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Monday, February 29, 2016

Eradicating Corruption in Augusta Georgia

A case of

  • False imprisonment
  • Erroneous Arrest dates
  • Missing Trial Transcripts
  • No Rape DNA Match
  • No Fingerprints
  • No Violence
  • Use of a Phony Suspect Sketch
  • yet, a Life without Parole sentence for a non-violent burglar.
#exonerateMichael and clean up the corruption in Augusta, Georgia. Support the release of Michael C. Blocker!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Traffic and Accidents Make Flights look more attractive!

Rush hour in Greenville, SC!

Car Accident in the Gastonia, NC

Parked on Interstate 85

The best part of driving in 2016 is the  $1.39 per gallon gasoline.

Black Hair Show: Access to Funds Denied

The Bronner Brothers Mid-Winter Hair Show was held 2/20 to 2/22/2016.

All three of the ATM machines in Building C of the Georgia World Congress Center was all "out of service" as seen above. I was surprised.

Meanwhile, in Building A where Donald Trump held a rally, I found three working ATM machines.

Even the ATM machine with the light off was still functional.

I don't know if the Bronner Brothers staff refused the responsibility of having ATM machines operational in their building or did the facility decide on its own?  What I do know is that it is a 10 minutes walking distance from Building C where the ATM machines were not working to building A.  

Also, the local news reported that a protester caused a power outage during Donald Trump's speech in Building A.  I was in the restroom in Building C, and I also experienced a power outage for a minute or two.  The emergency lights came on.  I don't believe that a protester was the cause of the power outage.

In addition, I don't think the power outage disabled the ATM machines on the "Black side" of the World Congress Center.  Someone strategically decided to deny Blacks access to their money while on that side of the building.

Monday, February 15, 2016

My HerbaLife Preference for Meal Replacement

My Shake Club closed down from my hair salon.  Now, I have to order HerbaLife and make it myself! I have tried SlimFast, Boost,  GNC, and other shake offerings, but the HerbaLife combo works the best for me.  One canister of nutrition (Formula 1 Dulce de Leche flavor). One canister of Protein.  One tea concentrate. And Vanilla Almond protein bars. This combo curves my appetite for about four hours and keeps my metabolism high without holding the restroom hostage.  It is a great fit for my lifestyle.

February 2016

Add sit-ups and other stomach/abs exercises completed on top of the bed to help improve muscle tone!

Huntersville Happenings: January and February 2016

The median is being cleared for more lanes on Interstate 77.

Lane Closures happen at night mostly.

Car accident off McCoy Road.

The bushes are growing so big off Sam Furr Road that they are getting the "right of way" for sidewalk use.  Sorry pedestrians!  I highlighted this street block back in May 2015 on this blog. Trust me it could be worse.

A backpack a few blocks down from an Elementary School.  
"Hmmm.  But not my business though."

Okay, this is Cornelius, NC (versus Huntersville, NC) - 
nonetheless, this envelope was either very thin or very light or BOTH!

I was really on a roll . . .  I don't know what the next two months will bring as far as interesting sightings, but we shall see!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Flavored Popcorn is now very POPular!!!!

Vendor Poptastic Holiday Mix tasted like candy! Delicious!

Another vendor: Tastebuds Popcorn has multiple locations and 200+ flavors

Popcorn categories:
  • Chocolates and Premiums
  • Candy and Caramel
  • Cheese and Savory
If you can dream of a flavor, then someone has it or can make it!  Perfect for party favors!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Are the State prosecutors Guilty of Racketeering in Augusta, GA?

The Richmond County state prosecutors have used the Georgia Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act ("RICO") to charge others, but are they guilty of violating this act themselves?

Victim: Michael C. Blocker

The Criminal enterprise includes but not limited to
Richmond County Judicial Court System and/or State of Georgia.

Criminal Activities Include but not limited to:
Robbery and/or Theft of a Trial by Jury
Robbery and/or Theft of the Right to Appeal
False Imprisonment of Michael C. Blocker

Statute of Limitations
According to, the statute of limitations for Georgia RICO violations is five years from the time the prohibited conduct ceases.   Michael C. Blocker has been imprisoned since January 2007 and he is still under false imprisonment and/or unlawful detainment at the time of the publishing of this article.  Although, his 2008 trial was stolen and may be out of the statute of limitations, his January 2013 petition for appeal is NOT out of the statute of limitations.

Blocker versus Danforth 
CV 112-168
Judge: J. Randal Hall

Original burglary case:
Offense date:  January 9, 2007
Arrest date: January 15, 2007
Last Appeal request: January 31, 2013

Because Michael C. Blocker was arrested about a week after the burglary and alleged rape, State Prosecutors have NO PROOF that Michael C. Blocker was "high on drugs," and they have NO Proof that a RAPE even occurred on January 9, 2007.

Reporter Sandy Hodson states in her Thursday, January 17, 2008 article that he (Michael C. Blocker) had been adamant from the time of his arrest that he did not rape the 75-year old cancer survivor in her Walton Way home.

BELIEVE ALL or NONE of the Story!
If Michael C. Blocker says that he was possibly high on drugs when he burglarized the Walton Way home, but He is adamant that HE DID NOT rape this woman, then the State has to accept his WHOLE statement as the truth or none of his statement.  They can not say that the defendant was "too high" to remember the "one minute rape."  There is NO PROOF that the defendant was "high on drugs" one week prior to his arrest.  There is NO PROOF that the defendant raped anyone.


There are several articles on this blog with names of State prosecutors and attorneys, etc. that should be investigated for "RICO" violations surrounding the false imprisonment of Michael C. Blocker. 

Georgia Attorney General Olens:  ANY STATUS?

Reference articles:

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Was Semen Present in the 2007 Walton Way Rape Case?

According to the investigator notes, there was a "discharge" present in one of the urine samples taken from the alleged rape victim. However, no expert witness ever confirmed that the "discharge" was actually semen.  

It is most likely that the age 74 "cancer patient with one lung" as described by Sandy Hodson's  1/16/2008 article was on daily medications to support her cancer survival.  In fact, the investigator notes actually show that the alleged rape victim was on multiple medications.  

Medications along with experiencing some trauma from being burglarized at 6' o clock in the morning timeframe could cause a hormonal imbalance in the alleged rape victim's body resulting in anything from overproduction of yeast or other discharge independent of the possiblility of semen being present.

As a reminder, NO internal vaginal DNA match was ever reported in this case.  In addition, NO trace evidence nor biological fluids were ever detected on the "green nightshirt with white lace trim, white bra,  and red floor runner rug" that were collected surrounding the rape case.

So, was semen present in the Augusta, Ga 2007 Walton Way Rape Case?

I conclude that the answer is "no."  No semen was present, and No rape occurred.
