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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Ratchetness - You May Be Ratchet Examples

You may be considered "RATCHET" if
(written by Benita Blocker)

  1. You creep into the guestroom in the middle of the night where your wife's best friend is visiting and sleeping. 
  2. You ask your mother not to mention to your new spouse that you have children in the plural tense plus you owe back child support.
  3. You pick up another woman for a date in your girlfriend's new BMW that she bought for herself.
  4. You pick up another man for a date in your boyfriend's new Jaguar that he just bought for you.
  5. You tell a date that you burnt your lip drinking coffee when you know it is a cold sore/fever blister, and you still want a kiss on the lips.
  6. You take a soiled condom out of the trash to impregnate yourself.
  7. You email another woman's boss in an attempt to get her fired because you want her husband.
  8. You write a nasty letter to a different Greek organization urging them to drop one of their pledgees.
  9. You are dating two different women that live in the same college dormitory, and you pick up one from the front entrance and pick the other one up from the back entrance.
  10. You call a man's wife to let her know that you are the new fiancee before the divorce is final.
  11. You wearing a speedo, and you can not even see your feet.
  12. You have your fellow HOA Board member arrested for aggravated assault and battery when you have NO visible signs of physical bodily injury. You also convince another member to bear false witness of the account.
  13. You lost count of how many of the children that you fathered that are in foster care.

In addition, you are ratchet if you are guilty of 
domestic violence, 
or incest.

Any questions about whether or not any of these circumstances are ratchet, 
then you may be ratchet.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Winter Love Affair

Winter Love Affair
Poem written by Benita Blocker

No poking; 
Barely stroking; 
Enveloping every curve.

Keeping me warm throughout the night;
Sustained cuddling that's just right.
Me? Put up a fight?

Soft, gentle touches meet me at every turn.
No worries about creeping;
Just peaceful sleeping.

Pushing the right buttons,
Turns up the heat.
The dependability can't be beat.

Oh how I love . . . .
My Electric Blanket.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

HOA Board No Longer Represent its Members

As a Rosedale Meeting Street Homes Association member, I assure you that Jane Ryan and Jamie Darche Warren do not represent me nor my interests. If I was in leadership of this community as a Black woman and a White member would be complaining for the last three months like I have, then I doubt very serious that I would remain in leadership.  I believe this predominantly White community would have no problems with removing a Black person from leadership. Right now, the community is in a "do nothing" mode as far as I know.  I understand that people wrestle with politics at their jobs, then the last thing that they want to have to do is wrestle with feuding neighbors on the home front.

The sad thing is that nationwide, neighbors are feuding.  The laws are inadequate to protect citizens from rogue Board members. Social media and local media seem to be the only way to bring more attention to this national deficiency in our real estate system.

I personally have seen enough drama happening within the last four months that would give any "train wreck TV" a run for the money.  Television producers should know that there are plenty of homeowner association stories nationwide for at least five seasons.

This should be my last video on this topic.  The leadership on our current Rosedale Meeting Street Homes Association Board of Directors is so crazy that I finally realized that I am wasting my time trying to reason with them.

I will continue to seek relief from legislators Jeff Tarte and Charles Jeter. Thanks for watching this last video on this topic. The filming of this video cut off on me before I finished my speech, but everyone gets the general idea of my message.

On a separate note, I really can not decide on the words to describe how totally shocked that I have been within the last four months, but I am ready to fight the bigger fight.  Let's re-gain control of our HOAs nationwide!