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Saturday, December 26, 2015

A Public Relations Professional That Delivers Results!

The hashtags #bringbackourgirls, #sandrabland and other campaigns are great for awareness, but have these campaigns really driven desired results?

According to my last news update:

  • Boko Haram is still killing and abducting as of December 26, 2015 according to Twitter's @ NigeriaNewsDesk.
  • No indictments surrounding the #sandrabland case as of yet.

However, my cases surrounding Sisterlocks, Carolinas Healthcare System, and NC HOAs have achieved measurable, desirable results!

My Goal: To get a partial refund from a certified Sisterlocks consultant.
Final Results: Out of court settlement received. The founder now handles formal Sisterlocks complaints in lieu of delegating them.

Carolinas Healthcare System
My Goal: To facilitate change and get a small settlement.
Results to Date:
C.O.O. Joe Piemont separated from company in 2015.

C.E.O. Michael Tarwater is scheduled to retire from the company in 2016.

A payment is potentially pending surrounding an upcoming lawsuit unsealed in September 2015.

In addition, I am eligible for rehire with CHS.

My Goal: To be relieved of targeted discriminatory treatment.
Results to Date: One of the "troublemakers" relocated out of the subdivision.  I gained more community respect.

As a public relations professional, I only accept cases that I believe that I can achieve the desired goals. So if you hire me as your public relations professional, then the targeted audience will only have two options:  the hard way or the easy way?

Friday, December 25, 2015

Book Review: The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander

"The New Jim Crow" book heavily surrounds the "War on Drugs."  Our Black men, our good Black men are stuck in mass incarceration. New caste systems are being formed.  The book's Introduction gives a great summary of each chapter.  

After seeing the one hour special where President Barack Obama visits the prisoners inside a prison earlier in 2015, I really started to understand the failure with the "War on Drugs."  Even President Clinton admitted to a failure in the "War on Drugs."  So I started skipping over some chapters because I really wanted more ammunition to assist me with my cousin's prison case.  Then on page 186, I found something.

"Once arrested, defendants are generally denied meaningful legal representation and pressured to plead guilty whether they are or not.  Prosecutors are free to "load up" defendants with extra charges, and their decisions cannot be challenged for racial bias."

So my cousin was denied meaningful legal representation - neither the private attorney nor the public defender questioned the reported DNA match judging by from what I have been told and the notes that I have read.

And despite no evidence of rape, my cousin was pressured to plead guilty for burglary, rape, and kidnapping charges - he repeatedly refused to plead guilty for rape and kidnapping.  Over and Over and Over again - NO Rape.  He would not plead guilty to rape.  My cousin would NOT give in so how did they still railroad him with rape charges?  It appears they did it "by any means necessary."  I call it "bait and switch." I also classify the State's actions surrounding my cousin as "beyond the normal range of corruption."

And yes, my cousin was loaded with extra charges - from burglary to burglary and rape to Burglary, rape, and kidnapping.

In my opinion, it is a sad situation to threaten defendants with the addition of "ghost dope" to an existing drug charge in order to get a guilty plea, but when the State is adding totally different fraudulent charges unrelated to the repeat offender's past record, that initiative is just reckless and an outright disgrace to the already questionable justice system.  

I do not condone any criminal activity whether it is associated with the defendant or the State representative(s).

#exonerateMichael from rape charges by removing the life sentence and giving him credit for the jail time served leading up to the trial and sentencing. 

Thank you in advance to those in positions to reverse this involuntary guilty plea that was obtained unlawfully in Augusta, Georgia.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Augusta, GA: Missing trial transcripts for 2007 rape trial?

Augusta Chronicle staff writer Sandy Hodson wrote in her 1/16/2008 article that "the prosecutor told the jury that DNA evidence would link Mr. Blocker to the rape."  However, was the DNA evidence ever presented during the trial?

Apparently, it was not presented on the first day of the trial because I believe Ms. Hodson would have stated such a vital piece of information in her article summarizing day one of the 2007 Walton Way rape and robbery trial.

