Tuesday, December 30, 2014

White Board Member Again Challenges Black Member

SECOND Sighting on December 30, 2014 of Jane Ryan seated in her parked car in front of my hair salon.

Actions speak louder than words.  As you can see Rosedale Meeting Street Homes Association Board member Jane Ryan is pictured in her car parked in front of my hair salon yet AGAIN after I kindly asked her and the other Board of Directors not to park directly in front of my salon even if it is the last parking space on the block.

So within two days of my posting an article and video asking the All White Board of Directors to discontinue any type of loitering or parking in front of my hair salon,  Board member Jane Ryan disrespects my wishes and parks in front of my salon again.

The members of the Association should know that a lawsuit can possibly bankrupt our Association, and then every member can possibly be assessed a special assessment to build our reserves back up.  This statement does not serve as legal advice, but I do encourage others to seek counsel on any questions that they may have.

I personally think that it would be smart for the members to speak up about this reckless behavior of its current Board of Directors. Jamie Darche Warren and Jane Ryan both need to be removed as soon as possible.  I have compounding documentation relating to these two Board members.  The remaining three Board members have been silent to me.

Some members of the Association do not want to be involved in any foolishness.  I respect that.  When and if this situation escalates to the point that it starts to affect each member of the Association, please remember these communications.  The management company is a third party vendor who pays our bills.  Whether we are happy or sad, they still get paid.

Anyone know of any television producers?  I would love to be getting paid for all of this drama.

December 23, 2014 Sighting of Jane Ryan's car parked in front of my hair salon. (different day from the picture at the top of this article)


  1. Board member Jane Ryan did email me a response to this posting and asked me to post her response here. Her letter states:

    "Bonita, (misspelled my name)
    My parking on the street in front of your building is not a board issue. However, your intrusion into my personal life could probably be construed as harassment.

    I have never intentionally parked my vehicle in front of your salon with the purpose of conveying disrespect or disrupting your clients' access to your salon.

    Regardless, I can park on public thoroughfares and walk on public sidewalks whenever and wherever I choose, and do not need your permission to do so.

    Also, this has never been a racial issue, so please stop creating one where one has never existed. You have always been the first and only person to make any disagreement between yourself and any other board members racial in nature. If there has ever been any racial bigotry exhibited by any board members of this community, it has been by you.

    You're just a mean and negative person and I don't want anything to do with you, and if I choose to park on Rosedale Hill Avenue to obtain services from a vendor on that block, then that is what I shall do.

    In closing Bonita, (name misspelling again) I hope that you will post this on your blog so people can see two sides of a story.

    Jane Ryan

    1. Jane, Thanks for your response, and thanks for trying to be somewhat politically correct. On a separate note, your side of the story is even more pathetic than I even imagined. It is definitely time to fix this situation at the state or national level. Thanks again for confirming my suspicions. Happy New Year.
