Monday, May 19, 2014

Making a Vegan Lifestyle Magnificient!

Pictured above is the Citrus "Rib Tips" Entree with Collard greens and candied yams 
 from ZiZi's Vegan Take-out Restaurant in Charlotte, NC.  

Everything was perfectly seasoned and delicious!  I could not believe that there was NO Meat in it! 

The "rib tips" are made from pressed soy protein. The texture of this vegetable protein reminded me of real meat.  If no one told me that I was not eating meat, then I would have never known.  

It was unbelievable that eating healthy could taste that good!  Now, for those who are allergic to soy or gluten, there are other menu options.

Update:  I tried a vegan meal from a "raw" vegan restaurant.  It was a culture shock for my body.
Pictured is a Classic vegan burger and kale salad from Luna's Living Kitchen.  Great presentation, but "too vegan" for me.  The dish did give me plenty of energy, but I would have to acquire a taste for this raw vegan cuisine!

1 comment:

  1. "The Happy Cow" mobile app was recommended for download to assist vegans with locating vegan restaurants.
