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Friday, December 4, 2015

2007 Augusta, GA Rape Case Revisited

According to the rape case files:
So on the morning of January 9, 2007, the alleged rape victim leaves her apartment unlocked to go walk her miniature Sheltie (dog) in 38 degree weather with clear skies.  She comes back to her apartment to find a Black male who demands money and jewelry.  He demands her to open a safe.  He demands that she hands him the property.  He then demands that she undresses.  He then vaginally rapes her for one minute on top of the bed covers.  The suspect then makes an outgoing telephone call on the victim's residential cordless telephone.  Then the suspect flees away in a Dodge Caravan.

A sergeant arrives at the alleged victim's apartment to find a purse, wallet, bra, and nightshirt on top of the bed.  He inspects green nightshirt with white lace trim, a white bra, and a red floor runner rug for trace evidence and biological fluids.  None were detected.

NO latent fingerprints, of value, were developed. 

The telephone was checked for "calls- made" information.  Only incoming calls were on the readout.

My questions about this case:
  1. According to, "Sheltie" dogs are known for excessive barking and a lot of attention.  So where was the miniature Sheltie during the alleged rape of its owner?
  2. It is 38 degrees outside and the alleged victim undresses into a nightshirt with lace trim and a bra with No references to any panties?
  3. The suspect was allegedly high on drugs, but he did not leave any fingerprints.  The suspect's external DNA could have transferred to the alleged victim when handing over property. Why would the suspect collect all the jewelry from the alleged victim just to put it down to rape her for one minute?
  4. If the alleged victim's statement is that the suspect made a telephone call on her residential phone line after raping her, but then it was determined that this statement was FALSE.  Then the "one minute" rape could be false as well.  Right?


The alleged Victim's rape/sexual assault kit states No abrasions, No bruises.  Other documents relating to the medical exam results state the following:
  • zero tears
  • zero bruises
  • zero lacerations
  • zero bleeding
  • zero severity
  • No additional physical injury
  • No physical trauma

Alleged victim was age 74 years old at the time of the alleged rape. Patient was described as calm and cooperative. No obvious trauma. No injury to her dog was reported either.

Then on January 31, 2007, Staff Writer Sandy Hodson of the Augusta Chronicle mentions

"Michael C. Blocker, 34, faces charges of burglary, rape and kidnapping - charges that could send him back to prison for the rest of his life if convicted."  "The case is assigned to Superior Court Judge James G. Blanchard."

Then on or around January 15, 2008, Michael C. Blocker is given a LIFE SENTENCE for this rape incident described above where the GBI did NOT even report an "internal vaginal" DNA MATCH .

#ExonerateMichael  This life sentence needs to be vacated from Michael C. Blocker's prison time.  I am not an attorney, but I clearly see this alleged rape case sounds absolutely very far fetched for a life sentence.  His defense attorneys should be ashamed.  The Augusta, GA legal system really needs to be investigated. This case is ridiculous.  The alleged rape victim is now deceased.  I sympathize about the burglary.  Prison time should be served for the burglary but not for the rape. #ExonerateMichael

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