Monday, April 18, 2016

Why didn't D.A. Daniel Craig lead the 2008 high profile rape trial?

District Attorney (now Judge) Daniel J. Craig was "front and center" trying to convince a grand jury that a 2007 burglary case was really a rape and kidnapping case.  Even the grand jury was not impressed enough to list rape nor kidnapping as the first count.  The first count of the true bill was burglary.

It is my understanding that District Attorney (now Judge) Daniel J. Craig mislead the grand jury to believe that there was a "Rape DNA Match" where there was none.

Interestingly enough, District Attorney (now Judge) Daniel J. Craig allowed Assistant District Attorney (now D.A.) Ashley Wright to take the lead on the frivolous rape trial in 2008.  Should we ask why?  This is where the plot thickens.

Was D. A. Daniel Craig trying to informally recuse himself?

1)Did he and the alleged rape victim's extended family reside within a block from each other and had too close of a personal relationship?

2) Did D.A. Daniel Craig have a personal vendetta against defendant Michael Christopher Blocker based on a middle school/juvenile incident surrounding other close friends of District Attorney Daniel Craig?

3) Are both scenarios possibly true?

Michael Christopher Blocker maintains that there has been a long standing conflict of interest which should have required District Attorney (now Judge) Daniel Craig to be recused from his burglary case and his rape trial.

In addition, 2007 Burglary turned rape case was so high-profiled that a change of venue should have been granted when Michael Christopher Blocker asked his public defender Hugh Hadden for this request.  Public defender Hugh Hadden failed to pursue a change of venue according to defendant Michael Christopher Blocker.

So why did District Attorney (now judge) Daniel J. Craig step back from the high profile rape trial allowing A.D.A. Ashley Wright to lead in 2008?  

If he needed to formally recuse himself, then a neighboring District Attorney from either Columbia or Burke Counties could have taken over thereby resulting in a change of venue to insure a fair trial for the defendant.  Of course, this did not happen.

I am hoping that the FBI can investigate this informal recusal or lack of formal recusal.


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