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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Review: Nature's Secret 15-Day Weight Loss Support

I am on day four of the Nature's Secret 15-day Weight Loss Support regimen.  The packaging says that the capsules are designed to deliver flatter abdomen area, less bloating, stimulates digestion, and enhances elimination.

I definitely have more energy.  I have not felt hostage to the restroom.  I have not changed my eating habits.  I have eaten desserts as well as some fried foods, and I have not seemed to gain any weight.  My abs seem flatter.  My metabolism seems to be higher, and I sleep just fine.  I am not hyper.

So far, I am very pleased with taking two capsules a day and increasing my water consumption.

After completing the 15 day program, they recommend a 30 day break before starting the capsules again if you so desire.  Also, there is a warning on the package:  ( State of California Prop 65)  This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm.

So if you are family planning or trying to get pregnant, then I do not recommend taking the risk.

After I complete my 15 days, then I will store the product away until I hit another plateau as far as losing inches.

Most of the other reviews that I have read online have been favorable.  People feel this product is a gentle cleanser.  Some people claim that it did nothing for them.  As with most things, I suppose results vary.

 I recommend it for losing inches around the belly.  Earthfare and GNC stores sell this product as well.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

May 2013 Beauty Finds for Lips and Body

 I received this sample size of Fresh Sugar Rose Tinted Lip Treatment as a Birthday gift from Sephora stores.
 It has spf15 sunscreen protection and makes my lips feel moisturized.  It also gives a sheer lip glossing with a reddish/pink final result.  I will definitely buy the full size!
I also have discovered "shower milk."  I picked up the one pictured from Tuesday Morning stores.  I must admit that I had to research how to use the shower milk because it was too runny to be lotion.  It also did not seem like a body wash either.  So after learning that shower milk is an in-shower body rinse, I am now spoiled.  After I finish washing in the shower, I spread/pour this shower milk over most of my body, massage in, and rinse off. I have extremely dry skin.  This Monoi de Tahiti and Shea Butter shower milk gives me a headstart on moisturizing my body.

I must admit it has a clean, relaxing aroma to it, but don't worry, it complements other body fragrances. When I run out of this shower milk, I hope to buy more even if it is another brand.


Sunday, May 12, 2013

KW Collard Greens

One of clients introduced this jar of collard greens to me, and they were delicious!  I picked them up from the Healthy Home Market at the South Boulevard location in Charlotte, NC.  They are fully flavored withOUT any meat.  No pork.  No animal fat. No artificial preservatives.  They are also vegan and gluten free.

This 16 oz jar is around 400 calories. (four servings at 100 calories per serving)

The KW Collards are already cooked so I personally just microwaved them for 30 seconds to a one minute depending if you are removing them from the refrigerator or not.

The key ingredients are Collards, Tomatoes, and Extra Virgin Olive Oil among other ingredients.  Also, there is some vinegar present as well, but the amount of vinegar does NOT overpower its taste.

The seasoning in the greens do have a little "spicy kick" to them as well. I do not like too spicy of foods, but I like these collard greens.  The disadvantage for me is the price:  $6  ($5.99 plus tax) for the 16 oz jar.

There is a large jar available for purchase for family servings, but I forgot the price for the large jar. The jar does suggest refrigerate after opening.  Also, use or freeze within seven days after opening.

So choose the jar size based on the number you are wanting to feed.  I feel that the 16 oz jar is enough for two (healthy portion sizes) to three people (moderate portion sizes.)

The Healthy Home Market in Davidson, NC also carries these greens.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Mayor Anthony Foxx Nominated as Transportation Secretary

As seen in this Creative Loafing newspaper, Mayor Foxx and President Barack Obama have been networking at least since the Democratic National Convention came to Charlotte, NC.  The DNC was successfully held in Charlotte, NC in September 2012. The Lynx train system was key to getting into the uptown area.  It ran really smoothly.  Great police presence.  The crowds were upbeat and orderly.

There has been some controversy over the local Charlotte Douglas International Airport and how it is being controlled.

So Mayor Anthony Foxx's  nomination by President Obama is a logical choice in regards to the topic of transportation.