Sunday, November 16, 2014

Are Rosedale Board members on a Power Trip?

Over a year ago on November  5, 2013, Jamie Darche Warren made a motion as a part of her hidden agenda, and Jane Ryan seconded that motion.  The motion showcased their ignorance of our Bylaws.

In order to cover up their incompetence, two sets of Meeting minutes were generated as either suggested by Jamie Darche Warren herself or Key Community Management.  I am unclear who originated the idea.

So in summary, there are two sets of Meeting minutes for 11/5/2013, one- that you as an Association member are designated to receive upon request, and then there is a second set of "executive" meeting minutes that reveal additional details of the incompetent motion that was carried.  I also have in my possession the original set of Meeting minutes revealing the true power trip that Jamie Darche Warren and Jane Ryan orchestrated in November 2013.  I did not feel that it was appropriate to post Board meeting minutes online, but I would be happy to share those documents and more at a special meeting.

Also, for the record, I feel that having two sets of meeting minutes is unethical, and who is to stop this current Board from continuing to hide unethical actions?  Certainly not, Key Community Management.  Their duties are to follow orders from one Board member: Jamie Darche Warren or whomever is the designated Board point of contact. This approach is quite disturbing especially when that point of contact is on a power trip.

In further support of my findings, you see in the email above that Jamie Warren implies that Benita Blocker is not respected as an equal member of this Association.  If Jamie Warren does not respect me as a "Board member at Large," then how can I expect her to respect me as a non-Board member.

How can any member of this Association expect to be respected by Jamie Darche Warren, Jane Ryan and the new Board who secretly took over?

 It is time for our Association to take our Board back.

All Rosedale Association members except the current Board members plus three members who refused my last mailing should receive a petition in the mail shortly to remove both Jamie Darche Warren and Jane Ryan from our Board.  If any of the eight members who have been excluded from my mailing want to join my effort to bring back order to our Association, please let me know, I will be happy to mail you a petition.

Note to Jamie Darche Warren:  You have spent over a year trying to get me off of the Rosedale Board.  Congratulations, you succeeded.  I hope that your victory is as sweet as you have ever dreamed it to be.

Note to Rosedale Association members:  Our Association deserves transparency, fairness, and a code of ethics.  Jamie Darche Warren and Jane Ryan have ruled our Association long enough.  It is sincerely time to take our Association back.  Please sign your petitions and send them back to me.  Upon removal of these two Board members, Key Community Management should call for a special meeting to fill the two vacancies.  If you are curious about how transparent our Association is being run, you can ask Key Community Management about the two separate meeting minutes for November 5, 2013, then let me know what they say.

In the meantime, consider joining our Board.  We can use a fresh perspective.  I do not know many of you, and you do not know me.  I assure you that I stand for the greater good of our Community.  Please support me, and thank you in advance for your patience.  We can get our Board back together!

1 comment:

  1. Our HOA Board positions are not salaried so who has time to write up two sets of Meeting minutes? In my ten years of serving our Rosedale Association, I have only seen this done ONCE. Based on recent correspondence from Key Community Management, the current Board is exercising its rights to have "executive sessions" that we the members will not be privileged to. Also, the page on Facebook that I was managing as one of your long standing Directors of ten years has been renamed at your new Board's request. I have not heard anything from your new Board. This comment section is open.
