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Friday, November 6, 2020

Rape Survival Think Tank

Rapists can be 

  • Your spouse
  • Your co-worker
  • Your ex-partner
  • Your relative
  • Your acquaintance
  • Someone who feels that "dessert" is part of a dinner date.
  • Someone who is under the influence of drugs.
  • Someone who drank too much alcohol 
  • Someone who has gotten away with rape before.
  • Someone who has an existing partner or spouse other than you already.
  • A friend of one of the household members.
  • A neighbor
  • A stranger

Just know that. . .

Rapists will likely tell a different story of consent or they will accuse you trying to be a homewrecker or accuse you of entrapment.

Your family and immediate circle may not support the justice that you seek especially if the assailant has a strong standing in society.

Getting the rapist arrested and charged can be your biggest challenge. If you can get the arrest secured, then by all means go for the trial and/or fullest prosecution that you can. So many women never get their voices heard.

I champion you to fight not just for your self-esteem, but for others before and after you. 

Still have questions about your encounter? Then answer these questions:

  • Did you feel lifeless, passed out, or an "out of body" experience?
  • Do you feel that you want to see this individual again to discuss the encounter?
  • Is he the father of your child/ren or a financial provider?
  • Would you want another person to experience what you experienced?
  • Was this your first sexual experience?
  • Will you likely have triggers and/or flashbacks for the rest of your life?
  • Did you push back and firmly say "No?"
  • Did you have an approved medical facility to perform the rape kit?
  • Are you scared?
  • Is there a chance of retaliation for seeking justice?
  • Do you want your story documented forever or on the court books?
  • Do you want a civil remedy?
  • Where did the encounter occur?
  • What time did the encounter happen?
  • Is domestic violence also a portion of the encounter?
  • Do you have witnesses or was there a camera with video?
  • Has there been past unfavorable encounters with this same assailant?

Every situation is different. There is no right or wrong answer. Your fight for women's rights and your worth is so important, but time is essential to the case. 

You should also know that most women have experienced unwanted groping, non-consensual sex, and/or sexual harassment.  

Local rape crisis hotlines can connect you with advocates and counselors that can assist you by listening while you talk through the ordeal to sort through the flags that you may have missed leading up to the encounter.  In many instances, there is no cost for advocates to talk to you. Counselors can plan a strategy for recovery on a sliding scale.

Vulnerability is not a crime. Often times, predators can sense vulnerabilities. Everyone has times of vulnerability no matter how smart that they think they are. 

An assailant becomes vulnerable as soon as you report the situation.

I hope this article will assist in your decision to report, to fight, and to heal.  Healing is in the fight; not the silence.

Break the silence. You are worth it.

NOTE: I am available to speak to District Attorney offices nationwide as well as speak to college campus groups. Speaking fee is negotiable. ~Benita

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Biased Reporting of the Augusta Georgia DA election results


20 hours after the official 100% reporting and WJBF still had not highlighted and checked Williams as the winner of the Augusta Judicial Circuit in Georgia.

At 85% reporting, WJBF  had the losing candidate highlighted and checked for the Augusta Judicial Circuit in Augusta, Georgia.

November 2020 election

In fact, the earliest reporting of the Augusta Judicial Circuit results for District Attorney showed 100% reporting with 5301 votes for Paine and 4699 for Williams. Clearly, the biased mindset at WJBF was in place before the reporting ever began. Gotta love Georgia.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Poem: In Memory of my Aunt Elizabeth Blocker Beck


Elizabeth Blocker Beck

By Benita Blocker, September 2020

We gather today in memory of Queen Elizabeth Blocker Beck.

A Celebration of life as her sun has set.

A daughter, a sister, a mother, a grandmother, an auntie, cousin and friend.

Child of Christ as the pearly Gates welcome her in.

Her labor on this Earth is recognized through her heart and kind soul- as a survivor, a warrior, a nurturer, and a minister.

So we accept her passing with a happy heart that she is at peace in her crown and walking toward the light 
without a cross to bear for she has finished her fight.

At home, she has arrived.

Announcing your Royal daughter Queen Elizabeth Blocker Beck.

