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Friday, June 8, 2018

PNC Bank's 2018 Response: Misidentifcation and Misinformation

Wrong Name and Wrong information.

On April 12, 2018, PNC Bank called me in response to my escalated CFPB complaint. I kindly asked her if she was requesting 5 minutes or 30 minutes of my time. She replied five minutes because PNC intended to respond in writing, but they needed to know the name that the check was made payable to and if the check had been cashed. Then PNC spent about 60 days in tiered review processes to generate a response which identified an unknown individual (Matthew Christopher ???) as the payee.

PNC policy states that third party checks can be cashed for PNC Bank deposit customers only. However, I offered repeatedly to open a deposit account in my name if it would mean cashing the check. However, PNC refused to offer me the paperwork to open a PNC deposit account after I shared my intent to close my account after I got the third party check cashed.

PNC Policy states that only accountholders can engage in legal document review. PNC VIOLATED their PNC policy and submitted the POA documents for legal review on at least three occasions seeking approval to open an account in a third party name, deposit the third party check, and give me a debit card to withdraw the funds for the third party. After submitting three different POA documents for three different legal document reviews over three different weeks, I was declined three different times for three different reasons for declination. Eventually, PNC told me to go away, and they would not allow me to open any deposit accounts for myself nor a third party. I was so horrified that I wrote the C.E.O. on March 22, 2018. The certified letter was delivered on March 26,  2018. The US postal tracking number 7018 0360 0000 8158 5189

PNC called to acknowledge receipt of the letter on April 5, 2018; yet, they did not offer relief nor apology for my dissatisfactory customer experience.

I filed my CFPB complaint on April 11,  2018 only to wait an additional sixty days to receive a letter of misidentification and misinformation. I would have gladly opened a PNC deposit account if it would have granted me third party check cashing and save me over four months of discussion of this horrible experience with PNC Bank.