The trial began on Tuesday, January 15, 2008, and continued on Wednesday, January 16, 2008 according to Ms. Hodson's article.

Link to Article "Victim of rape relays ordeal" during the Trial:

But where are the trial transcripts?

Prisoner Michael Blocker ordered transcripts on 1/23/2008. He says no trial transcripts were included.

Then on 2/21/2010 Prisoner Michael Blocker sent a Pro Se Motion for Trial Transcripts; however, he has seen no trial transcripts. He seems to have received everything, but his trial transcripts.

A statement that I obtained from the court system says that Michael Blocker "chose to plead guilty after some hours of testimony at trial."  Is "some hours of testimony" equivalent to "two days of a trial?"

 Clearly, staff writer Ms. Hodson's article says:

  • There was (at least) a second day to the trial. 
  • Michael Blocker didn't remember any sexual contact with the woman.
  • Michael Blocker pleaded not guilty.
So what compelling testimony happened in this two day trial that would make Michael Blocker plead guilty to rape and waive his right to trial?

Where are the Trial Transcripts for case#2007RCCR00181? and Why is there a sealed Envelope attached to this case on 12/20/2007?


Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Presumption of Guilt in Augusta, Georgia Rape Case

Augusta Chronicle article dated January 14, 2007 re: "Affluent suburb."

According to Augusta Chronicle staff writer Justin Boron, 
Sheriff Strength said
 "the attacker's choice of a victim so much older than himself has led investigators to believe they are dealing with someone abnormal."

"Alleged Rape" Suspect Michael Blocker describes how the jail obtained his buccal swabs:
I was taken downstairs from the 6th floor in Richmond County Jail to the 1st floor and placed in a restraining chair, handcuffed behind me and legs shackled.  I was forced to open my mouth so a detective could place two Q-tips in and rub them around my jaw.  He then placed them in an envelope and I was taken back to the 6th floor.  I was locked in my cell and wasn't allowed to come out since my interview after my arrest.

Sheriff Strength said his office will not let this type of criminal remain on the streets. "Guys like this, we're going to catch him," he said.

On Tuesday,  January 8, 2008, Assistant District Attorney Ashley Wright states "I don't think that I can make him anything but LWOP. Sorry." (LWOP means Life without parole)

"Alleged Rape" Suspect Michael Blocker says

he remained in the Richmond County Jail on the 6th floor for around a year.  After the absence of his 1st bond hearing where his private attorney did not show, he waited for another bond hearing to be scheduled, but it never was.  His private attorney who was quoting $30,000 to $50,000 to try the case withdrew; thereby leaving his defense in the hands of a public defender who did not  even question the "alleged rape" victim upon the defense's turn to cross-examine the witness on the stand.

As stated in my previous articles on this blog:
  1. The Georgia Bureau of Investigations never reported ANY internal vaginal DNA match. (NO MATCH)
  2. The results from the sexual assault kit showed No abrasions, No bruises, zero tears, zero lacerations, zero bleeding, zero severity.
  3. "Alleged rape" victim was age 74.
  4.  "Alleged rape" victim says suspect made a phone call on her residential line before fleeing, but only incoming calls were on the readout. 
  5. It was 38 degree weather, and "alleged rape" victim says she was sexually assaulted in a green nightshirt with white lace trim; however, NO Biological fluids were detected at initial inspection by an on-site sergeant.

The family regrets the burglary.

In regards to the "alleged rape,"  the family is seeking the following at this time:
  1. Life sentence vacated 
  2. Fair trial (possibly in a different city)
  3. Exoneration of rape allegations

Awaiting status from:
  • US Department of Justice
  • National Action Network
  • American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

Links to referenced articles:


Friday, December 18, 2015

Mesh Wet Roller Set on Relaxed Hair

Hair by Benita Blocker

Wet Setting agent: Jane Carter Solution Wrap and Roll foam
Rollers:  Red Hard Mesh Rollers
Relaxer:  Paul Mitchell Regular strength once every three months

December 2015.