1944 - 2020

Friday, September 25, 2020

September 2020 Black Leadership in USA


In this world if you want to work toward peace, you have to work toward compromise.  It starts with "listening for understanding" versus just "hearing and ignoring."

In my #round2mark3 campaign, I fought for validation of my survival story. The results were a compromise, but I am at peace with the compromise because finally someone listened for an understanding.

In the #BreonnaTaylor campaign, the public outcry was listened to for an understanding. The compromise was a 12 million dollar settlement, changes in the "no knock" law, and some criminal charges. Be at peace that some positive results came from the campaign.

This is where Black leadership could have lead Black America to understand that the Breonna Taylor battle is over, but the war will wage on for all the injustices that we continue to see daily.

There was no need to disrespect the Breonna Taylor package in public. Yell at them behind closed doors that you felt shorted, but that is how a good compromise works when no side is completely happy. 

The additional protests after the criminal charges were announced reminded of a racist mindset of  "my way or the highway."

As with my #round2mark3 campaign, time to move on to the next fight.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Rape and Kidnapping (1990) in Asheville, NC

As I close out my #round2mark3 petition, I lay to rest a part of me that wanted justice for myself. I did my part. It is completely in God's hands now. Faith without work is dead. My efforts were necessary for my closure.

In 1990, there was no social media platforms. No Internet. The world was disconnected.  The disposal of my rape and kidnapping case is probably not the only case disposed of in the manner that it was. It is my belief that two deals were made. One to placate me to thinking that all Mark Lee Murray III needed was counseling. (There is no proof that he completed counseling, and even if he did get counseling, it wasn't enough to stop his future documented pattern of violence against others.) The second deal was probably an unspoken deal behind my back.

Nonetheless, I have full rights to my story. There is no doubts about my ordeal. I proved my case beyond a shadow of a doubt. My moderate symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder are fully validated.

However, proving the crime is not enough to fight the deal that was made surrounding the dismissal of the charges. The charges were not dismissed because rape and kidnapping didn't happen. The charges were dismissed for reasons beyond my control.

Those same reasons bar the charges from being filed again. So the justice system works for the defendant in this case. Social media works against the defendant because public opinion is a pseudo court in itself. I won the #round2mark3 campaign. Mark Lee Murray III won the freedom of getting away with rape and kidnapping legally speaking.

It's a tie. I wished the match could have been wrapped up sooner, but God has a Master plan.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Personal Protection Equipment: Face Coverings

My Sorority Colors.

I have always tried to practice Universal precautions.  As the economy continues to try and recover from the Pandemic, I continue to show care and concern in a fashionable sense for those around me.

Surprisingly, the rideshare companies must have listened to some of my #ridesharerant comedy material.  The passenger seat is no longer available, and luggage assistance is no longer available.   Those changes are now a part of many rideshare pandemic suggested health precautions. Excellent service may look different in these times.

My Favorite Colors: Black, White, and Red.

Animal Print. Polyester Mask.

Face Shield.

Please remember to use Promo Code: BENITA10 for ten percent off your order at

Cloth mask

My Leather face masks require steam to clean.  Otherwise, hand wash and air dry will do for all of them.

Monday, June 15, 2020

The 2020 Civil Rights Era

In May 2019, I warned you about White Supremacy positioning to rule. It is 2020, and based on current events, I was right on track.

So now, let me explain what seems to be happening now:

The Jews versus The Gentiles
1) The Jews biblically speaking are a chosen people.
2) According to Professor Tony Martin's research (YouTube video), Jews were in the slave trade administration before America got involved.
3) Steven Spielberg's movie Amistad may have been made to steer attention away from the Jews significant involvement in slave trade.
4) Both ACLU and NAACP organizations were also co-founded by Jews according to another document that I read.
5) The power of the Jewish community intimidates White Supremacy which may explain the Holocaust and the persecution of Jews.
6) In order to avoid being targeted for genocide again, the Jews historically push for immigration in the Americas to distract from their community.

White Supremacy
7) Immigration has made America a melting pot. The dilution makes White Supremacists feel like a minority. Thus everything that they can do to clear out the "diversity" is the endgame. They want a "divorce" from all of the cultures and ethnic groups in America.
8) By cleaning up immigration, they can better watch the Jewish community, the chosen people.

