Sunday, May 31, 2015

Selfies (Self Portraits) Rock!!!

Photo credit:

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson just set a record for the most selfies in three minutes.  I am quite fond of the "Rock" because he was on the cover of the Ebony magazine issue when I was chosen as one of Ebony Magazine's Super Single Sisters of 2001.  I also love taking selfies or self portraits myself!

Camera phones today are great for recording police brutality and capturing aerial views, but I find them horrible when amateur people are taking pictures of other people.

Group pictures
I hate when I see a group picture where everyone has their bodies in awkward positions "squeezing" to fit all the heads into the frame like the old days when the person taking the picture takes a aerial shot from the floor to the ceiling fan.  Pictures like that look too raw.

Hair/Makeup Shots
I have had to submit shots for hair and makeup print consideration, and it never fails that 75% or more of the picture is a full body shot with the skyline included whenever I get a friend to take them for me.  I always have to crop and zoom just to get the actual hair and makeup shot.  Of course, in my mind, I am thinking what a waste of time.  I could have taken selfies, and I could have gotten even better angles.

I hate snapshots for the same reason.  Often times, you are entering or leaving the scene with items in your hands. I usually am not trying to do a full body pose, but again, the amateur picture taker takes an aerial shot versus a head and shoulder shot exposing a very raw image.

Bad shots
I remember touring a replica of the Air Force One plane.  I wanted a window and Presidential seal shot which should have included mostly an upper body shot.  Because there was a long line to take pictures in the space, I did not check the shot that my friend took of me until later, and I was so disappointed.  She barely captured the Presidential seal nor the window, it was mostly a picture of me slightly reclined in the chair.  My thoughts were you can take a full body picture of me anywhere - I was really trying to capture the image of me flying in Air Force One. 

So I have vowed to always pose for a full body shot when anyone is using their camera phones to take pictures and/or I will give full directions of what I need in the shot.  When all else fails, then you can always rely on the selfie!

June 2015 update:  The new Selfie Sticks are an awesome solution!

These monopods use Bluetooth technology. The mobile phones can make the stick heavy to hold using only one hand, but it allows for more full body pictures without being in a mirror.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Huntersville: Another Possible Water Main Break

 I noticed running water in the Huntersville Business Park on Sunday as I was getting some exercise.  At first, I thought it was a broken sprinkler, but then upon a closer look, I felt like this was a water main break.

I made a service call to the "Water Leaks" department to generate a work order.  I had to report a different water main break a month or two ago for the Rosedale Shopping Center.

I did not follow up to get status, but I am in hopes that this running water is fixed sooner rather than later.  Someone is got to pay for water being wasted.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Baby Shower Goodies!

I was fascinated by this candy coated strawberry!  
Both the candy shell and the strawberry was delicious. 

Another associate of mine wanted part of her wedding cake with this type of smooth candy coating.  Apparently, more and more people are going away from the traditional buttercream icing.  I was  even amazed that it molded so nicely to the strawberry that you can even see the imprint of the strawberry in the candy shell.

Souvenirs!  The Baby Boy is due soon!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

May 2015 Savoir-Faire Magazine Health and Beauty Expo

This event was held at the University Hilton Hotel!  
Awesome networking!

I also purchased these two lip colors from Just Like Paint Cosmetics.  
They are my sorority colors (Sigma Gamma Rho) as well as primary colors that I plan to blend with a few other lipsticks!

Just like Paint Cosmetics technicians got me going that day! Love my lips!

And this is my version of the same blue lip color with my locs freshly shampooed and curled.

I even got to work the yellow lip color.

The event offered free haircare samples as well as some anti-aging solutions.

It was an awesome event to come through and check out the vendors for FREE!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Will Housing Projects Lead to Heavier Traffic in Huntersville?

 Under construction: Holly Crest Luxury Apartments - one entrance.

Huntersville, NC currently has two exits off Interstate 77.  Exits 23 and 25 have become increasingly gridlock within the last year without any more new apartment homes.

 Holly Crest Luxury Apartments - another entrance off Exit 25.

 Meanwhile behind Earthfare grocery store and Forrestal Academy at Exit 23, there looks like more apartment homes being built.

Another view of construction at exit 23.

Can Huntersville, NC roads handle any more vehicles than it is doing now?  If there is an accident on Interstate 77, then the normal gridlock becomes a parking lot in Huntersville, NC as it stands now.  When these apartments were approved, I wonder if the road usage and traffic flow was considered?

May 22, 2015 at @3:01 pm, Exit 23 Gilead Road, Huntersville, NC
Friday of Memorial Day Weekend, traffic started early.

In addition, the remainder of the Interstate 485 loop is scheduled to open in June 2015. Will this relieve some traffic congestion or add to it?  I am excited about the loop opening to get to Concord Mills in a straight line.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

NCDOT Lawn Maintenance in Huntersville, NC

This is an active city bus stop on Sam Furr Road near Interstate 77 across from the Whole Foods store in Huntersville, NC.  I personally emailed and left a voicemail to the Town of Huntersville, NC on Monday, May 11, 2015 requesting that this high grass is cut as soon as possible.

Thank you C.A.T.S.!!!! 
The Transit service actual cut some of the grass around the actual bus stop sign. 

Thank you pedestrians!!!  
Actual human foot traffic down from the sidewalk has formed a path through the high grass to get to the bus stop sign.

 The town of Huntersville says that NC DOT maintains this stretch of road.  So when is NC DOT (Department of Transportation) going to finish mowing the lawn????  It's been five days since I submitted a formal maintenance request, and the grass still has not been cut.

This picture references the bus stop in the distance to the left, and the Bob Evans sign in the distance to the right.  The grass surrounding the bus stop area is approaching 3 feet tall. Clearly, it has not been mowed in over a month.

