Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Board President Described as Way too Personal in the Past

History repeats itself again.  As you can see from the picture above in October 2005, Jane Ryan resigned from the Board because Jamie Darche Warren's response to another Association member was "way too personal."  Since 2005, Jamie Darche Warren and Jane Ryan have had a long standing relationship, even a friendship as I would describe it.

Jamie Darche Warren managed to "steal" the election in our 2014 Rosedale Annual meeting last month.  Maybe her historical behavior of becoming "way too personal" was the driving force behind it?  Maybe Jamie Darche Warren has been on a "power trip" for "way too long?"

Our Board attorney states she has to protect our elected Board, but two-thirds of our Association did NOT elect the current Board.  Only about 9 members of this Association elected this current Board.  They continue to hide behind the property management, the Board Attorney, and their Executive Sessions.

We, as an Association, need to have Jamie Darche Warren and Jane Ryan removed from our Rosedale Board of Directors.  If you so choose to vote them back in at a special meeting, then at least, let us do it the right way.

In the latest efforts by your current Board of Directors, they were upset about my postings on what was our Association page on Facebook since my unseating happened during the "runaway" election at the last Annual Meeting. So the Board attorney takes out time to let me know that

 "the Association has an obligation to seek a court order for a temporary restraining order against any person who improperly represents him or herself as acting on behalf of the association by creating a page in the name of the association and including improper, shameful, and untrue content on that page."

As you all know as a long standing past Board Director, I created that page on Facebook and have managed it for over a year.  It has had as many as FIVE followers.  Yes, 1-2-3-4-5 followers.  Did the Current Board of Directors have anything better to do than to waste our Board Attorney's time over a tiny page on Facebook?

In response, to the Board attorney's request, the page on Facebook has been promptly renamed, and I will continue to manage it as I have always done for the last year.

There is one thing that I do agree with the Board Attorney: 

we do not want this gridlock to negatively affect the values of our properties or cause buyers to look to buy elsewhere.  Our neighborhood has seen a lot of turnover in the last ten years.  

With that said, Key Community Management was NOT helpful in providing me the mailing addresses for the other half of the members who no longer occupy their units.  It is a great thing that property ownership is public record.  I have had to put in a lot of overtime to lead this effort to get our Board back.  

Rosedale members: Please mail me your petitions as soon as you can so that we can get this gridlock taken care of before Christmas 2014.  Thanks for your patience and commitment to our Community.  Please feel free to run for the potential Board vacancies.  At the special meeting, if the community wants to vote for a full clean slate of a Board, then it may not be a bad idea.

Historically, we have had the same old problems from the same set of Board members, it is time for fresh, ethical leadership in Rosedale.  Kindly do your part in taking our Board back!

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