Monday, May 26, 2014

Do It Yourself Dental Tips

Most people are on a budget these days and going to the dentist on a regular basis may be a luxury versus a necessity.  So here are a few tips that I have discovered and some that I have learned from my clients who are dentists.

If you see blood coming from your gums, then that is a sign that you need to get your gums back healthy!

1) Increase your flossing along with your brushing.  Even I am guilty of skipping the flossing step, but I also have paid the price.  So floss regularly to keep food from hanging around in-between your teeth.

2) The Crest Pro Health toothpaste as well as Colgate Complete toothpaste seem to be excellent in fighting the germs causing the bleeding gums.  You do not need to get the "Clinical" version.  If you are at "Clinical stage," then you probably should schedule a dental visit in my opinion.

3) The alcohol-free Multiprotection Dental Rinse is a nice extra step after flossing and brushing the teeth as well.  These "pro-health" products cost more than the regular toothpastes, but they are less than a dental visit.

If you use these three steps on a consistent regular basis, then your dental condition should drastically improve.  I have witnessed this for myself so I know it works.

Tooth Extraction
If you let your dental condition get too bad requiring a tooth extraction,  please remember that if you get a tooth extracted to save money, then your other teeth will shift positions to compensate for the gap which may cause you other problems cosmetically and functionally.

In a nutshell, 1) pay attention to your gums 2) pay extra for the more expensive dental care products and 3) stay consistent with your dental hygiene.  If these three steps are followed, you should not find yourself having to decide on tooth extraction nor a root canal.

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