 The grass down from the BB&T bank is being mowed, but can pedestrians get the right a way on the sidewalk again?  This bush has taken over the sidewalk.  Pedestrians can not walk through the bush, and the bush is not mobile.  Any thoughts? Can we get the bush cut to free up the sidewalk along with the getting the grass cut?

 Pictured is the same bus stop on Sam Furr Road from a top view.  Can someone on the city or state payroll please cut the grass?  It is going on one week since I have complained, and I was told that the NC DOT was forwarded the maintenance request.  How long is it going to take to get this past due lawn maintenance request completed?
Pictured is the other side of that overgrown bush along with the high grass off Sam Furr Road and Interstate 77.  Some parts of this sidewalk is also collapsing.  Can we get the sidewalk repaired too?

the Grass Mowed in Huntersville, NC . . .  
so far, we are on week #2!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sign of the Times 2015

Sharps Needle/Syringe disposal containers in the public restrooms.  (Outlet mall)

 I came across this abandoned needle.  It could be an insulin syringe or who knows.  Regardless, it is a safety hazard. I left it alone.  I wonder what is proper protocol for disposal?

Nope, it is not a snake, but someone lost a box braid!

Meanwhile, in a neglected area of Charlotte, NC, a street postlight is down.

I will continue to add to this article in 2015 as I find more interesting things in the area.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Restroom Etiquette: Yes, Your Shit Stinks!

You ever wonder why Target stores, McDonald's restaurants, and the local Mecklenburg County, NC Public libraries do NOT have paper towels in their public restrooms?

Maybe it is because 
some people do NOT think that their own "Shit stinks!"

Door Handle Phobia
I am tired of seeing the restroom floors of dance clubs or movie theaters with soiled paper towels at the restroom entrance/exit door because "no one" wants to touch the restroom door handle with their bare hands, and they do not want to walk out of the restroom with a soiled paper towel in order to properly dispose of the soiled paper towel in a trash can.

Solution:  Build restrooms entrances without doors, but with privacy walls.  Walmart stores are a good example.

Refusal to wash hands
I am also tired of seeing women that are dressed like they shopped in "Brooks Brothers," but they refuse to wash their hands after going to the potty because they think they will get someone else's germs by even turning on the faucet. For some reason, they must think their "shit does not stink" enough to wash their hands before leaving the restroom.

Solution:  Possibly install motion detection sensors to control the water flow so that people do not feel they have to touch anything at the sink or the toilet bowl.

Improper Squatting
In addition, I can not stand entering into a restroom stall to find urine all over the seat or the toilet water not flushed.  The toilet bowl seat was probably clean before the person squatted and urinated. Why leave urine all over the seat like everyone's urine is not sewer waste?  Then those same people do not want to flush the toilet because they think the toilet bowl handle is "nasty."  What is nasty is when "so called clean" people leave their sewer waste and soiled trash around for others to see.

Solution:  If you can not KEEP the restroom in equal to better cleanliness than what you found it then don't use the public restrooms!!!! "Nice Nasty" people are why some public places do not keep paper towels in the restrooms because some people do not dispose of soiled paper towels in the trash receptables properly.

NOW, for those who  really do NOT want their "shit to stink" -- 
Try "Poo-Pourri" spray or "Crap Trap" spray!

SOLUTION:  Literally, just spray 3 to 5 pumps in the toilet bowl water before you poop and it neutralizes the odor preventing any "stink."  It seems to be a mixture of essential oils.  Uncommon Scents store in Huntersville, NC sells these sprays locally.  Love it!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Forever N Fashion's Wonder Shawl

The Wonder Shawl can be worn 5 to 6 ways.

Off the shoulder -Left

Off the shoulder - right

The rest of the options!
Lovin' it!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Losing a Notch a Month with HerbaLife Nutrition

May 1, 2015 (Four belt notches down)

Yeah baby! Those inches are coming down!  Although, my regular visits to the HerbaLife nutrition bar is not the only reason that my waist is shrinking, but it is a staple in my routine right now.

My HerbaLife coach Ana and her team at 4 Ever Nutrition offers:
  • Aloe with water shot
  • Aloe and hot Tea
  • Warm Meal Replacement Smoothie and/or protein bar
  • other HerbaLife supplements

The smoothies are usually served chilled, but that was not working for my taste buds.  I need hot tea and a warm meal.  You should also know that:
  • I DO NOT take any diet pills.  
  • I have embraced a lower caloric eating habit. 
  • I have also incorporated more exercise at a self pace.  
  • I only have one HerbaLife meal replacement session per day.  

The HerbaLife plan suggests two visits/shakes per day, but I am not focused on extreme weight loss in a short period of time.  I have had a history of working with personal trainers as well as weight management programs so I am comfortable with navigating my own weight loss journey.  

I recognize that my age is catching up with me so I am committed to a long term lifestyle change. One meal replacement shake per day is something that is a realistic fit for my lifestyle going forward.

The shakes at 4-ever Nutrition vary based on who is making the shakes. Some days I like them better than others, but I stick with it.  Some of my favorites flavors are
  • (Hot) Chocolate Caramel with a Banana (bring your own banana)
  • (Hot) Apple Pie (bring your own red delicious apple and have them to peel it)
  • (Hot) Orange Dreamsicle
  • (Hot) Pina Colada with Pineapple/Coconut fruit cup (bring your own fruit cup)
  • (Hot) Cinnamon Toast Crunch

I prefer the shake to be warm versus hot.  If the shake is too hot, the taste seems to get altered.  There are plenty of meal replacement options on the market. Ana's HerbaLife location is great when you want "full service" without having to lift anything but your cup!

February 23, 2015 (Two belt notches down)