Thursday, November 26, 2015

2007 Augusta, GA Rape: The Wrong Man Sentenced!

According to  reporter Lynnsey Gardner of WRDW-TV January 15, 2007 article, the suspect's father, the late Henry Blocker is quoted: 

"They've got the wrong man!  It's just not like Michael to do something like that to a 74-year-old woman.  When they do the DNA test, they should find Michael did not do it."

Then on February 15, 2007 as confirmed by Investigative Journalist Estelle Parsley of WRDW-TV who says they stand by their story that the Augusta, GA police records show a DNA match between Michael Blocker and the alleged rape victim.   The "two sentence" article is pictured above.  

To piggyback on the WRDW-TV story, I personally obtained the DNA report from the Georgia Bureau of Investigations this week to discover additional details:

The DNA report reveals two facts:
  1. "Internal" vaginal/cervical swab was tested from the alleged victim  AND "NO DNA MATCH to Michael Blocker" was reported.
  2. "External" vaginal swab was tested from the alleged victim and there was a DNA Match found attached to Michael Blocker.
Conclusion:   Michael Blocker WAS present at the crime scene as a burglar NOT A RAPIST. Michael's father was right!  Michael Blocker is a repeat offender of burglary and other NON-VIOLENT crimes, but never classified as a violent man in his past.  Michael Blocker is NOT a rapist.

So why is Michael Blocker now serving a LIFE Sentence for rape along with burglary and kidnapping sentences?

The Augusta, GA Court System says:  Michael Blocker plead guilty to burglary, kidnapping, and rape charges after some hours of testimony at a trial.

Inmate Michael Blocker says: He waited almost a whole year in jail for a trial. He refused the plea deals offered.  He was given medications prior to his courtroom hearings making his mind unclear.  He trusted his public defender's oversight because the public defender was recommended by his family's attorney who withdrew from the case.  Michael Blocker thought that he was signing a plea deal for twenty years for burglary only.  When the judge announced 20 years plus 20 years plus a life sentence, he knew that got railroaded by the Augusta, GA court system.  He was tricked into signing guilty pleas for all three charges while under duress on January 16, 2008.  He has been fighting for exoneration of the rape and kidnapping charges ever since.

Consistently, Michael Blocker has requested transcripts, case records, written letters, etc. year after year since 2008.

The alleged rape victim died at age 80 (eighty) in 2013.  It is a shame that the victim's rapist may still be at large if a rape indeed occurred. 

Also, February 20, 2007, one month after the Walton Way rape story, a 63 year old Phinizy Road woman claimed that she was also raped, but the deputies said there was no evidence to support that.  

Since Michael Blocker was in police custody by February 2007 at the time of the second reported rape of an elderly woman, maybe the "real rapist" struck again?  Or maybe both women fabricated their stories?  Does any of this case make any sense? This was a simple burglary case that turned into something huge!  Why?  Consider this: 

How many people received career promotions over Michael Blocker's "high profile" case?

Something to think about . . .   #exonerateMichael

Michael Blocker is NOT a rapist.  I am currently seeking attorneys to exonerate Michael of rape and kidnapping charges.

I encourage the FBI to investigate how people are being railroaded in Augusta, Georgia for crimes they did not commit.


  1. This article was updated on 12/3/2015 to more accurately reflect that WRDW-TV is trying to report the facts even though the truth of the Walton Way rape case is unknown. The Georgia Bureau of Investigations has not released any information on the internal vaginal swab. Assuming that the Georgia Bureau of Investigations are very competent in their reporting, if there was an internal vaginal DNA Match to the suspect, then the findings would have been attached along with the external vaginal findings. My fight is not with WRDW-TV nor the GBI. I am just looking for the truth, and so far, I just have two sides of the story. The truth is still unknown.

  2. Estelle Parsley was my WRDW contact in 2015 requiring above mentioned clarifications.
