Friday, December 25, 2015

Book Review: The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander

"The New Jim Crow" book heavily surrounds the "War on Drugs."  Our Black men, our good Black men are stuck in mass incarceration. New caste systems are being formed.  The book's Introduction gives a great summary of each chapter.  

After seeing the one hour special where President Barack Obama visits the prisoners inside a prison earlier in 2015, I really started to understand the failure with the "War on Drugs."  Even President Clinton admitted to a failure in the "War on Drugs."  So I started skipping over some chapters because I really wanted more ammunition to assist me with my cousin's prison case.  Then on page 186, I found something.

"Once arrested, defendants are generally denied meaningful legal representation and pressured to plead guilty whether they are or not.  Prosecutors are free to "load up" defendants with extra charges, and their decisions cannot be challenged for racial bias."

So my cousin was denied meaningful legal representation - neither the private attorney nor the public defender questioned the reported DNA match judging by from what I have been told and the notes that I have read.

And despite no evidence of rape, my cousin was pressured to plead guilty for burglary, rape, and kidnapping charges - he repeatedly refused to plead guilty for rape and kidnapping.  Over and Over and Over again - NO Rape.  He would not plead guilty to rape.  My cousin would NOT give in so how did they still railroad him with rape charges?  It appears they did it "by any means necessary."  I call it "bait and switch." I also classify the State's actions surrounding my cousin as "beyond the normal range of corruption."

And yes, my cousin was loaded with extra charges - from burglary to burglary and rape to Burglary, rape, and kidnapping.

In my opinion, it is a sad situation to threaten defendants with the addition of "ghost dope" to an existing drug charge in order to get a guilty plea, but when the State is adding totally different fraudulent charges unrelated to the repeat offender's past record, that initiative is just reckless and an outright disgrace to the already questionable justice system.  

I do not condone any criminal activity whether it is associated with the defendant or the State representative(s).

#exonerateMichael from rape charges by removing the life sentence and giving him credit for the jail time served leading up to the trial and sentencing. 

Thank you in advance to those in positions to reverse this involuntary guilty plea that was obtained unlawfully in Augusta, Georgia.

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