Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Slavery in America: Amplified in 2016

Charlotte, NC Courthouse Cafe Food Special
as pictured on June 7, 2016

The "Handcuff Special" (i.e. Hot Dog deal) floored me while I was recently visiting the Charlotte, NC courthouse. 

Am I the only one offended by the name of the food special?

Criminal attorneys often advertise on mass transit buses in Charlotte, NC 
pictured on May 23, 2016.

Does it make sense?  Can transit riders even afford lawyer fees?  Or maybe transit riders are probably repeat customers?  Either way, the judicial system does not add up to me unless it is "slave trading."

Bails Bonds company, law offices, and mass transit stops 
conveniently near the jail entrance 
in Charlotte, NC as pictured on June 7, 2016.

The slavery system is well organized in 2016 in the United States of America.  

Can you see it now?

Burglary charges
Ridiculous!  If a burglar had thousands of dollars to pay an attorney, then why would the burglar steal anything in the first place?    It does not add up to anything but a slavery trap.

Drug charges
Youths are presented with earning $500 a day "working the streets" or earning $500 every two weeks working 60 hours in food service.  Well, neither one of those choices sound like a clear choice, but there is a long line for the interviews for the six figure salary positions so they choose one.  Which one would you choose?

Legal work opportunities that meet survival needs are hard to come by without a criminal record and with a college degree.  With a criminal record, repeat offenders are produced directly because of exclusion that happens everyday in America.  The slavery trap continues.

Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton  
Race for President in 2016

Donald Trump has been described to have tapped into a "reservoir of racism" in his Presidential run according to social media.

Hillary Clinton, wife of Bill Clinton, carries the burden of correcting of her husband's 1994 crime bill that increased the number of "life sentences" issued.  Life sentences equal slavery, and "husband and wife" are as one. So the Clintons lead an increase in "slavery" in America.

These are our choices for President of the United States of America in 2016.  

The reality is that America has already returned to slavery days.  Step out of your private cars, your private houses, your private garages and actual look at the real 

America 2016.
Slave America.


  1. Interesting viewpoint...but keep in mind only about 2% of the population are wealthy moguls...therefore the other 98% have to make ends meet. So I see the slavery idea on the middle class as a whole...we cover the non working and rent free folks...

    1. I agree. About 2% to 5% of the world have bottomless pockets. But slavery is centered around legalized inequality.
