Monday, October 17, 2016

Georgia Racketeering Reaches North Carolina

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To the Georgia clowns that orchestrated the heist on my business banking account, I was anticipating some backlash, but you all became overachievers!  Too bad you failed to use your law degrees to actually practice "good" and "ethical" law.

Actually, your racketeering skills are getting so good that Coastal Federal Credit Union and BB&T Bank are probably just figuring out that they got played.

  • Why would BB&T jeopardize a 15 year old business account relationship to collect $2000.00 for a "credit card debt" from another "bank?"
  • What ethical judge would even sign off on the "writ of execution" on a business account? 
  • Why would Coastal Federal Credit Union open up a window of scrutiny surrounding legalized loan sharking while barely collecting 5% of the total levy?

It would have been smarter for Coastal Federal Credit Union to hit four $500.00 personal accounts than to hit one $2000.00 business account.

In addition, why would anyone attempt to to halt business operations when they still need the business owner to pay them back?

The bank levy/writ of execution was always personal; never business.

The flags were waving to both Coastal Federal Credit Union and to Branch Banking and Trust Company before the levy money was seized.

Clearly, most bank levies are not solely from the sheriff's office like the one that was used to heist my account.  The FBI should start with the judge that signed off on the writ.  I am quite sure that all trails lead to Georgia.

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