Benita Blocker is a Master Cosmetologist in California, Georgia, and North Carolina, USA.

Please visit my hair blog at

Monday, December 7, 2015

Augusta, GA: Was Burglar Railroaded with Rape Charges?

(Assistant) District Attorney Ashley Wright states "I don't think that I can make him anything but LWOP. Sorry." 
(i.e. LWOP means life without parole.)

Inmate Michael C. Blocker says that he thought that he was signing a plea deal for "Burglary" only -NO RAPE.  So what if the only count on this "Defendant's Change of Plea" was count #1 Burglary when the defendant signed?  Suppose Count #2 Rape and Count #3 Kidnapping were added to this document AFTER the defendant signed. #Railroaded

AGAIN, Inmate Michael C. Blocker says that he thought that he was signing a plea deal for "Burglary" only -NO RAPE.  So what if the "Burglary 1-20 years" was the only offense listed in line item #6 of this "Plea of Guilty (Nolo Contendere)" form when the defendant signed?  Suppose "Rape 10-20 or Life years" and "Kidnapping 1-20 years" were added to this document AFTER the defendant signed. #Railroaded

AGAIN, Inmate Michael C. Blocker says that he thought that he was signing a plea deal for "Burglary" only -NO RAPE.  So what if "Burglary" was the only unlawful act listed in line item #31 of this "Plea of Guilty (Nolo Contendere)" form when the defendant signed?  Suppose "; kidnapping ; rape" were added to this document AFTER the defendant signed. #Railroaded

Inmate Michael C. Blocker says (Assistant) District Attorney Ashley Wright was doing a LOT of writing before handing paperwork over to Judge James G. Blanchard, Jr. #Railroaded

The State could have wrapped this case up in 2007 by offering a "plea deal for burglary only," but (Assistant) District Attorney Ashley Wright and District Attorney Daniel J. Craig may have had another agenda for defendant and repeat (burglary) offender Michael Blocker.

As mentioned in a previous article on this blog, the rape case was EXTREMELY weak WITHOUT any report of an internal vaginal DNA Match.

 As far as the kidnapping charge goes, initial charges were Rape and Burglary only.  Kidnapping Charge was added later.

#exonerateMichael of Rape charges

NOTE:  A draft of this article was accidentally,  pre-maturely published prior to completion.  I apologize for any confusion.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Life Sentences for Crimes in Prominent Neighborhoods

Quote from this June 10, 2013 article: "Also, crying intermittently were family members of the 20-year old defendant,  Chauncey Sterling, who could be sent to prison for life if found guilty."

Then on or around about June 13, 2013 Charlotte Observer Reporter Elizabeth Leland reports "Superior Court Judge Lisa Bell announced the mandatory sentence for Robert Barber's murder - Life without the possibility of parole." (LWOP)

I have written about this "Shooting of Hospital Executive" in South Charlotte, NC on this blog before. 

"Southpark's Foxcroft Neighborhood" wording implies that it is a prominent Neighborhood.  The life sentencing in this case seems to send a message of  "maximum" sentencing when crimes are committed within prominent neighborhoods.  

All Crime is wrong. I wonder if all the wrongful deaths as a result of police brutality will also yield "life without parole" sentencing for all the officers convicted?

On a separate note, here is a different article surrounding another prominent neighborhood in Augusta, Georgia named "Summerville."

"Summerville" Rape

The article dated January 31, 2007 states that an alleged rape of an elderly Summerville woman could send the suspect "back to prison for the rest of his life if convicted."  And you guessed it . . . the suspect was sentenced to life in prison on or about January 15, 2008 despite the fact that rape seemed to be fabricated.   You can learn more about this case at

The bottom line is that there is a sentencing pattern for crimes committed in prominent neighborhoods.  The pattern is called "life sentences."

