Friday, January 29, 2016

Augusta, GA Rape Case: Plenty of Reasonable Doubt

Michael C. Blocker was arrested on Rape and Burglary charges according to this January 24, 2007 document.

The grand jury's true bill switched the order of the charges to Burglary (first) then Rape (second) and added Kidnapping (third).  Since this case was highly publicized as a rape case, then there must have been reasonable doubt surrounding the validity of the rape charge because the rape and kidnapping charges became secondary charges.

Furthermore, the arrest date in the Richmond County, GA case management database shows 1/15/2007 for the burglary charge; however, the rape and the kidnapping charges show an arrest date of 1/15/2008 which is a year after the burglary arrest, and the date falls during his actual trial date 1/14-16/2008.  Why are the arrest dates for the rape and kidnapping charges different from the burglary arrest date? 

I am hoping that Michael C. Blocker is released from all charges soon.  He deserves another chance as a freed man.  #exonerateMichael from false imprisonment.

1 comment:

  1. The defendant's attorney signatures do not match between the unindicted document and the true bill document. My assumption is that the defendant had no legal representation at the time of indictment.
