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Monday, June 18, 2012

Workplace Fairness? Touchy Topic

As of the year 2012, do not count on workplace fairness. Keep your weight and body image under control. Keep your hair healthy. Keep your teeth maintained. "Get in where you fit in." Don't expect your boss to know more than you know. Assume that your preferential treatment will be your only way for you to network and get promoted.

It is not what you know; it is "who you know."

If you get passed over for a job or a promotion, then suck it up and take it. Even with reasonable cause, the EEOC can not fight your case unless you have "hard facts" showing that they were reckless and have no regards to the law. Other than that, EEOC can not fight the "good ole boy" system as far as the "Employment at Will" states such as North Carolina. Hiring your best friend who is barely qualified for a position is not illegal. It may not be fair to others wanting to move up within the company, but it is not illegal.

An unfair workplace is normal in this day and time; make the best of it until you become self-employed or until "it's your turn" to finally move up.

1 comment:

  1. If you feel me on this article, then you have got to go see the movie "Ted" 2012. "Screwing your co-worker" calls for a promotion!" LOL! That movie was "poking" a lot of humor! No pun intended. LOL!
