Sunday, June 19, 2016

Augusta, Georgia: Small Town Connections Lead to President Obama

In 2009, President Barack Obama nominated and appointed Mr. Edward Tarver to United States Attorney, Southern District of Georgia.  President Obama inspires transparency, but I have not found anything transparent about Mr. Edward Tarver since I begun seeking his assistance in December 2015 with my #exonerateMichael campaign.

The sealing of Edward Tarver's contested divorce grabbed global attention in 2012. Article link:

I also found Edward Tarver and Judge J. Randal Hall have been working together at least since 2012. An article link:

In a previous article, Judge J. Randal Hall denied Michael C. Blocker a hearing due to successive attempts to be exonerated from a crime in which he was framed for.

A potential February 2016 Facebook link between Tanya Jeffords and Edward Tarver.

Attorney Tanya Jeffords, Attorney Alexia Davis, and District Attorney Ashley Wright have history together as shown in a previous article on this blog.  

Augusta, Georgia is a small town in the grand scheme of things.  It is not uncommon for the judges, attorneys, and prosecutors work tightly together.  Or is it?

The bottom line: 
  • Rape and kidnapping charges for case 2007rccr00181 should have never gotten past the grand jury.
  • A public defender should never allow a defendant to plead guilty while having knowledge that the defendant is under the influence of medication.
  • A judge should never coach a defendant having knowledge that the defendant is under the influence of medication.
  • A State prosecutor should not send her girlfriends over to an overmedicated defendant to manipulate the defendant to make her job easier.
If you have been following the #exonerateMichael campaign, then you know the four names attached to my bottom line summary.  

Hopefully, the Atlanta FBI can make indictments sooner than later. Michael C. Blocker has already given me a statement.  The family hopes that he will be released from false imprisonment soon.

1 comment:

  1. The Savannah Tribute and Augusta Chronicle links no longer direct to the related articles. I have noticed a lot of article links are being severed. Anyway, I connected the dots before the article links disappeared.
