Monday, February 23, 2015

Losing Inches with Meal Replacement

So I'm a few belt notches down . . . two inches smaller.  I will say that the HerbaLife nutrition bar that recently opened near my salon really has helped.  Of course, I am not following the HerbaLife regimen as recommended, but the meal replacement shakes do work to lower my caloric intake on the days that I take them. Their "fit camp" workouts are also a great exercise opportunity when I can work it into my schedule.  No contract required.

Other weight loss philosophies that I have embraced include:

  • Choose to eat healthy 75% of the time.
  • Choose water over fountain drinks, soda or tea.
  • Choose meal replacement shakes with 24 grams of protein or more.
  • Skip desserts.
  • Choose trail mix blends for snacks.
  • Choose oven baked wings instead of deep fried wings.  (i.e. Domino's wings over Pizza Hut's Wing Zone wings)
  • Choose "half and half" of grilled and fried foods in the interim until you can totally cut out the fried foods.
  • Add probiotics (beets, pickles, etc.) to your balanced diet.
  • Find stress release activities to do besides "eating comfort food."
  • Add granola or granola cereal to your oatmeal to increase the fiber.
  • Choose seafood, chicken, or turkey instead of beef or pork.
  • Use a stability ball or the edge of the bed to perform elevated sit-ups, etc.
  • Walk alot; run a little until you can balance the two.


  1. Your experience sounds really useful to others that are trying to lose weight. I'm trying to do the opposite though, put on a little healthy weight lol. -

    1. My HerbaLife coach Ana says that she has helped women gain healthy weight with HerbaLife as well. 4 Ever Nutrition- Huntersville, NC. By the way, cute blog cultured misprint.
