Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Presumption of Guilt in Augusta, Georgia Rape Case

Augusta Chronicle article dated January 14, 2007 re: "Affluent suburb."

According to Augusta Chronicle staff writer Justin Boron, 
Sheriff Strength said
 "the attacker's choice of a victim so much older than himself has led investigators to believe they are dealing with someone abnormal."

"Alleged Rape" Suspect Michael Blocker describes how the jail obtained his buccal swabs:
I was taken downstairs from the 6th floor in Richmond County Jail to the 1st floor and placed in a restraining chair, handcuffed behind me and legs shackled.  I was forced to open my mouth so a detective could place two Q-tips in and rub them around my jaw.  He then placed them in an envelope and I was taken back to the 6th floor.  I was locked in my cell and wasn't allowed to come out since my interview after my arrest.

Sheriff Strength said his office will not let this type of criminal remain on the streets. "Guys like this, we're going to catch him," he said.

On Tuesday,  January 8, 2008, Assistant District Attorney Ashley Wright states "I don't think that I can make him anything but LWOP. Sorry." (LWOP means Life without parole)

"Alleged Rape" Suspect Michael Blocker says

he remained in the Richmond County Jail on the 6th floor for around a year.  After the absence of his 1st bond hearing where his private attorney did not show, he waited for another bond hearing to be scheduled, but it never was.  His private attorney who was quoting $30,000 to $50,000 to try the case withdrew; thereby leaving his defense in the hands of a public defender who did not  even question the "alleged rape" victim upon the defense's turn to cross-examine the witness on the stand.

As stated in my previous articles on this blog:
  1. The Georgia Bureau of Investigations never reported ANY internal vaginal DNA match. (NO MATCH)
  2. The results from the sexual assault kit showed No abrasions, No bruises, zero tears, zero lacerations, zero bleeding, zero severity.
  3. "Alleged rape" victim was age 74.
  4.  "Alleged rape" victim says suspect made a phone call on her residential line before fleeing, but only incoming calls were on the readout. 
  5. It was 38 degree weather, and "alleged rape" victim says she was sexually assaulted in a green nightshirt with white lace trim; however, NO Biological fluids were detected at initial inspection by an on-site sergeant.

The family regrets the burglary.

In regards to the "alleged rape,"  the family is seeking the following at this time:
  1. Life sentence vacated 
  2. Fair trial (possibly in a different city)
  3. Exoneration of rape allegations

Awaiting status from:
  • US Department of Justice
  • National Action Network
  • American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

Links to referenced articles:


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