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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

White Board Member Again Challenges Black Member

SECOND Sighting on December 30, 2014 of Jane Ryan seated in her parked car in front of my hair salon.

Actions speak louder than words.  As you can see Rosedale Meeting Street Homes Association Board member Jane Ryan is pictured in her car parked in front of my hair salon yet AGAIN after I kindly asked her and the other Board of Directors not to park directly in front of my salon even if it is the last parking space on the block.

So within two days of my posting an article and video asking the All White Board of Directors to discontinue any type of loitering or parking in front of my hair salon,  Board member Jane Ryan disrespects my wishes and parks in front of my salon again.

The members of the Association should know that a lawsuit can possibly bankrupt our Association, and then every member can possibly be assessed a special assessment to build our reserves back up.  This statement does not serve as legal advice, but I do encourage others to seek counsel on any questions that they may have.

I personally think that it would be smart for the members to speak up about this reckless behavior of its current Board of Directors. Jamie Darche Warren and Jane Ryan both need to be removed as soon as possible.  I have compounding documentation relating to these two Board members.  The remaining three Board members have been silent to me.

Some members of the Association do not want to be involved in any foolishness.  I respect that.  When and if this situation escalates to the point that it starts to affect each member of the Association, please remember these communications.  The management company is a third party vendor who pays our bills.  Whether we are happy or sad, they still get paid.

Anyone know of any television producers?  I would love to be getting paid for all of this drama.

December 23, 2014 Sighting of Jane Ryan's car parked in front of my hair salon. (different day from the picture at the top of this article)

Sunday, December 28, 2014

All White Board Continues to Ignore Black Member

Rosedale Meeting Street Townhomes Association Board member Jane Ryan decides to park directly in front of my salon.  Even if it was the last parking space, I feel that she should respect my grievance against her and the Board of Directors as a whole by parking anywhere except for in front of my salon.  While I can not control their loitering or parking in front of my salon, I can continue to document this blatant disrespect for me as a Black member who has voiced a series of complaints on unethical behavior by the Board.  I have seen no effort by this current Board to obtain a reasonable resolution. I encourage other members to plan to run for a 2015 seat on the Board.  There will be three positions up for renewal.  Below is my third video addressing the Board  and the Association. Every voice matters.  Happy Holidays.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Money Making Trend: Donating Blood Plasma

 Blood plasma is used to create plasma based medicines.  Apparently, plasma can not be produced in a laboratory nor any artificial environment so certain pharmaceutical drug companies may be dependent on a continuous plasma supply.

So plasma donation centers are set up to pay "healthy" people money for their plasma.  Many people who need extra monthly income may go weekly to give a donation and to collect much needed money to supplement their current income.

 I see a lot of the ads soliciting for donors on the public transit buses and in mass transportation areas.  Many of the plasma donation centers are apparently on a public transportation route so that all people can reach their locations.

From what I have heard, pharmaceutical drug prices continue to go up, but the amounts that these centers pay to each of the blood plasma donors have decreased over the last year or so.

It may be a profitable business model for the plasma donation centers, but it makes me feel as if they are almost "freeloading" off of the poor to probably make significantly more profit for their administration.

Of course, the people who need the extra money are grateful that they can make an honest dollar without selling their souls or hurting someone else, but I can not help but feel that the plasma donors are getting shorted in more than one way.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Black Member Addresses All White Board of Directors

I did not realize that I was rolling my neck until I re-watched the video, but the point of this video is that lawmakers need to find a way to regulate or get rid of homeowner associations.  I do not see where they add any value to the community.  They take the neighbor out of neighborhood.  They integrate politics into one's personal community.  The management companies are making plenty of money on managing subdivisions. Certain attorneys are also making plenty of money off of neighbors fighting.

I do not see the value in homeowner associations.  The management companies are vendors that pay bills.  They don't care who is fighting.  Websites such as and document national issues with homeowner associations.  Please join the fight!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Overweight Blues

Overweight Blues
Poem by Benita Blocker

Bumper cars sit too low.
The elevated height of the SUVs means taking it slow.

Restaurant booths fit too tight.
Toilet paper lost in your crack; just isn't right.

Putt Putt playing becomes a chore.
Reaching deep down for the ball is a lot of bending to endure.

Carnival rides require a boost,
and tug o'war begins when shoestrings come unloosed.

Sit-ups and Leg lifts are a great start.
Especially when bending over too quickly delivers a fart.

Increasing water intake flushes the toxins away.
Skipping out on dessert prevents the fat from an added stay.

Hopefully, these few tips will aid in getting you ripped.
And by next year, you will be be ready 
to skinny dip.

***END of poem***

Poet Note:  Benita Blocker writes poems for special events and special occasions such as retirements, etc 
Please contact for pricing.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Bill Cosby- Public Character Assassination

No arrests, but Bill Cosby was the cover story for People magazine and Us Weekly magazine for December 2014.

Now suppose that Bill Cosby "did have a habitual problem" of sexual assualt, the keyword being "did" is past tense.  What good would it do to admit it now?  The "slave masters" for decades were sexually assaulting Black female slaves.   Sexual assault is wrong and emotionally traumatizing for the victim; however, 2004 seems to be the last incident that Cosby is accused of committing an indecent act according to  People magazine December 8, 2014 edition.

With that said, would I recommend a woman to be cautious if they found themselves in an one on one setting with Cosby, then yes, caution would be a great idea.  However, any man, whether doctor, minister, coach, etc. who schedules a one on one has to understand that they open themselves up for sexually assault allegations, and the female in the one on one setting is putting herself at risk for sexual assault.

Alleged victims seem to be coming forward so that people will know that Cosby's "lovable father" figure has been a facade.  Many abusers are in positions where people want to trust them.  Abusers take advantage of this trust.

I, personally, do not care if he is guilty of decades of violating women as long as he is recovered from whatever sickness that caused it.  In 1997, he and his wife endured the painful death of their son Ennis.  Some may say that maybe this untimely death was God's intervention for righting some of the alleged wrongs.  If people want Cosby to feel pain.  I think that he has.  The incredible press coverage highlighting 20 women coming forward has to be painful.

Cosby has talent.  I hope that he can use those talents in the future to make people laugh.  If he needs counselling then I hope that he gets counselling.  I have not read of any alleged assaults outside of ten years ago, so maybe we should all just let "the past" go.  We all have sinned.  Forgiving is key.