Thursday, March 14, 2019

Southern District of Georgia: Augusta Strange Prosecutions

Stand with this Veteran (Alleged Whistleblower) sentenced in Augusta, GA

Alleged whistleblower real name is Reality Winner.  She was Allegedly the source of this June 2017 "The Intercept" article pictured above. Her sentence- the longest ever handed down for an "unauthorized disclosure to the media" was to make an example of her like all the other strange prosecutions in Augusta, GA according to the leaders of the #freeRealityWinner campaign.

As Harper's magazine referenced a "usual pattern" in Augusta, GA at the beginning of election years.  Like in the 2004 Election year when (now Judge) Lisa Godbey Wood strangely prosecuted Senator Walker.

In 2005, Sports Illustrated then highlighted a 30 year sentencing of James (Jimmy) Lee Davis in Augusta, GA prosecuted by (now Judge) Daniel J. Craig in a 2002 trial. This was another strange prosecution in the Southern District of Georgia. (Not necessarily an election year but definitely motivated by the major golf tournament held there.)

In  Election year 2008, Michael C. Blocker had his "Trial by jury" stolen from him on the third day of trial (January 16, 2008) for a crime that he did not commit by District Attorney Daniel J. Craig.   Then Governor Sonny Perdue appointed Daniel J. Craig judge two days later (January 18, 2008).  Judge Craig has been running uncontested in elections since then.

Former Governor Sonny Perdue is now under Trump's administration.

I have been trying to get Michael C. Blocker released from false imprisonment since 2015 using the #exonerateMichael campaign.

One of my #exonerateMichael followers sent me this statement above referencing Judge Craig as a Nazi.

Federal Judge J. Randal Hall and Brian K. Epps has repeatedly ignored our #exonerateMichael requests for release.  Hall has repeatedly protected Judge Daniel J. Craig.  Lisa Godbey Wood referenced from Harper Magazine article earlier is on the same bench as J. Randal Hall.

Trump, Perdue, Craig, Hall, Epps, Wood are all clearly connected.  As of March 2019, Michael C. Blocker filed a complaint for Civil Rights Violation in the Augusta Division because the violation happened there.  We are praying that the Southern District of Georgia recuse itself from the process.  We also pray that all the unjust sentencing in Augusta, GA ends. In addition,



  1. Thank God for screenshot. I can no longer find this January 2008 WRDW article. I see some February 2008 articles which could have been published in 2019 after this blog article was published bringing light to the "promotions" right next to Michael C Blocker's 2008 trial dated. #exonerateMichael I have seen many articles altered or deleted in the Augusta Georgia area.

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