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Friday, May 28, 2021

Local Artist Introduces New Collections

Local artist Benita Blocker is currently showcasing two different artwork collections. The first collection is called the "Jungle Collection." It features fashion inspired art. The fashion outfits actually ship with some of the art pieces. 

The second collection is called the "Blue Eyes Collection." It features a "big blue eyed sistah." Each face can be customized regarding hairstyle, hair color, directions of the head shape, position of the blue eyed pupils, and the color scheme of the neckline and bust area. The original "Blue eyes" acrylic hand painting was completed in 2019 as a part of an art expression class within a support group and was completed in under 2 hours. Many people liked the original canvas panel which was an experiment so Ms. Blocker decided to create a whole collection of ten pieces surrounding this Sisterhood. The first two "Blue Eyes" paintings are using the same "Mont Marte" brand canvas quality as the original 2019 version. Buyers will feel confident to know that a stencil is being used to create a consistent sizing of the face. Only 9x12 canvases are being used to effectively showcase the small face of the Blue Eyes Collection.

 As a rape and kidnap survivor, Ms. Blocker is using art to continue coping with past trauma and has opened up an Etsy online store and art gallery. The website is 

All paintings are being created with professional acrylic paint, and Ms. Blocker is looking forward to experimenting with oil paint and watercolor. In addition, she is also looking forward to being featured in a storefront gallery.  She appreciates the continued support from her community.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Georgia Scandal Continues Into Sixth Year

 The #exonerateMichael campaign unfolds like this:

November 2015

DNA Report does NOT show a MATCH for RAPE nor Justification for Capital Punishment Sentencing.

Edward Tarver of U.S. Department of Justice is asked to assist in reviewing the situation.

January 2016
Tarver's Office says they cannot assist, but FBI Augusta has been assigned.

March 2016
FBI Special Agents Chuck McKee and Mac Butts visit Michael C. Blocker at Telfair State Prison.

June 2016

Judge J. Randal Hall denies Michael C. Blocker's request to return to court. Case CV1:16-34

J. Randal Hall became a federal judge in 2008 associated with Michael's case receiving regional coverage at that time.

Michael C. Blocker is transferred to new prison.

July 2016

Motion for Reconsideration filed.
President Obama sent letter acknowledging commitment to prison reform.

October 2016 

$44k bank levy wipes out advocate (Benita Blocker's) living expenses before the overhead checks could clear. (NOTE:  That bank account never carried a surplus. BB&T knew this.)

Jimmonique R. S. Rodger, Deputy Director of Georgia Public Defender Council kindly informs us that direct appellate rights have ended.

November 2016
Attorney General Carr's office says that they are opposing counsel and cannot assist in the matter.

December 2016
Mecklenburg County, NC Sheriff Irwin Carmichael's office says bank levy was LEGAL. (Just unethical, no monies returned.)

January 2017
Ashley Wright is appointed Judge by Governor Nathan Deal.

March 2017
Edward Tarver is no longer with U.S. Department of Justice

Duplicate charges from 2009 legal lawsuits go onto Michael C. Blocker's prison bill. 

HOA attempts to levy on NC property.

May 2017
Judge J. Randal Hall becomes Chief Judge over Judge Lisa Godbey Wood.

Michael C. Blocker is transferred to a new prison.
(A life insurance scandal within this scandal spirals out for about nine months.)

August 2017

Coastal Federal Credit Union serves paperwork to renew collection procedures for TEN more years. (I.e. 10 more years of BANK LEVIES)

I enter into a Verbal agreement with attorney John F. Hanzel (friend of Deputy Carr who carried out the October 2016 bank levy) to prevent Coastal Federal Credit Union from levying on my bank account for ten more years.

I break my arm, and out of work.

December 2017

Coastal Federal Credit Union quietly gets their ten year renewal to levy on my bank accounts because Attorney John F. Hanzel dropped the ball; although, he cashed my December check payment to him.

February 2018

Mecklenburg County Sheriff serves paperwork from Coastal Federal Credit Union for 2007 unsecured Credit card.

April 2018

I take Attorney John F. Hanzel to Small Claims court in NC for breach of contract. No monies were granted.

May 2018
Michael C. Blocker is transferred to a new prison.

June 2018
Motion to Dismiss the Grand Jury Indictment is filed for case 2007RCCR00181 in Richmond County, GA.

July 2018
Michael C. Blocker transferred to new 

August 2018

I make the decision to sell my prime real estate to stop the aggressive collections efforts over an unsecured credit card from Coastal Federal Credit Union.

September 2018

Richmond County, Georgia public defender office states they cannot assist with Michael's wrongful incarceration.

My prime real estate in NC goes on the market with a signed contract in one week. 

November 2018
Similar to the 2016 bank levy, I start to see financial paperwork being finessed behind the scenes.

I start to publish lost 1990 paperwork (#round2mark3 campaign) that I found while staging my real estate property in preparation for full political warfare.

December 2018
Coastal Federal Credit Union was the mechanism being used for full political warfare. The closer that I got to closing on my real estate the more insane the financial scene was becoming.

I intentionally released my 1990 assailant name with a younger photo for press recovery at a later date. This released Coastal Federal Credit Union's grip and my closing went through.

January 2019

I visit my cousin Michael at Ware State Prison, GA. We had not seen each other in 30 years. He was behind a closed window but a great reunion.