Black people
9) Black people have been in America so long that they just can't ship every Black person back to Africa so mass incarceration and/or execution wins "brownie points" to start to purge the population.

10) So even if everyone knows that the excessive sentencing and wrongful incarcerations are REAL- to correct the situation goes against the bigger picture to purge America.

11) So if Blacks want to stay in America, the fight is just beginning.  It is a revolution. That is the movement that you are seeing and feeling.

12) The cameras are capturing everything with the "hoods off." This is an advantage for now, but distribution of wealth will sustain those contributing to the purge.

13) Love conquers hate. There are always exceptions. The "underground railroad" was proof of that.

All Ethnic groups and communities are targets. Death, incarceration, or leave seem to be the ultimate options that will be on the table if White Supremacy continues to position itself through judges and the Judicial process.

So to the gangs and "Black on Black beefs" - you have bigger fish to fry.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Proposed TV Series: Wrong Answer Remixed

Watch out for snakes!

In light of this 2020 election year, I want to offer you an alternative narrative to the "Wrong Answer. "

Augusta, Georgia District Attorney and Assistant D.A. are ring leaders for a child trafficking ring. They use an elderly pharmacist in the neighborhood to supply the prescription drugs to keep victims drugged. They also keep large amounts of cash stashed remotely in said "unsuspecting" elderly pharmacist's household safe.

A mastermind thief gets wind of the operation, but he is too afraid to go for "gold" himself so he sends an unsuspecting, laid back associate to check out the accuracy of the treasure.

The time window is cut short as household owner returns to her dwelling ahead of schedule.  A passive, non-violent confrontation occurs. Upon conclusion of the encounter, she calls the District Attorney to notify him of the stolen treasure.  Knowing that she cannot report over $10,000.00 cash without causing unwanted attention, they decide on a rape story. Such a story would benefit the District Attorney and A.D.A. for promotional purposes the following election year.

A simple burglary would barely make a ripple in the news. A bigger story involving a manhunt for a perverted rapist, should be some good insurance for promotions during the upcoming election year.

The mastermind of the burglary gets caught and agrees to an immunity deal to go free in exchange for a "scapegoat" to pin the high profile REGIONAL story.

Gotta love a good fiction story right before Georgia election Tuesday.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

2020 Foresight, Aftermath, Reparations and Affirmative Action


A year ago, God lead me to publish this article stating that White Supremacy was positioning to rule. It was unfavorable news, and many people were in denial and rejected my credibility. Now, in 2020, current events show my Foresight into the future was spot on.

A civil war  between the "have and have-nots" has been brewing since the economy collapsed in 2007/2008.  Even a Black President could not slow down the increasing challenges in dealing with race relations.

The 2020 government shutdowns, layoffs, and "stay at home" orders for the  Coronavirus pandemic hit, the line between the have and have-nots became clearer than ever especially for those who were using hotels for homes and their job hours were reduced or eliminated.

The Civil war was at a brink of beginning when the 2020 stimulus money started flowing down the pipeline.

Then came the  videos of the public lynchings of #AhmaudArbery and #GeorgeFloyd and all the countless names of police brutality victims. So the bubble BURST.

Thank you protestors for some of the mass destruction because our voices alone has not been enough.  Our kneeling has not been enough.  Our politeness and patience has not been enough.


Now, enough is enough.  Enough destruction. Enough violence.  Enough killing.  We all are traumatized.  Trump, Guiliani, McConnell have said "enough to infuriate the world."  Protests around the globe are being witnessed. Black Lives Matters. Stop the police brutality, implicit biases, modern day lynchings.

SuperCenters boarded up their stores not because of any storm forecasts nor weather announcements. They are boarded to protect against violent protestors and looters therefore limiting work hours and the ability to shop for Essentials household supplies.


People were appalled by the images of national mass destruction on the anniversary of the 1921 Tulsa Oklahoma ( Black Wall Street) Race Massacre. So is it time to negotiate Reparations for all past and present destruction?

The economy is already depressed.

Other solutions

Integrity Conviction Review Units are needed in every County. These units will provide Post-conviction relief to the overwhelmed non-profit agencies. 

