Sunday, April 3, 2016

Three Black Public Defenders Convince Black Defendant to Plead Guilty for Life!

Pictured:  Page 23 of Civil Action, File Number: 2010-CV-2368, Lowndes County, GA

I have confirmed that Michael Christopher Blocker, a Black defendant, was advised by three Black public defenders:
  • Hugh Hadden
  • Tanya Jefffords
  • Alexia Davis

In summary, the news media in the Augusta, Georgia region turned a non-violent burglary case into a high profile rape case based on an elderly, "prominent" White woman's testimony without any rape DNA Match.

Then the Black private attorney asks the Blocker family for $30,000 to $50,000 to continue handling the high-profile case.

Next, the courts hold the Black defendant in jail for a whole year treating him like he was a "guilty monster" even though he adamantly denied the raping and kidnapping the elderly White woman.

Then three Black public defenders convince an overmedicated Black defendant to sign a guilty plea for what he believes is a 20 year sentence for burglary which actually results in a life sentence for rape.

Fast forward to the present . . . the post conviction relief attorneys want an average of $10,000 just to start reviewing the case.

For now, Just Stay Tuned to 


  1. Upon sending Michael a copy of this article, he corrected me. Hugh Hadden is White. So a White public defender recruits two attractive Black female public defenders to help railroad Michael into a life sentence for a crime that he did not commit. What is more amazing is the amount of traffic viewing this article, and no one commented on my error in the race of Michael's primary public defender in charge! Just because this blog does not have a lot of subscribers, do not get it twisted. This is the worldwide web distribution. I apologize for my error. Because Michael is in prison, we have a huge delay in corresponding with each other. I try to provide factual information as much as possible.

  2. I was told recently that this grievance is not a Black and White issue, but a right versus wrong issue. I say the answer is "D. All of the above!"

  3. In 2023, Alexia Davis law firm says they can not assist with exoneration. #exonerateMichaelChristopherBlocker

  4. In 2023, Attorney Tanya Jeffords stated that she remembers the case, but she did not remember a life sentence. Upon speaking with Michael, he remembers Ms. Jeffords telling him twenty years for burglary with the understanding that he was being offered a plea deal. So I am thinking that Ms. Jeffords was not a part of the plot to trap Michael into capital punishment. She seemed genuinely surprised that Michael was serving LWOP sentencing.
