Saturday, May 16, 2015

NCDOT Lawn Maintenance in Huntersville, NC

This is an active city bus stop on Sam Furr Road near Interstate 77 across from the Whole Foods store in Huntersville, NC.  I personally emailed and left a voicemail to the Town of Huntersville, NC on Monday, May 11, 2015 requesting that this high grass is cut as soon as possible.

Thank you C.A.T.S.!!!! 
The Transit service actual cut some of the grass around the actual bus stop sign. 

Thank you pedestrians!!!  
Actual human foot traffic down from the sidewalk has formed a path through the high grass to get to the bus stop sign.

 The town of Huntersville says that NC DOT maintains this stretch of road.  So when is NC DOT (Department of Transportation) going to finish mowing the lawn????  It's been five days since I submitted a formal maintenance request, and the grass still has not been cut.

This picture references the bus stop in the distance to the left, and the Bob Evans sign in the distance to the right.  The grass surrounding the bus stop area is approaching 3 feet tall. Clearly, it has not been mowed in over a month.

 The grass down from the BB&T bank is being mowed, but can pedestrians get the right a way on the sidewalk again?  This bush has taken over the sidewalk.  Pedestrians can not walk through the bush, and the bush is not mobile.  Any thoughts? Can we get the bush cut to free up the sidewalk along with the getting the grass cut?

 Pictured is the same bus stop on Sam Furr Road from a top view.  Can someone on the city or state payroll please cut the grass?  It is going on one week since I have complained, and I was told that the NC DOT was forwarded the maintenance request.  How long is it going to take to get this past due lawn maintenance request completed?
Pictured is the other side of that overgrown bush along with the high grass off Sam Furr Road and Interstate 77.  Some parts of this sidewalk is also collapsing.  Can we get the sidewalk repaired too?

the Grass Mowed in Huntersville, NC . . .  
so far, we are on week #2!


  1. Town of Huntersville did update me that NCDOT got behind schedule due to rains. They hope to get to this stretch of highway soon.

  2. It looks like some of the landscaping companies for the other businesses have helped to cut some more pathways through the high grass until the NCDOT can finish it up. In the words of one of my friends- the lack of urgency to correct the neglect of mowing this stretch of grass is just "rid-damn-diculous." Thank you to those kind enough to help clear a few areas so that pedestrians can feel safer. God Bless you. Let's see how many more weeks that it is going to take to fully get this area mowed.

  3. The grass was finally cut . . . within a two week period. Thank you Huntersville and NCDOT.