Campaigns all over the nation need a more productive way to get efficient corrections of wrongful incarcerations, excessive sentencing, and permanent stay of executions. (#freeRealityWinner * #freeLouisMathews * #freedom4ty #exonerateMichael)

Consumer Violence Protection Bureaus are needed in every County in the USA. These Bureaus will assist families of murdered victims and survivors of Violent acts to get arrest made where politicians, law enforcement, and people with enough wealth to pay for trouble and evidence to disappear. (#AhmaudArbery * #BreonnaTaylor * #GeorgeFloyd * #Round2Mark3)

POLICE Licensing is needed to restore public trust and provide oversight for community policing.

I have found it extremely difficult to even file a complaint against law enforcement as a Black woman.

However, if all police/law enforcement had a national license that was on a point system and a formal public complaint procedure is reinforced then terminated officers will be forced out of profession versus employed one County over.

Diversity awareness training should be completed every six months as part of continuing education.

Mental illness education should be completed every six months as part of continuing education.

Self defense education should be completed every six months as part of continuing education.

Any radical membership or radical past behavior should be listed as a pre-existing condition. Future related complaints fast tracks officers into desk duty, re-training and/or termination.

Time for Affirmative Action . . .

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Georgia DNA Reporting shows Manipulation!

Georgia required reports published in full.

Forensic Biologist Cynthia Seguin uses the term "external" in the Male DNA screening report. (NOT "external Vaginal", NOT "external Vaginal swab")

However, Forensic Biologist Cynthia Seguin adds the word "Vaginal" to the term "external" in the DNA Typing report. Why did she manipulate the DNA Typing Report?

Again, Georgia requires publishing in full.

Was Cynthia Seguin paid to alter the DNA wording to send an innocent man away for life without parole? Was there Any other DNA present in the "external" sample? Where did the external sample really come from? The alleged victim's hands? 

It is time. #exonerateMichael because there was "NO internal/cervical MATCH."

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Paperless may work for currency but not publications!

In 2020, I am finding links that I embedded into older blog articles seem to eventually redirect to a "page can't be found" message. Sometimes video of news interviews are also disappearing. Articles are being altered without notation of updates.

Digital news is too dynamic. If you don't screenshot the information, then you may not find the article two months later.

Even with a screenshot, digital alterations can be made.

Good old fashioned newspaper or magazines off the printing press are still the best reference to history. It can't be changed; only corrected with another statement.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Shellac-based wax or resin food coating FDA approved (2014)

March 2014 grocer signage

This was the start of an article that I never did publish in 2014.  However, it represents history. So it is 2020, and I have no idea if anything has changed, but it deserves its place in historical note.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Pandemic 2020: Kitchen Chronicles by Benita Blocker

Pandemic 2020 forced people to adjust to life changes. I stopped eating out so I started back cooking. When I cook, I have always tried being creative. I never like boring food.  So all the images within this article were handcrafted by me.

Brookwood Farms BBQ Beef Brisket over egg noodles and topped with Gluten free gravy.

Lamb loin chops seared and oven baked.

Sausage, Peppers, and Onions

Shrimp and Scallops over Cheesy Grits

Tomahawk Pork Chops

Beef Brisket Biscuit with Spinach Omelette topped with PepperJack Cheese

Tender Beef Filet hand wrapped in Bacon.

Turkey Wings with Glory Greens, Field Peas and Rice

Shrimp Fried Rice

Scattered potatoes, eggs, and smoked sausage

Oven fried chicken breast sandwich with Muenster cheese, fresh spinach, and tomato.

Deviled eggs

Marc Angelo Thinly sliced Beef Short Ribs in BBQ Sauce

Bacon Bison Burger with Pepperjack Cheese

Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch, Dinner
"Khemistry in the Kitchen" with Benita was born.  Not sure if it lasts past the Pandemic, but I enjoyed creating art with food.

Last updated: 08 July 2020

Monday, April 27, 2020

Overmedication and Duress leads to Capital punishment in Georgia

After being detained for a year waiting for a trial, Michael Christopher Blocker was over medicated and under duress of three public defenders coaching him into a Nolo Contendere (a.k.a. guilty plea for one charge of burglary) in January 2008.

