Monday, February 25, 2019

Confessions II: The Joke was Never Funny

On July 4, 2014, I published the first "Confessions" blog article:

Almost five years later,
this is Part Two of  "Confessions"

To all those who question my December 2018 release of the name of my date rapist:
There are still too many political plays going on for me to give a full statement surrounding the timing of the release of the Identity of my date rapist.  Just know that the decision I made was the right decision for the dynamics in play in my life.  It was God's timing.  It was perfect timing.  Also,  on that night of the rape, my date rapist asked me this question:

How does it feel to be fucked by someone who does not give a damn about you? 

I was going to answer, but I remember him holding his head down in disbelief that I was going to speak.  So I never answered that question.  Now,

He should be able to answer to his own question.


The Joke was Never funny.

To my attorney who showed up in small claims court to tell the judge that Coastal Federal Credit Union was within their rights to renew a ten year judgment against me:

North Carolina State Bar has multiple grievances on file against you.  My grievance being one of them.

The Joke was Never Funny.

To Carolinas Healthcare Systems (now Atrium Health):
My Blog articles surrounding my part-time hairdresser employment experience made it into a US Department of Labor report.  

The Joke was Never funny.

To the 2016-2018 Mecklenburg County Sheriff Administration:
You had no way for Mecklenburg County citizens to file complaints against your sheriff deputies.  Your administration had a lot of corruption.  Now, there is a portal for citizens to file complaints.  Now, there is a new sheriff administration in office in 2019.

The Joke was Never Funny.

1 comment:

  1. To actually think that the new 2019 Sheriff administration was going to be better- now, I'm still laughing about that!