Friday, December 4, 2015

2007 Augusta, GA Rape Case Revisited

According to the rape case files:
So on the morning of January 9, 2007, the alleged rape victim leaves her apartment unlocked to go walk her miniature Sheltie (dog) in 38 degree weather with clear skies.  She comes back to her apartment to find a Black male who demands money and jewelry.  He demands her to open a safe.  He demands that she hands him the property.  He then demands that she undresses.  He then vaginally rapes her for one minute on top of the bed covers.  The suspect then makes an outgoing telephone call on the victim's residential cordless telephone.  Then the suspect flees away in a Dodge Caravan.

A sergeant arrives at the alleged victim's apartment to find a purse, wallet, bra, and nightshirt on top of the bed.  He inspects green nightshirt with white lace trim, a white bra, and a red floor runner rug for trace evidence and biological fluids.  None were detected.

NO latent fingerprints, of value, were developed. 

The telephone was checked for "calls- made" information.  Only incoming calls were on the readout.

My questions about this case:
  1. According to, "Sheltie" dogs are known for excessive barking and a lot of attention.  So where was the miniature Sheltie during the alleged rape of its owner?
  2. It is 38 degrees outside and the alleged victim undresses into a nightshirt with lace trim and a bra with No references to any panties?
  3. The suspect was allegedly high on drugs, but he did not leave any fingerprints.  The suspect's external DNA could have transferred to the alleged victim when handing over property. Why would the suspect collect all the jewelry from the alleged victim just to put it down to rape her for one minute?
  4. If the alleged victim's statement is that the suspect made a telephone call on her residential phone line after raping her, but then it was determined that this statement was FALSE.  Then the "one minute" rape could be false as well.  Right?


The alleged Victim's rape/sexual assault kit states No abrasions, No bruises.  Other documents relating to the medical exam results state the following:
  • zero tears
  • zero bruises
  • zero lacerations
  • zero bleeding
  • zero severity
  • No additional physical injury
  • No physical trauma

Alleged victim was age 74 years old at the time of the alleged rape. Patient was described as calm and cooperative. No obvious trauma. No injury to her dog was reported either.

Then on January 31, 2007, Staff Writer Sandy Hodson of the Augusta Chronicle mentions

"Michael C. Blocker, 34, faces charges of burglary, rape and kidnapping - charges that could send him back to prison for the rest of his life if convicted."  "The case is assigned to Superior Court Judge James G. Blanchard."

Then on or around January 15, 2008, Michael C. Blocker is given a LIFE SENTENCE for this rape incident described above where the GBI did NOT even report an "internal vaginal" DNA MATCH .

#ExonerateMichael  This life sentence needs to be vacated from Michael C. Blocker's prison time.  I am not an attorney, but I clearly see this alleged rape case sounds absolutely very far fetched for a life sentence.  His defense attorneys should be ashamed.  The Augusta, GA legal system really needs to be investigated. This case is ridiculous.  The alleged rape victim is now deceased.  I sympathize about the burglary.  Prison time should be served for the burglary but not for the rape. #ExonerateMichael

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Sur la Table: Learn to Cut Like a Pro Workshop

Celery Preparation work completed by Benita Blocker.

Chef Vera was awesome!  She really put us to work in the "Learn to Cut Like a Pro" class at Sur la Table. We cut up onions, carrots, tomatoes, green/red peppers, grapes, oranges, garlic, parsley, and celery.

What a class effort!!!!

Sur la Table is now open in Huntersville, NC!

They have cooking classes throughout the day and throughout the week!  We kept our hands and stations clean.  My classmates were very upbeat! I also learned how to hold my German chef knife.  I honed my knife. I also learned to used many other kitchen tools.  This "cutting class" was heavy in content.  I am thankful for the handouts they gave out!  

As far as this cutting class is concerned, I suggest plenty of rest before working with all the sharp kitchen tools.  Sur la Table has their calendar of events online and in the store. Enjoy!