Friday, January 18, 2019

The Hugh Hadden Finesse: Ethical or not?

As the movie "If Beale Street Could Talk" stated, many false imprisoned have taken guilty pleas for crimes that they did not commit because the system wears them down.

Michael Blocker missed his bond hearing because the PAID Private attorney failed to show.
Michael Blocker had been shackled and medicated as if he was a "monster."
Michael Blocker had been sitting a whole year in jail hoping that the trial by jury would set him free.

Meanwhile Michael Blocker's Public Defender Hugh Hadden knew that the State was going for Life Without Parole per Ashley Wright's email (pictured).

Even in the guilty plea hearing where Michael Blocker
1) was under the impression that he had signed for burglary only.
2) stated that he was medicated from the drugs that the jail had been giving him.
3) was tired, sleepy, and exhausted from his entrapment.

Michael Blocker needed ETHICAL counsel.

The COURT: Do you understand that if you plead guilty to the offenses of burglary, rape and kidnapping that under the code section 17-10-7, I think is what you're pleading under, that burglary carries one to twenty years, the kidnapping carries one to twenty and the rape carries ten to twenty to life.  Do you understand?

HOW CAN ANYONE understand when the judge himself is injecting "I THINK you are pleading under code section 17-10-7" especially when the defendant is already been drugged and drowsy?

Why does the court explain the rape sentencing as "10 to 20 to life?" Why not just state from 10 to Life? Was the judge trying to downplay the State's true intentions to sentence Michael Blocker to Life without Parole?

Furthermore, Public Defender Hugh Hadden  KNOWINGLY allowed his "handicap" and "drugged" client Michael Blocker plea into a "ONE WAY TICKET" to prison.

Future clients should watch out for that Hugh Hadden Finesse . . . a NOLO CONTENDRE plea for LWOP is just Unethical.

The State was losing the Trial by Jury so they "Baited with Burglary"only on day three to obtain a signature from a drowsy defendant for a guilty plea only to add the additional charges to the paperwork.

Michael Blocker could have signed a Guilty plea a year prior, but he waited a year for his trial by jury only to have the State drug him and STEAL his CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS from him.


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