March 2019

Grievance is filed with Georgia State Bar against Public defender Hugh Hadden.
Complaint of Civil Violation filed with Southern District of Georgia.

Georgia Attorney General Christopher Carr refuses to assist with change of venue.

Brian K. Epps recommends denial of Michael's complaint of Civil Violation.

April 2019

GA State Bar dismisses grievance saying they can not judge on effectiveness.

Prison sends Michael to Augusta State Medical Prison to try to kill him. He survives and files a grievance.

I also publish names of NC Sheriff deputies who created a hardship through their unethical actions in 2016.

May 2019
Michael C. Blocker transferred to new 

June 2019

I start my #round2mark3 campaign to get Justice for my own  1990 toxic relationship.

July 2019
NC Attorney John F. Hanzel is disbarred.

November 2019

Michael survives first altercation at the prison.

Disbarred Attorney John F. Hanzel faces other charges.

December 2019

Michael survives second altercation. He goes into segregation. 90% of his belongings including court paperwork, letters from his deceased parents,etc.- all gone. The prison even gave away the Union Supply food packages that the family paid for. He files a grievance. The warden personally promises me to investigate everything.

February 2020

Michael's grievance is denied. Everything is gone. Warden lied to me. An appeal is sent to Atlanta. They have 120 days.

March 2020
Atlanta denies Michael's grievance but fails to notify him until April 27, 2020

April 2020
COVID-19 pandemic - the world's economy is practically shutdown.

The DNA Report is published for public review.

Michael's denial of his grievance is received.

May 2020
Changes to staff in Asheville, NC  DA office setting new groundwork for #round2mark3 campaign.

June 2020
Judge Daniel J. Craig is re-elected. (Sympathy vote due to the unfortunate passing of his daughter.)

Protests and public outcry over an unethical decision by Judge Craig takes place in Augusta within a two weeks of the judge's re-election.

August 2020
Justice for #round2mark3 campaign is reviewed in Asheville, NC

November 2020
Augusta, Georgia elects a new District Attorney.

January 2021
New Augusta, Georgia DA takes office.

February 2021
New District Attorney office requires us to have an attorney.  A Past private attorney was a waste of monies spent. Others in the Augusta Richmond County area have found it difficult to find an attorney to go against the corruption in the area. 

March 2021
Official Court Reporter Tammy Bussey informs our campaign that a judge is reviewing Michael's case regarding release of his trial transcripts. Michael has been requesting these transcripts for 13 years now. He has never seen them despite case 2010 CV 2368 in Lowndes County Georgia should have required them.

April 2021
I visit Richmond County and Columbia County courthouses. Judges Wright and Craig are headquartered in Augusta Richmond County. Blanchard Jr is headquartered in Evans Columbia County, Georgia.

Tammy Bussey notifies me via phone call that Richmond County court reporter has judge's decision but court reporter emails me later that she has received nothing.

The prison was on lockdown for most of the month completely throwing all communication with Michael out of sync.

July 2021

Judge Danny Craig becomes Chief Judge of Augusta Judicial Circuit of Georgia.

August 2021
Michael's personal tablet is restricted from using email. He also had Limited access to community kiosk because of protective custody status.

Columbia County Judicial Circuit is established in Georgia lead by Judge James Blanchard Jr.

September 2021
Judge James Blanchard Jr releases over a 180 pages of trial transcripts and denies the 2018 motion to dismiss the 2007 grand jury indictment. Judge Danny Craig is assigned over the case. (Total conflict of interest)

I am selected as "Best Qualified" for new role within USPS. "Data Collection Technician"

October 2021
Judge Amanda Heath is assigned to the case. 

November 2021
The 2007 case goes to Appeal status. Michael engages with public defender office.

I finally start my role as Data Collection Technician within USPS.

December 2021
The case closes again without any hearings.

Willie Saunders becomes Chief Judge of Juvenile Courts of Augusta Judicial Circuit.

January 2022
Pro se motion to withdraw guilty plea is entered in Richmond County, Georgia . Original attempt to withdraw guilty plea was completed in 2010 as 10cv2368 which was overwritten August 27, 2012 with an unrelated case Crawford versus United States by judge Susan S. Cole before she retired September 1,  2012.

Michael's prison medical records and PII hacked.

February 2022
Breaking point with Biological Mother.

April 2022
Michael requests for Wellness transfer to the Augusta, Georgia area to be closer to family and to prepare for release.

December 2022
Sent Christmas card to Davis, Chapman, and Wilder, LLC

I received two months backpay from USPS for April to June of 2021.

February 2023
On site/in person visitation at Smith State Prison. Warden Adams had been removed and under investigation.

Michael received notification of hack as early as January 2022.

Discovered that Davis, Chapman, and Wilder, LLC was Alexia Davis who was sitting at the 2008 trial.

March 2023
Online/Social media Trial transcript series is posted to expose the key points associated with the trial.

The Department of Justice interviews inmates at Smith State Prison regarding inmate safety investigation, and Michael is transferred to another prison facility.

Davis, Chapman, and Wilder are unable to assist with the correcting of the injustice. Pro se motion to withdraw the guilty plea is still last entry in case management for 2007rccr00181

I begin new role in USPS. Lateral move.

April 2023
Attorney Tanya Jeffords reaches out. She remembers the case but genuinely does not remember her involvement. Attempt to reach lead public defender Hugh Hadden was unsuccessful.

The good fight continues.