Sunday, April 24, 2016

Paperwork Continues to Support an Unlawful Guilty Plea in Augusta, GA

This letter dated Wednesday, January 30, 2008 says:
Mr. (Hugh) Hadden:
Would you please send me a copy of the plea I signed on the 16th of January as well as some information or what I need to do to try and get my time reduced if possible. 

Michael C. Blocker

An associate with Al Sharpton's National Action Network stated to me that after a plea is signed, then the defendant should get their carbon copy of the document immediately.  So for Michael C. Blocker to request a copy of the plea in this letter(above) written after arriving at the prison as well as mentioning in a separate court hearing that he did not remember seeing anything about a life sentence on any paperwork that he signed, continues to support my December 2015 theory that the State altered the guilty plea after Michael C. Blocker signed it.

Since burglary was the first count on the indictment, and burglary was consistently listed first throughout the guilty plea, it is a reasonable assumption to think that the guilty plea only showed twenty years for burglary when Michael C. Blocker signed it.  Then "NO CARBON COPY" was given to him because the "guilty plea" was probably altered after his signature to include a life sentence for rape in which he adamantly denied.  He had sat in jail for a whole year prior to the trial because he refused to plead guilty to rape.

Overmedication, ineffective assistance of counsel, and conspiracy contributed to the false imprisonment of Michael Christopher Blocker.  I started a "" petition that is focused on preventing anyone else from having to suffer excessive sentencing under "a man without mercy," and to release Michael C. Blocker as soon as possible.


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