Sunday, September 6, 2015

North Carolina Employment Law Basics Excerpt

Excerpt from


by:  Kevin V. Parsons
For most businesses, the greatest threat of liability arises from the employment relationship. It is a common misconception, held by many employers in North Carolina, that because their employees are employed “at will”, management can act as they see fit to manage or terminate that relationship. Although it is true that employees are presumed to be employed “at will” in the absence of a written employment agreement for a specified duration, the legal regulations that apply to employment are complex, often confusing, and significantly curtail an employer’s freedoms to manage employees. Consequently, a simplified, practical understanding of the basic principles of employment law is essential for employers to avoid the potential liabilities presented by mismanaging employment relationships. The following is an effort to provide employers with general principles applicable to their legal relationships with their employees but is not designed to provide the fully informed legal counsel necessary for employers to make sound decisions about specific legal issues. Employers should consult with a qualified employment attorney for questions about specific legal issues.
Kevin V. Parsons  has worked extensively in the past with Carolinas Healthcare System. My interpretation of his statement is that employers such as Carolinas Healthcare System see their employees more as a "number" rather than "real people with their own financial obligations."  Any employers that mistreat and disrespect their employees using the "at will" employment law in North Carolina as a justifiable excuse for misconduct should not be allowed to profit from its employees' benefit coverages.  If "Healthcare" is even part of an employer's name, then they actually should learn to care about their own employees' well-being first.

My opinion expressed here is not meant to be any type of legal opinion nor legal advice. Any employment law questions can be directed to ParsonsSumma Law firm.

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