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Monday, December 21, 2015

Augusta, GA: Missing trial transcripts for 2007 rape trial?

Augusta Chronicle staff writer Sandy Hodson wrote in her 1/16/2008 article that "the prosecutor told the jury that DNA evidence would link Mr. Blocker to the rape."  However, was the DNA evidence ever presented during the trial?

Apparently, it was not presented on the first day of the trial because I believe Ms. Hodson would have stated such a vital piece of information in her article summarizing day one of the 2007 Walton Way rape and robbery trial.

The trial began on Tuesday, January 15, 2008, and continued on Wednesday, January 16, 2008 according to Ms. Hodson's article.

Link to Article "Victim of rape relays ordeal" during the Trial:

But where are the trial transcripts?

Prisoner Michael Blocker ordered transcripts on 1/23/2008. He says no trial transcripts were included.

Then on 2/21/2010 Prisoner Michael Blocker sent a Pro Se Motion for Trial Transcripts; however, he has seen no trial transcripts. He seems to have received everything, but his trial transcripts.

A statement that I obtained from the court system says that Michael Blocker "chose to plead guilty after some hours of testimony at trial."  Is "some hours of testimony" equivalent to "two days of a trial?"

 Clearly, staff writer Ms. Hodson's article says:

  • There was (at least) a second day to the trial. 
  • Michael Blocker didn't remember any sexual contact with the woman.
  • Michael Blocker pleaded not guilty.
So what compelling testimony happened in this two day trial that would make Michael Blocker plead guilty to rape and waive his right to trial?

Where are the Trial Transcripts for case#2007RCCR00181? and Why is there a sealed Envelope attached to this case on 12/20/2007?


1 comment:

  1. Well the hand picked District Attorneys Ashley Wright replacing the common criminal D.A.Daniel Craig when he was appointed judge by the lying Governor Sonny Perdue. She is refusing to follow the letter of the Law.Showing Good ol boy politics continues to run our JUDICIAL SYSTEM. 15 RICHMOND COUNTY DEPUTIES WERE facing charges of illegal use of steroids. She says no evidence excuse me what about blood test or piss test. Bell when Investigator Glen Rahm impersonated an FBI AGENT &FBI TASK FORCE she refuse to charge him. Also when her segnifficat other was padding his time CARD by working the master's and earning 3 paychecks for the same event she refused to charge him.Also adding RAPE to a plea deal after the defendant pleaded not guilty. I say impeachment or RECALL time for Ashley Wright.
