Sunday, July 24, 2016

Hillary's America Movie: Things to Further Research

Hillary's America movie by Dinesh D'Souza did not hold my attention anywhere near his 2012 Obama America movie.  However, Mr. D'Souza really got my mind churning with the points that he did make in his movie.

Right to Bear Arms
The movie mentions that Blacks were not allowed to own guns in the past which prevented Black families from defending themselves from the Ku Klux Klan and other hate groups.

Fast forward to 2016, a Black male seen with a toy gun can be immediately assassinated by local police. Blacks with gun permits are afraid to even carry their guns.

Is history repeating itself?  Are Blacks subliminally being taught to remain unarmed in 2016 so that they can be slaughtered later?

Giving Blacks Hope
The movie mentions that as soon as Blacks were rising up and at a verge of political influence, those in power had to pass legislation that gave Blacks some sense of accomplishment on paper even if it was not upheld.

Fast forward to 2016, America has given us eight (8) beautiful years with a Black President, but our race relations have backtracked 100 years.  Has Obama's presidency been a bunch of "smoke and mirrors" to strategically put Blacks back into slavery?

The Democratic-Republican Party
The movie mentions that the Democratic-Republican party was one party around the early 1800's.  It eventually split into two parties: Democratic and Republican.

Fast forward to 2016, Hillary Clinton versus Donald Trump for U.S. Presidency is viewed by many people as two evils.  So when the Electoral College votes in November 2016, it would appear that if they vote for Clinton or for Trump, it all seems like the same party combined into one again.  

Unless US voters write in Bernie Sanders or vote Jill Stein in November 2016, the Democratic-Republican party has returned to a one party status in my opinion.

White Supremacy
The movie mentions how the Native American Indians were forced from their lands onto reservations.

The movie also mentions how 40 acres and a leftover military mule was set aside for Blacks, but a political successor overturned the measure and  the land returned to the original plantation owner. 

Whether or not, you are a Black celebrity, Black athlete, or a Black leader - in 2016-  Blacks see the White supremacy uprising bold and clear.  That is why Blacks will have to unite.  Gangs will have to make a truce. A new day is on the horizon.  What will 2017 bring?

1 comment:

  1. Reading this 2016 article in 2020, lynchings are up. All types of injustices. The two steps forward goes feel like ten steps back.
