Thursday, April 27, 2017

Meeting Street Homes at Rosedale Board Goes Bonkers

Jamie Darche Warren
Katherine (Kathy) Lenze
Harold Hudson
Jill Vanzandt

"Board Decision: 
After discussion and meeting, the Board of Directors has voted to keep all the fines and move forward with the lien.  Your payment plan offer was submitted to the Board separately- as soon as I (attorney/collections office) receive the feedback on this matter I will advise you accordingly."

Dear Jamie, Kathy, Harold, and Jill:


Furthermore, I served on the Board of Directors for ten years, and I have never seen ANY BULLSHIT LIKE THIS!!!  Who the hell you think you ALL are that you "ALL" were going to approve my "payment plan?"  Clearly, you must think that I am Bozo the Clown!

Our subdivision consists of 33 units (under 50 units):  YOU ALL can't hide!  Really?  Continue dodging me. When the next special meeting comes up,  please make sure that  I am on the AGENDA.

 Dear Amy Kinney Walsh of Key Community Management:  I definitely need the minutes for the above referenced Board of Directors meeting as soon as you can.  The Charlotte NAACP is waiting on this documentation.  On a separate note, I appreciate you acknowledging receipt of my prior request.

To my fellow Association members:  You are welcomed to continue to do Nothing like you have for the last decade.  It was suggested that if I do not like the way that I am being treated that I can relocate. My response is that Blacks in the South have always have had to deal with racist White people.  It's 2017 - nothing has changed . . . .  and in the words of Jennifer Holliday: 
I'm stayin', I'm stayin'
And you, and you, and you
You're gonna love me .  . .

Jamie, Kathy, Harold, Jill:  Read between the lines. (above)

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