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Monday, June 25, 2012

Low Calorie Movie Treat at AMC Theatres!

Move over buttered popcorn and soda pop! There is a four piece "Healthy" Snack Pack offered at AMC Theatres that is also quite tasty! And guess what? all of this mounts up to about 450 calories and for $7 (seven US dollars), it's yours!
The Smart snack pack consists of Dasani Water, Odwalla Chocolate Chip Chewy Nut Trail Mix bar, PopCorners popped kettle corn chips, and Chiquita Fruit chips! It is indeed fulfilling and tasty without the extra calories!
I could not resist eating the Odwalla bar before the movie was over! Smile. Sorry! Go get your own and enjoy the movie!

1 comment:

  1. As of 2014, AMC theatres seem to have discontinued this menu option.
