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Sunday, April 3, 2016

Ex parte Communications Prerequisite for Augusta Georgia Writing Campaign

Ms. Roth from Judge Blanchard Jr's office informed me in a November 10, 2015 letter that Michael Christopher Blocker plead guilty after some hours of testimony at trial.  According to Augusta Chronicle reporter Sandy Hodson, Michael Christopher Blocker was into his third day of trial before a guilty plea was entered.  Does "some hours of testimony" sound the same as "a three day trial?"

After talking with Cheryl Gordon in the Clerk of Criminal Courts office, she can not tell from his file how many days of trial actually happened.  She only knows that the defendant pled guilty.

My November 2, 2015 letter to Judge Blanchard Jr's office was a request for the courts to correct Michael Christopher Blocker's unlawful plea as quietly as possible.

My October 29, 2015 letter to private attorney Willie Saunders was also an attempt to quietly get Michael Christopher Blocker's case quietly resolved since Mr. Saunders had collected payment from the  Blocker family.  Of course, this letter was sent prior to my public announcement that there was NO RAPE DNA Match connecting Michael Christopher Blocker to the alleged rape victim.

Of course, the District Attorney attached to Michael Christopher Blocker's case was Daniel J. Craig (now, a widely respected judge).  In my October 20, 2015 letter to Judge Daniel J. Craig, I emphasized that my cousin was a non-violent offender, and 2016 was an election year.  Again, this letter was sent prior to my public announcement that there was NO RAPE DNA Match connecting Michael Christopher Blocker to the alleged rape victim.

In summary, I have been trying to get my cousin exonerated quietly since October 2015.  If the courts would have sentenced my cousin to 20 years, then I would have respected the harsh sentencing because my cousin was a repeat offender.  Non-violent, but still a repeat offender.  However, a life sentence was just a bit greedy for a non-violent burglar in Augusta, Georgia.  Would you not agree?
It is now 2016, and my #exonerateMichael campaign continues. 

1 comment:

  1. According to 10cv2368, attorney Hadden swears to a three-day trial. (before he and his co-conspirators stole the trial by jury). #exonerateMichael
