Friday, February 8, 2019

Tokyo Japan 2019 Adventure

Japan was 14 hours ahead.  I flew over the dateline.

My hotel room was designed for the independent traveller.  Practical  and compact.

The bidet button is for cleaning feminine parts.  The spray button is for posterior.  These specialized toilets were also in the airport.  

The Aqua Park was amazing!  I saw day and night dolphin performances.

My native Japanese friend captured this entertainer riding the dolphin.

The Aqua Park had a few rides available for a separate fee.

My Sorority colors. 

I called these fish "nosy." LOL

I captured a lot of video of jellyfish, stingrays, eels, turtle, etc.  There were a lot of different fish, penguins, otters, reptiles, etc.  I also watched fur seal and sea lion performances.

Shinagawa was a great location to enjoy fine food, fine shopping, movies, AquaPark and more. It is a short train ride from the airport.  I also saw quite a few clothes hanging on clotheslines.  The residential areas definitely do not have Homeowners Associations.  The commercial areas had no visible trash cans around and the STREETS were clean!  As much as the Japanese focus on being clean; many people wore masks EVERYWHERE.  I believe the flu was bad, and people just wanted to take precautions.  Although, my friend said some women wear masks because they didn't apply their cosmetic makeup that day or just go incognito.  Who knows?  I enjoyed Tokyo.

The airplane food was served every two hours as a full meal or a snack. I needed a fitness room by the time I got off the plane.  They had some Italian face and body products inside the toilets making them smell great. My ANA flight was the best plane trip ever!!  I loved my movie selection too!

I caught this penguin in mid-air! That's all folks!

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