The prosecution altered the Nolo Contendere like it was a blank check and added additional charges before presenting it to the presiding judge. This prosecutorial misconduct was outright criminal.

The presiding judge sentenced Michael to Capital punishment (Life without Parole) and refused to have the trial transcripts for the first two days of trial ordered. The presiding judge was also criminal.

Life without Parole was a premeditated sentencing motive by the Augusta, Georgia Judicial Circuit in order to justify a string of local promotions. The notified parties have refused to correct this injustice in five years; therefore, the Department of Justice and FBI need to correct them.

Michael Christopher Blocker is innocent surrounding all felony charges. The felony charges carry the capital punishment.  The capital punishment is the problem. The family has to do the time with the inmate. It is unacceptable.

Michael Christopher Blocker should not have to be subjected to a state sexual registry list for a phony felony that evidence shows that no felony occurred.

Monday, April 20, 2020

DNA Report Publish for #exonerateMichael Case

Georgia states "report can not be reproduced except in full without written permission of the laboratory.

This is the 2 pages of the DNA Report surrounding the #exonerateMichael case.

It is up to the state to figure out how there is an external DNA match. 

No fingerprints found.
No signs of bodily injury.
No forced entry.
NO internal Vaginal DNA Match
No DNA Expert Testified
So why does
Michael Christopher Blocker
Have a Life without Parole sentence attached to a Nolo Contendere in the Southern District of Georgia?

Come on Judge J. Randal Hall, Judge Danny Craig, Judge Ashley Wright, Judge James Blanchard, Jr.?

Out of all the folks you all railroaded in Augusta, GA - Michael's case is the most ridiculous, outright disgusting case of prosecutorial misconduct that is on the books. You all should be under the prison for the death of my uncle and my aunt as well as the collateral damage you all created trying to cover one fucked up decision after the next. I'm sorry for my casual words. I was much more professional in 2015. Professionalism got me still fighting into 2020.

Please exonerate Michael immediately or just die. Soon. There will be plenty of people raising up a glass! (Versus the old Rebel Yell!)

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Georgia Scandal Continues into Fifth Year!

The #exonerateMichael campaign unfolds like this:

November 2015

  • DNA Report does NOT show a MATCH for RAPE nor Justification for Life Without Parole Sentencing
  • Edward Tarver of U.S. Department of Justice is asked to assist in reviewing the situation.
January 2016
Tarver's Office says they cannot assist, but FBI Augusta has been assigned.

March 2016
FBI Special Agents Chuck McKee and Mac Butts visit Michael C. Blocker at Telfair State Prison.

June 2016

  • Judge J. Randal Hall denies Michael C. Blocker's request to return to court. Case CV1:16-34
  • Michael C. Blocker is transferred to new prison.

July 2016

  • Motion for Reconsideration filed.
  • President Obama sent letter acknowledging commitment to prison reform.

October 2016 

  • $44k bank levy wipes out advocate (Benita Blocker's) living expenses before the overhead checks could clear. (NOTE:  That bank account never carried a surplus. BB&T knew this.)
  • Jimmonique R. S. Rodger, Deputy Director of Georgia Public Defender Council kindly informs us that direct appellate rights have ended.

November 2016
Attorney General Carr's office says that they are opposing counsel and cannot assist in the matter.

December 2016
Mecklenburg County, NC Sheriff Irwin Carmichael's office says bank levy was LEGAL. (Just unethical, no monies returned.)

January 2017
Ashley Wright is appointed Judge by Governor Nathan Deal.

March 2017
  • Edward Tarver is no longer with U.S. Department of Justice
  • Duplicate charges from 2009 legal lawsuits go onto Michael C. Blocker's prison bill. 
  • HOA attempts to levy on NC property.

May 2017
  • Judge J. Randal Hall becomes Chief Judge over Judge Lisa Godbey Wood.
  • Michael C. Blocker is transferred to a new prison.
  • (A life insurance scandal within this scandal spirals out for about nine months.)

