Friday, March 4, 2016

Blessed are the Homeless For They are Free

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The first time that I saw a homeless man was in Grand Central Station in New York City, NY.  The gentleman was passed out on the stairway.  People were walking right by him getting on and off the trains.  In my mind,  I saw a man in need of help.  My first instinct was natural.  I was "concerned" for another human being.  I wondered if this man was dead or alive.  There were no mobile phones back then. I appeared to be the only one making such a fuss about a man being passed out.  Then a kind stranger said to me that the man was probably homeless and sleeping, and that it would be safer to leave him alone. I took this stranger's advice.  From that point on, I learned to ignore the homeless population.  It was the safe thing to do.

Now, twenty years later, I, like many of you, have also ignored the prison system because I felt only bad people were trapped in it.  It was the safe thing to do.

Now, it is the time of awakening. 
Ignoring mass incarceration is no longer the safe thing to do. 

People are being railroaded into mass incarceration for crimes that they did not commit on a regular basis regardless of educational background. The traps are constantly being reset.  Now, I have a cousin trapped in the system with a life sentence for crime(s) that he did not commit.  I am being told that it happens all the time.  How can modern day slavery be commonplace in 2016?  How can people turn a deaf ear to allow this injustice to continue?  Surely, people must see that this "organized criminal injustice system" becomes stronger every single time someone gets railroaded without any contest.  The court systems are out of control in towns such as Augusta, Georgia, USA with erroneous arrest dates on file, missing trial transcripts, and other corrupt malpractices.

Mass incarceration makes homelessness look like a "walk in the park" for at least, the homeless are


Michael C. Blocker.
It is the right thing to do.

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