Tuesday, April 14, 2015

White Board President Attempts to Violate Black member's Rights Yet Again

Jamie Darche Warren, in response to my last article on this blog, emailed the management company to ignore my request for more information on this Black woman who interrupted my salon services on March 26, 2015 over some anonymous note that was left on her car that she was accusing me of leaving.

As "Board President" why does Jamie Darche Warren continue to interfere with disagreements between other members and their renters?

This is not the first time she has attempted to violate my rights as a member of this community, and apparently, at the rate she is going, it will not be the last.  She attempted to violate my rights last October 2014.  She gives "renters" the idea that she controls the other members because she is considered the "Board President."

The sad part is that the renters put their trust in Jamie Darche Warren versus contacting their landlord and having their landlord deal with me.  I do not take kindly to being harassed and disrespected by renters nor other members.  If anyone steps across the line with me, I speak up.  I have that right.

So Jamie Darche Warren,  you need to mind your own business and find a way to stay out of mine.

RENTERS talk to your landlords first or the management company.  Jamie Darche Warren is NOT my mama nor does she have any authority over me.

To the ROSEDALE Meeting Street Homes community, we deserve better leadership.  I have only seen Board meeting minutes from 2014, and it took about a month to get those.

It would be nice if our Board members would actually start respecting our Bylaws and have regular meetings with regular Board minutes.  Now, leading meetings should be a part of Jamie Darche Warren's job as Board President versus continuing to keep drama going on and on and on.

I am trying to mind my own business.  Jamie Darche Warren, can you stay within your scope of duties?

Since the Board has continued to reject my request for a community meeting, blog articles like this serves as community announcements.  Hopefully, our state legislators are working on making HOA's more regulated in the state of North Carolina.

Legislation is past due to assist NC neighborhoods.

1 comment:

  1. Key Community Management states "Benita, as you know, the HOA or its Board cannot and will not get in the middle of a dispute between you and another neighbor within the community, whether it be a homeowner or a tenant. We hope this issue can be resolved amicably, which would be in the best interests of our community. No further discussion should be directed to the HOA or the Board regarding this matter."
    Thank you, Jamie Conder
