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Sunday, October 25, 2015

Smartphones are causing People to Dumb Down

I was used to typing on a Qwerty keyboard and having my phone to highlight any misspelled words.  I would then go back and correct the spelling errors with or without the spellcheck application.

Now, the smartphones seem to love to "autocorrect." They alter the spelling of words without notification to the user.  The "Autocorrect" function is leading to the use of extra text messages to clarify and/or correct previous text messages. i.e. "dazzling stream" was supposed to have read "*data stream."

Of course, I am told that there is a phone setup option to turn the "autocorrect" feature off, but I have not attempted to modify my settings as of yet.

For those of us who have gotten frustrated with the touchscreen keyboard, we now use the "voice to text" function.  I prefer to speak to the smartphone and then go back and do some minor editing.  This is sad because I still have a Blackberry with the Qwerty keyboard as a backup phone and found myself getting lazy about the concept of typing versus voice conversion.

A friend even mentioned that handwriting correspondence now requires more time and thought because we as a society have gotten away from stationery and formal handwriting without all the acronyms.

I really encouraged people to buy more stationery and write more formal letters to maintain their spelling, grammar, and vocabulary.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Three's Company at Painting with a Twist

Painting with a Twist is a Painting lesson that lasts for two hours.

The start of the painting named Three's Company.

The facility provides everything except for the refreshments.

Almost finished with the painting.

I would have needed more practice to get my white lines finer, but I was pleased with my final piece of art. Artwork by Benita Blocker.

This painting was the original one that we duplicated.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Rosedale Meeting Street Board agreed to ask non-members to Join

According to the August 2015 Board meeting minutes of the Rosedale Meeting Street Homes Board of Directors, three directors agreed to ask "renters" to join the Board.  Translation:  Allow non-members to control other members' monies.  I was appalled as the mere suggestion of this.

Is it legal? Yes, the Bylaws allow for this situation because the original Builder(s) needed to be able to have control of the Association without actually owning a unit within the subdivision.  Logically, once the majority of the units in the subdivision actually had ownership/members,  the members of the subdivision should control their own monies as an Association.

So to ask "renters" or non-members to control our Association's monies seemed insane.  The Board President Jamie Darche Warren explained in the Annual meeting that she meant "no harm" but with five members running for three vacancies, why were renters even considered?  Actually, one other member also considered running.  So we would have had six members running for three vacancies.  With two of the three Board members planning for re-election, there was only one Board vacancy in question.  Now, if any member of our Association had any question about whether or not I as a member was interested in working on our Board, then they would had to be totally distanced from the Association as a whole. So essentially, there were NEVER any deficit in members wanting to work on the Board. Why even consider renters to join the Board?????

On a separate note, the winners of the election all had absentee proxies counted with their names on them.  No names were mentioned when the Annual meeting notices were mailed out so outside of existing Board members running for re-election, the six absentee proxy voters had no inclination that they had other members to choose from except those soliciting for votes outside of the meeting.

So the election was slanted before it even began.  The absentee proxies are legal, and since the people running actually was present for the election, I will not complain.  The only reason that I am even addressing this matter is because I believe in "out of sight means out of mind."  Where there is smoke, then there is often times "fire."  

I do not trust our Board President, and I look forward to Board meeting minutes every other month.  As one of the only minorities present at the Annual meeting, I appreciate many of my neighbors making me feel welcomed.  It was much appreciated.  I was disappointed that we did not see a lot of change in leadership, but I am hopeful that the little change that did happen will make a difference in the year to come. 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

2014/2015 Board for Rosedale Meeting Street Homes

One social event
was scheduled in 2015.  It was a community yard sale, and the flier did not even include an organizer name nor any contact phone numbers.  It appeared to be a social event with an "anti-social" feeling attached to it.

One Board of Directors meeting
was held between January 2015 and August 2015.   Article VI Section 1 states that Board meetings should take place every two months.  Well, that just did not happen.  

Article X of our Bylaws entitles members to review the Board meeting minutes.

One Board member
has announced that she is relocating out of our "hood," and yes, she used the term "hood."  She also could not wait to park back in front of my salon - yet again.

One Board member
seems to have gone inactive by being absent at the few Board meetings held leaving only three directors running our Board.

One of those three Board members,
I actually voted for last annual meeting, and she does not even speak to me when we do see each other in the neighborhood. What a disappointment and appears to be a wasted vote from me.

What can you do as a member of Rosedale Meeting Street Homes?

You can attend our 2015/2016 Annual meeting and election which is approaching soon.

According to the meeting minutes from August 2015, the Board was planning to seek out renters to control the homeowners' monies. Assuming that this Board plans to pull the same stunt that they pulled last year by controlling the vote with absentee ballots of people who were not even present at the meeting, I strongly encouraged members to plan to attend this year's Annual meeting and elect people who will communicate effectively and foster teamwork.

Elect me, Benita Blocker, back to your Board.
I respect our Bylaws, and I am a civil rights advocate for justice.

2015 Makeup Artistry Workshop at Applebaum Salon

Esthetician Toniette Green arrived for class at Applebaum Salon, Lake Norman, NC. The class was taught by Master Cosmetologist Benita Blocker.

Our final class goal was focused on pink ribbons for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 

 Please don't forget your monthly breast exams ladies!!!!

We completed a Makeup Artistry look for mature women over age 70.  (Sheer buildable makeup application that looks natural on all ages.)  We also learned more about these services:
  • Bikini Wax
  • Brazilian Wax,
  • Vaginal Facials or Vagacials, and
  • Male Waxing Requests.

Then Toniette face painted me with a "Pink Eye" (pink ribbon) in memory of Breast Cancer Awareness month after learning how to face paint little kitties and adult tigers.

I gave myself a "pink lip"  (pink ribbon) to match the one around my eye in memory of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

And we ate at Pinky's Westside Grill for lunch.  

Need continuing education hours for skin or hair or Esthetician Toniette's services menu?  Call Applebaum Salon for more information!