocker is staring at me.  I forgot all about my AirMax’s and I take off after her.  I cannot let her get away!

Literary Agents, Investors, Supporters:  Michael Christopher Blocker's first fictional book is being written now. We are considering a  GOFundMe campaign in partnership with the #exonerateMichael campaign.  Any thoughts?

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