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Thursday, June 25, 2020

Personal Protection Equipment: Face Coverings

My Sorority Colors.

I have always tried to practice Universal precautions.  As the economy continues to try and recover from the Pandemic, I continue to show care and concern in a fashionable sense for those around me.

Surprisingly, the rideshare companies must have listened to some of my #ridesharerant comedy material.  The passenger seat is no longer available, and luggage assistance is no longer available.   Those changes are now a part of many rideshare pandemic suggested health precautions. Excellent service may look different in these times.

My Favorite Colors: Black, White, and Red.

Animal Print. Polyester Mask.

Face Shield.

Please remember to use Promo Code: BENITA10 for ten percent off your order at

Cloth mask

My Leather face masks require steam to clean.  Otherwise, hand wash and air dry will do for all of them.

Monday, June 15, 2020

The 2020 Civil Rights Era

In May 2019, I warned you about White Supremacy positioning to rule. It is 2020, and based on current events, I was right on track.

So now, let me explain what seems to be happening now:

The Jews versus The Gentiles
1) The Jews biblically speaking are a chosen people.
2) According to Professor Tony Martin's research (YouTube video), Jews were in the slave trade administration before America got involved.
3) Steven Spielberg's movie Amistad may have been made to steer attention away from the Jews significant involvement in slave trade.
4) Both ACLU and NAACP organizations were also co-founded by Jews according to another document that I read.
5) The power of the Jewish community intimidates White Supremacy which may explain the Holocaust and the persecution of Jews.
6) In order to avoid being targeted for genocide again, the Jews historically push for immigration in the Americas to distract from their community.

White Supremacy
7) Immigration has made America a melting pot. The dilution makes White Supremacists feel like a minority. Thus everything that they can do to clear out the "diversity" is the endgame. They want a "divorce" from all of the cultures and ethnic groups in America.
8) By cleaning up immigration, they can better watch the Jewish community, the chosen people.

Black people
9) Black people have been in America so long that they just can't ship every Black person back to Africa so mass incarceration and/or execution wins "brownie points" to start to purge the population.

10) So even if everyone knows that the excessive sentencing and wrongful incarcerations are REAL- to correct the situation goes against the bigger picture to purge America.

11) So if Blacks want to stay in America, the fight is just beginning.  It is a revolution. That is the movement that you are seeing and feeling.

12) The cameras are capturing everything with the "hoods off." This is an advantage for now, but distribution of wealth will sustain those contributing to the purge.

13) Love conquers hate. There are always exceptions. The "underground railroad" was proof of that.

All Ethnic groups and communities are targets. Death, incarceration, or leave seem to be the ultimate options that will be on the table if White Supremacy continues to position itself through judges and the Judicial process.

So to the gangs and "Black on Black beefs" - you have bigger fish to fry.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Proposed TV Series: Wrong Answer Remixed

Watch out for snakes!

In light of this 2020 election year, I want to offer you an alternative narrative to the "Wrong Answer. "

Augusta, Georgia District Attorney and Assistant D.A. are ring leaders for a child trafficking ring. They use an elderly pharmacist in the neighborhood to supply the prescription drugs to keep victims drugged. They also keep large amounts of cash stashed remotely in said "unsuspecting" elderly pharmacist's household safe.

A mastermind thief gets wind of the operation, but he is too afraid to go for "gold" himself so he sends an unsuspecting, laid back associate to check out the accuracy of the treasure.

The time window is cut short as household owner returns to her dwelling ahead of schedule.  A passive, non-violent confrontation occurs. Upon conclusion of the encounter, she calls the District Attorney to notify him of the stolen treasure.  Knowing that she cannot report over $10,000.00 cash without causing unwanted attention, they decide on a rape story. Such a story would benefit the District Attorney and A.D.A. for promotional purposes the following election year.

A simple burglary would barely make a ripple in the news. A bigger story involving a manhunt for a perverted rapist, should be some good insurance for promotions during the upcoming election year.

The mastermind of the burglary gets caught and agrees to an immunity deal to go free in exchange for a "scapegoat" to pin the high profile REGIONAL story.

Gotta love a good fiction story right before Georgia election Tuesday.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

2020 Foresight, Aftermath, Reparations and Affirmative Action


A year ago, God lead me to publish this article stating that White Supremacy was positioning to rule. It was unfavorable news, and many people were in denial and rejected my credibility. Now, in 2020, current events show my Foresight into the future was spot on.

A civil war  between the "have and have-nots" has been brewing since the economy collapsed in 2007/2008.  Even a Black President could not slow down the increasing challenges in dealing with race relations.

The 2020 government shutdowns, layoffs, and "stay at home" orders for the  Coronavirus pandemic hit, the line between the have and have-nots became clearer than ever especially for those who were using hotels for homes and their job hours were reduced or eliminated.

The Civil war was at a brink of beginning when the 2020 stimulus money started flowing down the pipeline.

Then came the  videos of the public lynchings of #AhmaudArbery and #GeorgeFloyd and all the countless names of police brutality victims. So the bubble BURST.

Thank you protestors for some of the mass destruction because our voices alone has not been enough.  Our kneeling has not been enough.  Our politeness and patience has not been enough.


Now, enough is enough.  Enough destruction. Enough violence.  Enough killing.  We all are traumatized.  Trump, Guiliani, McConnell have said "enough to infuriate the world."  Protests around the globe are being witnessed. Black Lives Matters. Stop the police brutality, implicit biases, modern day lynchings.

SuperCenters boarded up their stores not because of any storm forecasts nor weather announcements. They are boarded to protect against violent protestors and looters therefore limiting work hours and the ability to shop for Essentials household supplies.


People were appalled by the images of national mass destruction on the anniversary of the 1921 Tulsa Oklahoma ( Black Wall Street) Race Massacre. So is it time to negotiate Reparations for all past and present destruction?

The economy is already depressed.

Other solutions

Integrity Conviction Review Units are needed in every County. These units will provide Post-conviction relief to the overwhelmed non-profit agencies. 

Campaigns all over the nation need a more productive way to get efficient corrections of wrongful incarcerations, excessive sentencing, and permanent stay of executions. (#freeRealityWinner * #freeLouisMathews * #freedom4ty #exonerateMichael)

Consumer Violence Protection Bureaus are needed in every County in the USA. These Bureaus will assist families of murdered victims and survivors of Violent acts to get arrest made where politicians, law enforcement, and people with enough wealth to pay for trouble and evidence to disappear. (#AhmaudArbery * #BreonnaTaylor * #GeorgeFloyd * #Round2Mark3)

POLICE Licensing is needed to restore public trust and provide oversight for community policing.

I have found it extremely difficult to even file a complaint against law enforcement as a Black woman.

However, if all police/law enforcement had a national license that was on a point system and a formal public complaint procedure is reinforced then terminated officers will be forced out of profession versus employed one County over.

Diversity awareness training should be completed every six months as part of continuing education.

Mental illness education should be completed every six months as part of continuing education.

Self defense education should be completed every six months as part of continuing education.

Any radical membership or radical past behavior should be listed as a pre-existing condition. Future related complaints fast tracks officers into desk duty, re-training and/or termination.

Time for Affirmative Action . . .