Friday, May 8, 2015

Restroom Etiquette: Yes, Your Shit Stinks!

You ever wonder why Target stores, McDonald's restaurants, and the local Mecklenburg County, NC Public libraries do NOT have paper towels in their public restrooms?

Maybe it is because 
some people do NOT think that their own "Shit stinks!"

Door Handle Phobia
I am tired of seeing the restroom floors of dance clubs or movie theaters with soiled paper towels at the restroom entrance/exit door because "no one" wants to touch the restroom door handle with their bare hands, and they do not want to walk out of the restroom with a soiled paper towel in order to properly dispose of the soiled paper towel in a trash can.

Solution:  Build restrooms entrances without doors, but with privacy walls.  Walmart stores are a good example.

Refusal to wash hands
I am also tired of seeing women that are dressed like they shopped in "Brooks Brothers," but they refuse to wash their hands after going to the potty because they think they will get someone else's germs by even turning on the faucet. For some reason, they must think their "shit does not stink" enough to wash their hands before leaving the restroom.

Solution:  Possibly install motion detection sensors to control the water flow so that people do not feel they have to touch anything at the sink or the toilet bowl.

Improper Squatting
In addition, I can not stand entering into a restroom stall to find urine all over the seat or the toilet water not flushed.  The toilet bowl seat was probably clean before the person squatted and urinated. Why leave urine all over the seat like everyone's urine is not sewer waste?  Then those same people do not want to flush the toilet because they think the toilet bowl handle is "nasty."  What is nasty is when "so called clean" people leave their sewer waste and soiled trash around for others to see.

Solution:  If you can not KEEP the restroom in equal to better cleanliness than what you found it then don't use the public restrooms!!!! "Nice Nasty" people are why some public places do not keep paper towels in the restrooms because some people do not dispose of soiled paper towels in the trash receptables properly.

NOW, for those who  really do NOT want their "shit to stink" -- 
Try "Poo-Pourri" spray or "Crap Trap" spray!

SOLUTION:  Literally, just spray 3 to 5 pumps in the toilet bowl water before you poop and it neutralizes the odor preventing any "stink."  It seems to be a mixture of essential oils.  Uncommon Scents store in Huntersville, NC sells these sprays locally.  Love it!!!

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