August 2017

  • Coastal Federal Credit Union serves paperwork to renew collection procedures for TEN more years. (I.e. 10 more years of BANK LEVIES)
  • I enter into a Verbal agreement with attorney John F. Hanzel (friend of Deputy Carr who carried out the October 2016 bank levy) to prevent Coastal Federal Credit Union from levying on my bank account for ten more years.
  • I break my arm, and out of work.

December 2017

Coastal Federal Credit Union quietly gets their ten year renewal to levy on my bank accounts because Attorney John F. Hanzel dropped the ball; although, he cashed my December check payment to him.

February 2018

Mecklenburg County Sheriff serves paperwork from Coastal Federal Credit Union for 2007 unsecured Credit card.

April 2018

I take Attorney John F. Hanzel to Small Claims court in NC for breach of contract. No monies were granted.

May 2018
Michael C. Blocker is transferred to a new prison.

June 2018
Motion to Dismiss the Grand Jury Indictment is filed for case 2007RCCR00181 in Richmond County, GA.

July 2018
Michael C. Blocker transferred to new 

August 2018

I make the decision to sell my prime real estate to stop the aggressive collections efforts over an unsecured credit card from Coastal Federal Credit Union.

September 2018

  • Richmond County, Georgia public defender office states they cannot assist with Michael's wrongful incarceration.
  • My prime real estate in NC goes on the market with a signed contract in one week. 

November 2018
  • Similar to the 2016 bank levy, I start to see financial paperwork being finessed behind the scenes.
  • I start to publish lost 1990 paperwork that I found while staging my real estate property in preparation for full political warfare.

December 2018
  • Coastal Federal Credit Union was the mechanism being used for full political warfare. The closer that I got to closing on my real estate the more insane the financial scene was becoming.
  • I intentionally released my 1990 assailant name with a younger photo for press recovery at a later date. This released Coastal Federal Credit Union's grip and my closing went through.

January 2019

I visit my cousin Michael at Ware State Prison, GA. We had not seen each other in 30 years. He was behind a closed window but a great reunion.

March 2019

  • Grievance is filed with Georgia State Bar against Public defender Hugh Hadden.
  • Complaint of Civil Violation filed with Southern District of Georgia.
  • Georgia Attorney General Christopher Carr refuses to assist with change of venue.
  • Brian K. Epps recommends denial of Michael's complaint of Civil Violation.

April 2019

  • GA State Bar dismisses grievance saying they can not judge on effectiveness.
  • Prison sends Michael to Augusta State Medical Prison to try to kill him. He survives and files a grievance.
  • I also publish names of NC Sheriff deputies who created a hardship through their unethical actions in 2016.

May 2019
Michael C. Blocker transferred to new 

June 2019

I start my #round2mark3 campaign to get Justice for my own  1990 toxic relationship.

November 2019

Michael survives first altercation.

December 2019

Michael survives second altercation. He goes into segregation. 90% of his belongings including court paperwork, letters from his deceased parents,etc.- all gone. The prison even gave away the Union Supply food packages that the family paid for. He files a grievance. The warden personally promises me to investigate everything.

February 2020

Michael's grievance is denied. Everything is gone. Warden lied to me. An appeal is sent to Atlanta. They have 120 days.

The saga continues.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

IHOP: International House of Pancakes Review

The California Garlic SteakBurger with Turkey Bacon and a side of Gluten Friendly Pancakes.

Fish and Cheesy Grits with a Side of Cinnastack Pancakes.

Chocolate Chocolate chip Pancakes with some optional Strawberry Pancake syrup.

Oreo Milkshake

I personally topped the pancakes and handcrafted the Milkshake.  This comfort food is often enjoyed as a part of the IHOP dine-in services. Due to the 2020 Coronavirus protective measures/mandates, "IHOP n Go" is the only way to enjoy these menu items until further notice.

The franchises' have workers that are displaced. No one was prepared for the abrupt change in eliminating the dine-in portion of the restaurant business. Please support IHOP by ordering takeout and delivery.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Weight Loss journey: March 2020

I decided to start a monthly post on my weight loss journey as I have done for my Sisterlocks.

 Some of the pictures will serve dual purpose for hair and body.

Progress is not overnight, but goals are within reach. I added my OOlong tea and collagen supplements back in my nutrition.