Monday, April 20, 2020

DNA Report Publish for #exonerateMichael Case

Georgia states "report can not be reproduced except in full without written permission of the laboratory.

This is the 2 pages of the DNA Report surrounding the #exonerateMichael case.

It is up to the state to figure out how there is an external DNA match. 

No fingerprints found.
No signs of bodily injury.
No forced entry.
NO internal Vaginal DNA Match
No DNA Expert Testified
So why does
Michael Christopher Blocker
Have a Life without Parole sentence attached to a Nolo Contendere in the Southern District of Georgia?

Come on Judge J. Randal Hall, Judge Danny Craig, Judge Ashley Wright, Judge James Blanchard, Jr.?

Out of all the folks you all railroaded in Augusta, GA - Michael's case is the most ridiculous, outright disgusting case of prosecutorial misconduct that is on the books. You all should be under the prison for the death of my uncle and my aunt as well as the collateral damage you all created trying to cover one fucked up decision after the next. I'm sorry for my casual words. I was much more professional in 2015. Professionalism got me still fighting into 2020.

Please exonerate Michael immediately or just die. Soon. There will be plenty of people raising up a glass! (Versus the old Rebel Yell!)


  1. What have they got going on here.

    1. Crap that does not hold water. The assumption that an elderly, prominent White lady would not lie . . . When history shows otherwise. Department of Justice needs to remedy this!

  2. It's now 2023 , and since the State never called a DNA expert and since an excessive amount of cover-up has been discovered - this DNA report is now a mute point. It is no longer a credible document. There is no DNA expert testimony on record.
